Now, her 1200-meter relay must not be able to run.

  In the 1200-meter relay, a class sent 3 men and 3 women to relay, each of them ran 200 meters, and then passed the baton.

  This tests the coordination between the classes, and the unity and cooperation also takes into account... physical fitness.Let the fastest boy and the fastest girl in the class come out.

  At this point, the six selected people have trained together to pass the baton.

  The boys are Sudou, Hirata, and another named Naoto, and the girls are Onodera, Horikita, and Kushida, the fastest runners besides Horikita.


  Because of Horikita's absence, now I can only pick the taller one from the shorter one.

  And even if Kushida could run for her, she still couldn't do it at the intensity of the 1200-meter relay.

  So another person has to be replaced.

  So who to choose?

  I chose Chiaki Matsushita, whose physical fitness is average, but he is already in a group of weak chickens.If you use the ABCDE scale to evaluate, then Horikita and Kushida's physical fitness can be rated B, but if it is Karuizawa or Airi, it is C, so even if it is B- at this time, I can ask.

  And this person is Panasonic Chiaki.

  Kiyotaka was not too familiar with this person, but he always felt that the other person had a strange temperament, so when Yukimura came to consult with the form, he did not refuse.

  In this way, Matsushita-san was placed in the fourth baton, so he was practicing with his friends Maya Sato and Karuizawa to hand over the baton.

  "Kushida-san, and Ayanokouji-kun - you guys are fierce." Waiting for the others to arrive at the finish line, Kushida and Kiyotaka met an acquaintance here.

  It's the little angel Ichinose Hobami with long hair.

  Unlike Kushida Black Angel, Ichinose is cuter.And Ichinose also said that she wanted to be friends with many people.

  At least, Qinglong has not found her stains so far.And Xiaofanbo's making friends is definitely not trying to establish some fundamentalism.

  Ichinose has already watched Takashi Qing (cgad) and the two of them finish the two-legged three-legged run twice in a row, and the first time he and Airi simply let Airi support her and take her away, and then won the first place name, adding 2 points to her personal score.After that, they dawdled with Kushida, but Kushida was also very strong, so they also won the first place in the third group.

  "Ichinose-san won't participate?"

  Although Kushida was as tired as a dog just now, but now is the time for diplomacy, so she tried her best to return to her usual state of not panting.

  Then he asked Ichinose.

  "Ah... um." Ichinose just came to cheer on the classmates.

  Halfway through the three-legged match, but she didn't play, I'm afraid her physical fitness is not very good.and.

  Qinglong looked at the students in the fourth group at the starting point.

  There are sports from Class B that are threatening Shibata.

  Shibata has confirmed that it is the last leg of the 1200 meters, and now he is also participating in a two-man tripod, which shows that he is more confident and can retain his physical strength.


  Kiyotaka remembered that Sudou was also placed in the fourth group by Yukimura, and then teamed up with Onodera to score points, but what about Sudou now?Onodera stood bewildered at the starting point.

  Just thinking about it, someone ran over.

  "Ayanokouji, Kushida, the big thing is bad! Not only did Sudou refuse to have two tripods, but he even refused to participate in the 1200-meter relay!"


  Qinglong rolled his eyes.

  So, it really deserves to be Class C, right?

  Kiyotaka and Kushida rushed over, and then the classmate who made the report explained the real situation.

  It turned out that during the last break, Ryuuen came to provoke Sudou again, but Sudou poured his anger on the students of Class C because he did not officially defeat Ryuuen. All the anger he had accumulated before burst out, and then Being isolated for calling everyone else a sports moron.

  And Yukimura quarreled with him.It means that everyone has done their best to make Sudou's speech not so ugly.

  Because most of the others did their best, but because they were sports idiots, they couldn't win and couldn't do their best.It was just such a move that Sudou broke out.

  When Kiyotaka and the others arrived, they heard Hirata's voice to persuade Sudou.

  "Don't do this, Sudou-kun, aren't you all friends? We can achieve enough results by working together like this—"

  "Hehe, buddy, get out!" However, Sudou slammed the door and pushed Hirata away. "You can lose as you like, trash fish!"

  He was so aggressive that no one dared to hold him back.

  He completely disregarded all the good feelings he had accumulated for Hirata before.

  "Ayanokouji-kun, what can I do!" Yukimura's head was already big.

  So sometimes you just can't figure things out on your own?

  Qinglong sighed, even if Yukimura was pushed out, his aptitude was limited.

  "Hirata -" So Kiyotaka walked behind Hirata, "Although it is more complicated to say such things in this situation, I think Sudou needs you now. Only you can bring Sudou back.".

Chapter 118

  Let Hirata go and chase Sudou back.

  Sudou worked hard in the sports festival, but he was plotted by Ryuuen, and then he was a waste of boys in his class, so he had no way to win.

  Finally, the grumpy old man's temper broke out.

  And Kiyotaka remembered that there was this paragraph in the original book, but in the original book, Horikita limped to chase Sudou back, and then Sudou became Horikita's exclusive tool.

  That is to say, as the heroine, but she opened her own harem?

  Go away.Nobody likes to watch.

  Sudou and Hirata are fine.

  And found that Hirata hadn't acted, so Kiyotaka continued, "Now Sudou will probably just listen to you."

  "You helped him before."

  "And." Qinglong paused, "You don't want this class to end like this."

  Kiyotaka asked Hirata to look at the huge LCD screen erected directly opposite the playground, which displayed the current scores of the red and white teams.

  Red group 4800 points White group 4790 points

  The gap between the red and white confrontation is not big, and now the first-year project has ended, which means that only the seniors still have two people to compete with three legs, so the gap between the red and white will not be too big.

  That is to say, the 1200-meter relay race, which is the main event next, may play a decisive role.

  Because the first place can get the decisive points of the points.

  So this game is very important.

  And athletes like Sudou are even more indispensable.

  "I understand." Hirata responded. "but."

  But when he was about to run out to chase Sudou, he suddenly turned around and said, "If I'm too late, or if something happens, then Ayanokouji-kun, you go first."

  "..." I always feel that Hirata is asking for something without authorization, but the physical fitness of the boys in the class is indeed low in athletic ability, so it seems that he is valued by Hirata because of his "grip strength". There is nothing worth noting.

  And Qinglong would not feel that Hirata was too late.

  So he nodded.

  And getting a solid answer, Hirata immediately rushed out and ran in the direction of Sudou.

  "In other words, are you going to participate in the relay race at the speed of your weak chicken?" Horikita Suzune said while sitting on the side.

  Because the senior year is still continuing the two-and-three-legged game.

  So now everyone still has time to repair.

  "If you say I'm weak, I'll scold you." Qinglong said, "And depending on the current results in the first round, if the gap between the white team and the red team is not too big, then I may really will be on stage."

  "Including Hirata and Sudou back, you will also play?"

  "Well, if the score difference is not big, then I will really meet." Qinglong said, "Because if it is only such a gap, then if you move back, you can get [-]% of the class evaluation score for the victory of the red-white confrontation. In this way, it is really possible for our class to get new scores in this exam, and then because of participating in these projects, the proportion of the class contribution will increase again. Then it can probably increase by ten or more every month. Thousands of points, so consider giving it a try."

  Seeing that Horikita was unmoved, he continued, "And if you win like this, although Horikita has abstained in various ways, the 1200-meter relay is hard to say, because this is replaced by Panasonic Chiaki to replace you, but Kushida is at a loss. , whether she participates in a two-legged three-legged race, or the first place in the borrowed object race, it is your contribution, because she is only a substitute, so in this case, you should also be able to get a good reward. "


  Hearing the ringtone here, there was an inexplicable silence.

  In other words, did you bring her with you this time?

  So Horikita-san continued, "Then I'll probably cheer you on."


  However, she was stunned for a moment, because she found that after Qinglong heard what she said, he actually walked over and put his hand on her forehead.

  The body temperature of others who did not belong to him immediately passed over.

  Suzune felt a little warm in her body.

  "It doesn't seem to be." Qinglong said, "You actually take the initiative to cheer or something. I thought you had a fever."

  "Definitely not." Ringtone denied. "I'm just cheering you on from my side."

  Oh oh oh, so you are like this because you can get points?Have you become so real?

  "But you know it." Qinglong said, "Your brother's third-year class A also participated in the 1200-meter relay race. So I hope you can insist on only cheering for our class."

  "..." Horikita-san suddenly felt complicated.

  And equally complicated is Hirata, who was bewitched by Kiyotaka to chase after Sudou.

  "Stop joking!" Sudou was chased.But his attitude didn't change, "I won't change my mind. I've had enough, I don't want to go back!"

  "But the class needs you." Hirata said.

  Sudou ran directly from the arena, and then ran to the apartment, presumably wanting to go straight back.

  And Hirata was chasing after him, so he turned around as he went up the stairs. "Need? That rubbish class."

  "I like the current class very much, and I hope everyone can be united and harmonious, so Sudou, even you and I will not allow you to say such things." However, Hirata's momentum changed instantly.

  "Why, are you hitting me?" Sudou laughed.

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