It's not like Bai Ge's bathroom was packed to the rafters that time.

Sure enough, it's better to go to that place at this time, it's my only safe zone.

He made his goals clear.

11111111111111 So you come to me

Well, it turns out that this was a very correct choice, and now I feel at ease.

Bai Ge lay on the sofa contentedly, holding a strawberry cake in his hand and happily tasting it. On the side, Kirisu Mafuyu's eyes twitched. This guy treated her office as his own room. It was the safest for Bai Ge. The place is, of course, Kirisu Mafuyu's office. When you come in, it's like entering your own home. You turn on the air conditioner, take out the food, pour a cup of black tea, and then lean on the sofa with a happy face.

What a person you are

Teacher Mafuyu, don't forget that you have no right to refuse me. Our previous agreement is still there.

Hmm! I understand, you can stay as long as you like.

Because of the cost of returning as a tutor to the five Nakano sisters, Kirisu Mafuyu and Hakuge signed various agreements, which were basically equivalent to a deed of betrayal. One of them was that Hakuge had the right to use this office.

So far, she has no regrets about taking the medicine. She can only accept her fate.

By the way, Teacher Mafuyu, do you know the rumors about the bonfire dance?

Boring, that kind of stuff is just baseless rumors.

Bai Ge nodded, that was indeed the case, and he thought so too. Although he also liked romantic things, those kind of...baseless rumors were really meaningless.

However, it would be better to think carefully about what Teacher Mafuyu said and find someone to dance at the bonfire dance, otherwise it will be really bad if you exceed thirty in a few years.

Bai Ge teased evilly, only he knew what was happening in front of him.

9 This iceberg beauty teacher who is famous throughout the school is actually an innocent girl who has never had any love experience.

Kirisu Mafuyu suddenly blushed.

No, you don't have to worry! It's fine for me to be alone!

“The room is now well tidied up”


The woman suddenly showed an expression of humiliation. It was a bit embarrassing to be seen through to this extent. Indeed, she couldn't even do ordinary housework now.

Bai Ge covered his stomach and laughed.

Hahahaha, I knew it. Otherwise, I could just dance together with Mr. Kirisu. It would be quite interesting.

You, you, what are you talking about! This kind of thing

The fifth update is achieved,

Chapter 456: The Legend of the Bonfire Dance

Because of the upcoming trip to the forest school, everyone is in a special state now. In order to find someone with whom they can dance at the bonfire dance on the last day, many people have begun to express their feelings.

Although the success rate is low, after all, if you don't have a good relationship with men and women on weekdays, the other party will not nod and agree when you confess at this time. It is better to say that the girl will get a lower score because she is too impatient.

Bai Ge looked at the girls around who were looking for him and seemed to have dispersed, so he left Kirisu Mafuyu's office.

Well, that's it. If Mr. Mafuyu wants it, I will consider dancing with you at the bonfire dance.

I-I don't need it!

There is no need for you to blush like a bubble teapot! Bai Ge left with a faint smile and waved his hand.

Watching someone leave, Kirisu Mafuyu breathed a sigh of relief, and then he lay on the table with a hesitant look on his face, dancing at the bonfire dance and we could be together forever in the future.

After all, she is a woman, and she is an innocent woman who has never even been in love once in her twenties. Faced with such romantic rumors, she can't help but long for and imagine her.

I was really thinking about something strange. Really, it's all that guy's fault!

Although Bai Ge said that, he thought it was unlikely. After all, he also knew that the woman was unexpectedly very clumsy.

Dancing with students at a bonfire dance is something Mafuyu Kirisu probably can't do.

Forget it, let's go shopping for a while and then I'll go back. Well, that... person is

Suddenly, Bai Ge saw a familiar figure not far away, but looking at him, Bai Ge felt a little strange.

Ichika, what are you doing here?

Bai, Bai Ge.

Well, it feels a bit strange. Are you really Ichika?

She is obviously the only one with short pink hair among the five sisters, but Bai Ge is a little unsure that she is Ichika. There is always a subtle sense of difference. To be precise, Why are you wearing Sanjiu's headphones?

Because I am Sanjiu

Saying One Flower

Taking off her hair, it turned out that it was just a pink wig. Sanjiu changed her hair style to its original appearance and completely transformed back into the girl Bai Ge knew.

Bai Ge blinked in surprise, now he felt like he was watching a magic trick.

The quintuplets are really interesting. Why do you want to dress up like Ichika?

Well, that's because Ichika has some photography work to do and has left, so she asked me to attend a meeting about the forest school on her behalf.

It's really convenient to look exactly the same.

Bai Ge clapped and exclaimed, this kind of operation can be used among the five sisters, but Sanjiu imitated it really well.

If it is limited to playing other sisters, Ichika of the cast must be professional.

Speaking of which, do you have any plans for the bonfire dance?

Bai Ge asked casually.

Well, I don't have any special plans.

Hey, I think that kind of thing is just based on rumors. Although dancing under the campfire, this thing

The thing itself is quite good.”

Really? I don't understand why everyone wants to date the person they like.

You just asked a very philosophical question.

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