Now she has finally found something that this body can protect, so...

For a time, countless black figures and white girls were entangled together, and there were sparks of collision from time to time in the air. Occasionally, I could see the Hassan jumping 360 degrees.

"The number of skills, the number of tricks, no matter how hard you struggle... The battle depends on the number!!" More than [-] clones were actually stopped by Jing Jing alone, and they were unable to take them down for a long time. His face as a heroic spirit was crackling.

The roar of Hassan in unison echoed in the courtyard.

"What a strong Assassin! How can he handle more than [-] Servants by himself!" Seeing Jill's relaxed appearance, Di Lumuduo and Duo Mao resisted the urge to shoot, their faces were full of patience He kept showing a look of admiration.

For the heroic spirit of Jill, who has fought with many enemies in an open and fair manner, the two expressed that they were shocked by the strength revealed by Jill.The strong are admirable no matter where they go. Obviously, they don't know that Baimao is just a sloppy parallel importer. Naturally, they think that this is the reason why Jill's strength is too strong.

"Is that little girl so strong?!" There was a look of regret on Iskandar's face, and he was mistaken.If I knew earlier, I should have increased the stakes when recruiting.

At this time, the stalemate on the field finally changed. Not only was Bai Mong tired of not being able to attack for a long time, but even Jill didn't plan to hide.

"Incomparably hot, as if melting, burning the body and heart to the ground! Noble Phantasm - Delusional Poison Body!"

In the dark night sky, the girl in the white dress jumped out a sensational dance, with a sincere step, her soft body was constantly beating, and a large amount of crystal clear sweat was secreted from the exposed skin of the girl's face and arms. .

Each one gleamed in the twilight of the night sky.

Like the dance of a battlefield flower, the girl in the white dress demonstrated the beauty of the dance of death in front of many heroes.

For a while, even Ramses II's eyes showed a hint of surprise. Except for his beloved woman Nefertari, I am afraid that the world will be the most beautiful girl at this time.

The dance presented for the king of blue silver, the extradition of the hundred faces to hell in the land of the dead.

" beautiful!" Weber was completely stunned.Even Ellie, who is a woman, couldn't help showing a hint of surprise in her eyes.

A small smile appeared on Aige's face, "The dance for love is really beautiful... It really looks better than the simple dance of death!".

Chapter [-] Sajo Ayaka and Tohsaka Rin!

Chapter [-] Sajo Ayaka and Tohsaka Rin!The [-]th chapter of the comprehensive crown king system: Ayaka Sajo and Rin Tohsaka! "Hey, did you hear that legend?"

"Have you heard that, is that Miss Mary's?"

What are they talking about?Urban legend?Mary?Is it that "scary" European horror story? !Grabbing the oval bread of the nutritious lunch in both hands, he took a bite, and Ayaka Sajo vaguely heard the chatter of the two female classmates on the other side of the table.

Death Mary - a foreign girl who accosts a man at eleven o'clock at night, an urban paranormal event like all horror stories.

Like campus weirdness, college gossip: a mannequin that walks by itself in a science department, a woman with a split mouth, a portrait of a musician whose eyes roll in a music room—is it the same as those?Ayaka thought blankly.

"No! It's not Miss Mary, I'm talking about the serial disappearance of the child-!"

"I heard that Qin Yin from the next class didn't ask for leave at all, but was abducted..."

'Abducted'?Hearing her friend's words, Little Loli showed blank eyes.At their age, although they probably already understand what "death" is, and even precociously pursue boys they like, this "noun" is still very unfamiliar to these children.

"Huh?..." Confused by her friend's reaction, Little Loli who asked this question didn't know how to answer it.

"Ah um... Probably... it means being 'killed'?!" Little Loli bit her index finger and gave her guesses with difficulty and hesitation.In her cognition, "death" should be the most terrifying thing, so it's okay to take this as an explanation for "abduction", right?Little Loli praised her wit!Anyway, it is right to fool the companions temporarily.

Sajo Ayaka pricked up her ears instantly, and directly put the half-bitten bread in her mouth, with a cautious expression on her face, it really is a horror story!

Gudong!The sound of neat saliva came from the classroom.Apparently, Ayaka is not the only one paying attention to the conversation between the two. Now is the break time. I am afraid that there is not a child who is playing in the classroom or eating dinner who will not be uninterested in this kind of urban strange talk, right? !

"Killed...killed?!" Hearing the first girl's explanation, the other had a scared and curious expression on her face.

Everyone is so weird!It was obvious that he was scared to death, but he couldn't help but want to continue listening.Ayaka Sajo didn't understand the thoughts of these friends.

Ayaka's little face was a little confused, she couldn't understand everyone's fear.

Sublimated into a mysterious legend, of course, has a certain degree of power.However, urban rumors among children probably won't come true!

"My dad is not afraid of that kind of thing!" whispered, Ayaka Sajo's little face showed a firm color.Because her personality is not very lively, Ayaka didn't play very well with the two girls in the class, so naturally she didn't interrupt their words.

But Xiao Ayaka's eyes still showed a look of pride for her father.Although she is very stupid and has no magic skills, she is far worse than her sister in all aspects, but that's fine.

She likes Shatiao's house, as well as her sister and father, and the newcomer O'Neill also likes it very much.If I can be with my sister and my father happy!

Sajo Ayaka thought of the Holy Grail War, and then the dazzling blond youth flashed in his mind.Will my sister and that big brother "die"? !

Because there has never been a time when Dad Hiroki Sajo has shown such a serious face after mentioning the Holy Grail War.Ayaka is a little scared. Since she wants to fight, of course there is no absolute possibility of winning without losing. Even a three-year-old child understands this truth, right?

Maybe that urban legend, no... it seems to have been on the news, Ayaka remembered the news incident about the abduction of local children in Fuyuki City that she saw at home before.Could it be done by other magicians that my sister said? !

Ayaka drank the milk from the glass bottle and thought silently. "Ah!" He took another bite of the bread.

'Sister...and that handsome Oni-chan, I will definitely not lose! 'My sister is the best, a genius magician even brighter than a princess, so no problem!Ayaka showed a look full of vitality.The two little loli next to her looked at each other with a blank expression, completely unaware that Sajo Ayaka had just thought about so many things.Maybe they never dreamed that their tablemate would be the descendant of a magician!

Seven magicians, including Tohsaka Tokiomi, are at war.It should be said that there are thirteen now, the master of Brynhild is dead, but there are still seven more servants.

A deadly, eerie threat lurks in the streets of the night.

Tohsaka Tokiomi specially reminded Tohsaka Rin to stay in the Chancheng family's hometown for the past two days and not to go out, especially at night.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

In order to keep the mystery of the world from being lost, the masters will rationally choose to fight at night, which has basically become the default thing for magicians.

Therefore, Fuyuki City at night is definitely a more dangerous time than the daytime, and it is not impossible to encounter battles between Heroic Spirits on the street at any time.

Yesterday and today, my friend Qinyin didn't go to school.The head teacher said that she was on sick leave at home, but the rumors in the class did not spread like that.There was a worried look on Tohsaka Rin's little face, how could he not calm down when his petite body was tossing and turning on the bed.

Little Rin didn't know yet, just next door to their class, Ayaka Sajo heard about the rumor about Kotone today.

And Ayaka's older sister, Aika Sajo, was the master of Arthur who Tokiomi Tosaka wanted to kill most at this time.


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