A burly man! The big man opened his eyes, and those sharp eyes that were as bright as burning contained a huge will to conquer the world! They could make timid people feel scared the moment they looked at each other.

He has short red hair, red pupils, a huge red windbreaker, and is a super big man about two meters tall. He gives people a heroic feeling. He has large muscles all over his body. He is definitely the strongest among the people Bai Ge knows. one type.

The only person in my memory who can compare with this heroic spirit is the self-destruction soldier Spartacus encountered in the Fourth Holy Grail War. Thinking about it, I'm a little scared.

After all, that guy almost blew up the entire Einzbern Castle. Well, are you mine?

Wow, I had imagined it, but it turns out that he is really strong and has a lot of muscles. Oh, and I am yours.

Bai Ge took a step back and slowly looked at the heroic spirit in front of him with interest. His position was still correct, and he could tell at a glance that he was the kind of person who was very good at fighting.

At the same time, when Bai Ge was sizing up Iskandar, this... conquering king was also sizing up Bai Ge.

Although I don't understand it a bit, it seems interesting. But then again, what's the reaction of the many scary heroic spirits around here? Are you afraid of being invaded by someone?

Iskandar looked around and felt a dozen heroic spirits around him when he was summoned. He also panicked a little.

Don't worry, don't worry, we don't have any Holy Grail War.

Bai Ge said.

Well, then why did you summon me?

Iskandar was stunned.

Well, it's because someone wants to see you, Iskandar's subordinate who exists in this era.

As he spoke, Bai Ge stepped back, revealing

The trembling figure of El-Melloi II appeared, and tears had just begun to escape from the corners of his eyes. Weber looked at the figure of the king who appeared in front of him again after ten years.

Slowly he knelt down on one knee, put his right hand on his chest, and made a bow.

Be sure to look at the picture Finally, finally see you again

Is this guy Webber?

You, you still remember me!

His heartbeat seemed to skip a beat. Weber looked at Bai Ge in surprise, and then he saw the corners of the snow-white young man's mouth lifted up into a smile. This was indeed his masterpiece.

The re-summoned heroic spirit has no memory of the last time. Even if it does, it is just an ambiguous residual fragment, almost the same thing.

No one can deal with this, at least no one has found a way for the servant to fully obtain the memory of the last time he was summoned, but Brother Bai said: My inherent skill is to create miracles, but it just makes it impossible to remember... Looking back on the past, a miracle of this magnitude is easy.

The ability to cause miracles is Bai Ge's inherent skill. No one knows what this skill will cause, but something will definitely be changed. It is the ability that can reverse despair.

Although he didn't know how to restore the memory, Bai Ge used this ability to amplify the loopholes and infinitely amplify the remaining memories. All the events from the last Third Holy Grail War were retained.

That's why Iskandar, the conquering king, now knows Weber.

El-Melloi II was stunned after hearing this, and he murmured.

Prince Root, Bai Ge von Einzbern, you are still annoying. You have talents that I will never be able to touch, and you can easily do things that I can't do even with all my efforts.

Weber turned to Bai Ge and bowed deeply under the surprised expression of the Conquering King behind him.

But thank you for fulfilling my wish and allowing me to see my king again.

Weber said.

Um..., you're welcome. Compared to this, it looks like there's going to be a banquet tonight! We have to get ready quickly.

Bai Ge said.

On the other side, a lot of acquaintances also started to reminisce and chat. The King of Knights, the King of Heroes, and the King of Conquerors all belong to the same camp. The fact of becoming someone's heroic spirit can be considered a miracle in itself.

Iskandar: Hmm! Isn't this golden?

Gilgamesh: Long time no see, Iskandar, it seems we belong to the same camp this time.

Irisviel: Hey, my little song won't grow up to be such a strong man in the future, wow, wow, I can't imagine it.

Artoria: Please rest assured that Irisviel has the power of elves and Avalon in her body. She should have stopped growing a long time ago.

Irisviel: That's really great! Xiaoge is indeed cuter as she is now.

Chapter 670: The Tragedy of Emiya and Cu Chulainn

Gilgamesh actually gave you her King's Treasure House! How much does the King of Heroes dote on you!

Well, is it that exaggerated?

Of course, during the third battle, I proposed to use her King's Treasure to arm my King's Army:, but she was instantly rejected, and a lot of Noble Phantasms were shot at me!

Iskandar said.

Hey, something like this happened.

Bai Ge said.

Einzbern Castle also held a banquet today to welcome the Conqueror King Iskandar to join Bai Ge's camp. Wine, music, food, and the conversation between the heroes seemed to last until late today.

At this moment, the heroic spirit of the conquering king was hugging Bai Ge's shoulders affectionately. The two people sitting together really formed a sharp contrast.

Gilgamesh: Even if you put a red cockscomb next to the beautiful snow-falling flowers, there must be a limit.

Irisviel: That's right! King of Conquerors, please change my cute little song back. Just go and hug the Clock Tower Lord over there!

Iskandar: Compared to Weber, my new one seems to be more interesting. How about going to conquer the world with me?

Bai Ge rolled his eyes at this and raised his hand to drink the divine wine in one gulp. It seemed as though he wanted to get himself drunk, and to be honest, in this day and age, there are still people talking about conquering the world.

Bai Ge: We are simply and want to be just partners

It’s a level of shame, isn’t it? Emiya, I want to eat cake, please make it for me.”

Emiya: I don't know why I have the urge to hang myself.

Cu Chulainn: Hey, our righteous friends over there, I'll help you with the dishes too.

As always, the relationship between the spearmen and the archers is very bad. I feel that if we continue like this, there may be a few battles with Noble Phantasms along the way.

But if that really happens, Bai Ge will just use the Command Seals to stop it. On the contrary, he has so many Command Seals that he can waste them at will.

Any Master would probably be scared to shit if he saw the number of Command Seals on Bai Ge.

Three more Command Seals have just been added, and now there are seventy paintings in total.

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