However, when he yawned deeply and felt extremely sleepy and was about to go back to sleep quickly, Bai Ge suddenly found a long-haired pink cat at his door, looking nervously at his room.

It seemed like I was going to pay three visits to the thatched cottage tonight. Bai Ge approached quietly from behind, and then spoke into May's ear.

Want to go to the bathroom?


The reaction is too exaggerated.

Wuyue was so frightened that she almost shed tears. She sat on the ground and leaned against the wall, shivering, but she still nodded and said that she would like to go to the bathroom with me.

Speaking of which, after being scared away at the courage test competition in May today, it took a long time for Yotsuba to find him. Bai Ge heard that the child was so frightened that his eyes lost their highlights.

In the bathroom, Mayday's questioning voices have been ringing from the beginning. However, although Bai Ge responded at the beginning, after a few times.

Bai Ge, are you there?

No boy's voice came from outside the bathroom, and Wuyue trembled all over.

1 If you are here, please respond to me.

Bai Ge is not wanted by ghosts!

In her mind, someone outside the door had been taken away by the ghost staying in the hotel, and the ghost was lingering outside the door ready to attack her.

However, it was actually just Bai Ge who took a nap while standing.

Sorry, sorry, I was too sleepy just now and fell asleep accidentally.

Bai, Bai Ge is an idiot!

After finally waiting for May to get it done, just when Bai Ge was about to send her back quickly, the girl grabbed him by the corner of his clothes.

What's wrong

Can you let me stay in your room? Everyone in my room is asleep. I am the only one who is still awake. I'm a little scared.

May begged with a blushing face.

She was probably the most frightened person at today's courage test. Bai Ge said that he could totally imagine this girl hiding in bed, shivering with her cup covered.

And although he is very sleepy now, the beautiful girl wants to spend the night at his place, and as a boy, he can't refuse.

Okay, but I only have one quilt.

Guh! I, I know.

Chapter 472, and the night in May

The light of the dark night shone in through the window, bright and pure white, and the girl slowly opened her eyes. Although it was much better than before, she was still somewhat frightened by the courage test.

It's still hard to fall asleep now, but on the contrary, the boy next to her is sleeping very maturely.

Hey, why did it become like this again?

It was only now that May realized that she was sleeping with a boy, but as long as she looked at someone's sleeping face, which was as healing as ever, she felt much more relaxed.

It smells so good. It's obviously a boy. Why do you look so good?

Unable to help but raise her hand to touch Bai Ge's cheek, Wuyue brought herself a little closer to Bai Ge. After all, it was still hard to see his face clearly in the darkness with only the moonlight.

It shouldn't matter if you touch it a little bit.

Haha, it really doesn't matter. Then can you also let me touch it?


It was still there just now: Bai Ge, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were extremely bright with a faint red light. Wu Yuyue wanted his hand in embarrassment, but Bai Ge had already moved closer, shortening the distance between the two of them. It's infinitely close.

You, what do you want to do?

Hmph, the guy who pranked others while they were sleeping has no right to ask such questions. Just accept the punishment honestly.

It's too close.

Each other's breathing was clearly audible, and even the stiffness of their heartbeats seemed to have been exposed to each other. Bai Ge also raised his arms to wrap his arms around Wuyue's slender waist and pulled her into his arms like a mischief.

Humph, May, let me ask you a question.

What, what

do you like me

It’s a straight-forward question without any modification. If you nod, it’s equivalent to a confession. If you shake your head, it means you don’t like it.

May's heartbeat accelerated rapidly, and she felt like she was facing the most difficult problem in her history.

This, I like this. I'm sorry. Sure enough, I don't know yet.

It was impossible to find the answer in such a short time. Bai Ge nodded and expressed his understanding. What made him relieved was that it seemed that May would not send her an invitation to the bonfire dance. alright.

Oh, sorry for asking a strange question.

No, it's okay, but why do you ask that?

Bai Ge sighed, bumped Wu Yue's head, and said with a headache.

Actually, your other sisters have all sent out invitations to the bonfire dance, but they haven't figured out what to do now.

Hey! Ichika and the others all said that 22 is not annoying.

Is this yours

May was extremely surprised.

How many girls can I attract with my charm?

He was very proud when he said this.

But this was indeed a very, very difficult question. It was so difficult that even a top student like Bai Ge would hesitate. Wuyue swallowed her saliva. She didn't expect it to be like this.

Before he knew it, all his sisters had been captured by this man. Was it really like he said in the past that even love was divided into five equal parts?

Thinking of this, May May was a little startled. If this is the case, does he also like this person in a corner of his heart? Help me think of a solution together. What do you think should be done in May?

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