The nuclear bomb, the strongest weapon on earth, the king of all weapons, the most accomplished weapon of destruction of modern civilization, the earth knows that no matter can survive in the center.

The burst of light erased all the material in the desert like an eraser, and the strong temperature distorted the space a little. Matter is even less likely to exist in it.

The powerful shock wave carried endless storms mixed with sweeping destructive power, rolling violently in all directions at a terrifying speed, and the aftermath of the fluctuations of the qi wave seemed endless, wanting to cover the entire Sahara Desert.

The plasma radiation generated by nuclear fusion nearly 10 million degrees impact and spread at the speed of near light, and everything exists within a distance of ten meters from the core of the explosion point, and the air, fine dust, and sand and dust are directly vaporized and evaporated, leaving no trace and completely disappearing.

At this time, hundreds of terrifying nuclear bombs descended here, and tens of millions of degrees of high-temperature radiation spread rapidly.

In a tenth of a second, Vegeta's super reaction could clearly feel that the battle suit that could absorb millions of tons of TNT energy cracked and disintegrated, and the raging heat, strong light, plasma shock, and gamma rays were all coming towards him.

At this moment, he only felt that there was a dazzling light in front of him, the scorching heat of the sea, and what he heard in his ears was the explosion roar of the stars crashing, as if every part of his body was burning, he was sure that if he did not make defenses, his body would be vaporized in a second.

All of this shows the power of the planet's ultimate weapon, and anyone will show despair and fear in front of it.

But Vegeta laughed.

At this time, Vegeta's body was dazzling, with a brilliant and vast blazing aura, and every pore in his body had an aura containing endless destruction, tearing the incoming radiation.

The hands contained a sun that burned everything, and the destructive energy of the word was bred in it, and the endless high-grade energy air flow condensed the color of the golden sun extinction spot, and instantly exploded into the exploding nuclear bomb storm.

"Qi Wave: Dragon Flash Around the Body"

Unlike previous air waves, this time the air wave is based on his surrounding body to expand the circle around.


In the loud noise that shook heaven and hell, as the pillar of golden light blasted into the storm of thunder nuclear bomb capabilities from the explosion, it was like a hurricane colliding.

In the boiling nuclear explosion, light suddenly burst out, and the stirring dragon flash spread outward in a circle like an indestructible tsunami like a ripple of water. Layers of nuclear explosion clouds swirled with a torrent of brilliance, and then collided and dissolved in large areas of strong light.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the center of the rolling nuclear explosion cloud, which covered a range of hundreds of kilometers, emptied out as if it had been squeezed out of space.

A cyclone like a cosmic storm turned into a 100-meter golden air column that shot out from all around, emptying and breaking waves, and the sky seemed to be ignited and exploded madly!

One after another, the cloud of nuclear explosion gas was shattered and disintegrated by the giant pillar, and at the same time, a huge, turbulent, and terrifying gas explosion burst out of it, spreading around and colliding with the shock wave of the nuclear bomb.

The terrifying power of the two sides compressed the air to form a longitudinal wave that made the earth tremble, and the compressed air flow on both sides was like a heavenly sword, like the sky above rushing away the countless clouds that were cut apart. The rolling sound and violent sound could not show one ten-thousandth of the ferocity.

The entire Hala Desert world was shaking wildly, and then the naked eye visible transverse waves mixed with endless sand, lightning, particles, and rays swept across the boundless sky, sweeping across thousands of miles of the earth, blowing out all life and matter within a radius of tens of kilometers.



"There was no sound in the whole world except for the sound of explosions."

Hundreds of nuclear explosions are the strongest explosion and the strongest blow on the earth since ancient times, and it is conceivable that hundreds of years after that, the Sahara Desert will become a forbidden area for no one


Saiyans should be dead! Too fierce, so many nuclear bomb explosions, even if many of them collide with each other, canceling out some of the bomb power, but its power is enough to blow up any mountain in the world.

"Erase all matter at any finger location on the map"

Unbeknownst to me, all monitoring means were disrupted by the strong storm magnetic field. The satellite could not see anything in the picture at this time.

In the middle of the sea of sand, all the sand and dust in the vicinity of hundreds of kilometers have been severely cut off. The sand dunes, which were originally 100 meters high, are now hundreds of meters high.

Countless large holes appear here, and the hot and turbulent sand and dust seem to have not stopped for a day, and have been roaring in the sky and flowing in the desert.

Within ten miles of the vicinity, it was under a vacuum, the radiation was as viscous as seawater, and a large amount of dust floated overhead.

The dust in the sky began to fall slowly and calmly, and when the roar of the earth began to stop, the satellites of various countries slowly began to show the scene in the desert.

"When Vegeta's arrogant voice appeared in the sight of all countries."

"Everyone panicked."

Looking at the figure that seemed to be a nightmare for the entire earth, the blond figure of the White House couldn't help but step forward, his eyes were as wide as two copper bells, as if he wanted to see more realistically.

"This can't be..."

All the high-level officials in the United Nations Command, all the executives in the world, looked at the picture on the screen in amazement, their brains were blank, and everyone seemed to have been drained of all their strength, and sat down on the chair weakly.

"The body of a species can withstand a hundred nuclear bombs..., some research doctors in the biology department have feverish eyes: how incredible this is, it is almost like the perfect race created by God."

If Vegeta were a different type of race, he wouldn't be so crazy, but Vegeta's previous biological state and behavior clearly told him.

This is a carbon-based race.

Vegeta's blood was also red, and his body couldn't move his head straight and look back. It is such a race that contains the energy of a nuclear bomb, and the body can survive in a nuclear bomb.

Vacuum radiation, temperature, energy explosion, and gas wave impact force can not cause any damage to the other party, which is how powerful.

Being able to fly, living with energy, ignoring radiation can survive in the universe. And powerful cells must bring a long lifespan, perfection, how perfect is perfect.

Perfect for you uncle! You came to study the weaknesses of the other party. Not to make you religious.

The Doctor pushed his glasses when he heard this: I think try to surrender with the other side now. See if we can beg each other to spare our planet. For weaknesses, don't ask.

Even if the Saiyan race has weaknesses, it will evolve relative resistance driven by powerful energy. What's more, you also heard that the other party is a Saiyan prince, which means that the other party is born through fertility like humans.

The old professor wiped his eyes with a white cloth, and his tone was full of despair.

A race that traverses the universe has biological knowledge that we earthlings can imagine, and instead of thinking about relying on the knowledge of our group that is tens of thousands of years behind the other party to find out the weaknesses of the other party, it is better to surrender.

Hearing this, other people are holding fists, can they not understand the truth of being strong, the earth can only develop to this extent in 5,000 years.

And the knowledge accumulated by the other Saiyan race conquering millions of planets, how vast, how infinite, with the small broad, with the weak to the strong, originally only exists in fairy tales.

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