"No, you've been confessed just now."

  "That's not so much a confession, it's more like... an extension cord to say hello?" Kushida judged. "And Ayanokouji-kun didn't even notice that? Do you have little experience in love?"

  Is that the case?

  Will the young people of this world mix in confessions on the extension line of greeting?Qinglong felt that he couldn't do it at all.Maybe next time you can be a little thicker.

  "Ayanokouji-kun is quite high in the rankings of all grades, should he have been accused?" Kushida said, "And this time the sports festival also showed such strength, it is reasonable to say that he will be accused now. People are going out to play."

  "There's no such sign at all."

  Qinglong said, and Airi didn't come to him today, so he also felt strange.I thought that after a wave, it might be as popular as in the comics, but it seems that no one wants sports boys.

  "Really? I thought that Horikita-san would definitely ask you out." Kushida said, but she quickly denied it, "No, I was wondering if you had received any advice from Horikita-san. Confess."

  "Not at present." Qinglong said, "And I can't imagine how she will confess."

  "Indeed." Kushida nodded, "Horikita-san is probably the type (Zhao Nuo's) who is very desperate in dating but happy in marriage."

  Qinglong agrees with this.

  It's like his evaluation of Horikita is that she doesn't understand love, it's only suitable for marriage and not for dating.

  It's just that today's Kushida is a bit strange, why would she ask such a thing?

  Sometimes, even after seeing her true face, Kiyotaka felt that he didn't understand Kushida very well.

  Kushida immediately noticed the change in the atmosphere, and shook his head slightly. "You forgot what you just said. I'm sorry."

  "Oh." Kiyotaka nodded and found that the phone vibrated, and this time it was still Horikita Suzune.

  He was discussing Horikita with Kushida just now, but now Horikita's call came. Kiyotaka didn't refuse, but Horikita's first sentence was, "You seem to be a little noisy over there, and then there is a girl's voice. ."

  Kiyotaka said honestly, "I'm with Kushida. We're on the street."

  "Then it's nothing." Horikita-san quickly hung up the phone.

  Um donkey.

  Kiyotaka pondered, so it means that Horikita has now encountered something embarrassing that cannot be known, especially Kushida.

  And after saying goodbye to Kushida, he knocked on Horikita Suzune's room.

  ps: I still think Kushida is cute. .

Chapter 127

  After returning to the dormitory and walking to the girls' floor, Kiyotaka immediately called Horikita-san.

  "Now you can talk. I know you're in trouble."

  It seemed that the other party took a few seconds to pick up.

  "..." Horikita-san seemed to be choked, but her voice came over, "I said I can solve it myself. Hmm... If you must ask, then you can continue to listen to the turtles. s story."


  Qinglong frowned.Didn't she say it before?

  Horikita continued, "For example, creatures like sea turtles are quite intelligent."

  "Smart? Turtles don't have the talent in this regard--" Qinglong asked suspiciously.

  But his doubts were immediately interrupted by Horikita, "At least there are one or two among the tribe who are smart, but if she turns over because of an accident, don't you think that's bad? It will become I can't stand up on my own."

  Horikita really looks like she wants to tell a story, at least what she is talking about now is completely about turtles.

  This is about the same as before.

  But this should mean that she did something stupid, but she didn't want to admit that she was stupid.

  if it is like this.

  "Yeah. But your story, Horikita, is a bit imprecise. Although we generally think that turtles can't turn over, in fact, they can basically regain their sense of balance by themselves with their slender necks and limbs.

  Unless you are fat to the limit. "Qinglong took over the topic.


  But Horikita Suzune fell silent like a dumb fire.It was as if the topic had suddenly ended.

  "Horikita Horikita?" Kiyotaka called out twice in a row and she didn't respond.

  "No, nothing, then that's it." And Horikita didn't encounter anything dangerous, so she quickly replied, "I want to go to bed early tonight. So, let's do this first."

  You know it's morning now.

  And along with her voice came a sonorous voice.

  It was the sound of metal hitting something.

  "What was the voice just now?"

  "No, nothing, then that's it." Horikita hurriedly hung up the phone.

  "Although you want to say that—"

  But Qinglong didn't let her get her wish, "I'm already at the door of your dormitory. And I know you need help now."




  From the phone that Horikita hadn't hung up on, there was an unusual whimper, and she became unsure of herself. "Are you sure...you won't laugh at me?"

  will laugh at her?

  Will he laugh at her?

  "This kind of thing is impossible, don't worry. I just guessed what problem you encountered, so I just came to solve it. Just treat me as a repairman. A repairman will not have other emotions at work." Qinglong Straightforward. "And you're in trouble right now."

  "Yeah...my physical strength is indeed reaching its limit. So...you come in."

  Horikita's voice seemed to be weakened by the heaviness of her heart.

  At the same time, the door of her dormitory door was also opened.

  And because the description brought by Horikita's phone made people pay special attention to her, so after only half a step, Kiyotaka's eyes began to follow Horikita Suzune.


  saw her.

  "That's it."

  Horikita Suzune looked away as if embarrassed, then looked at the front of her own right arm.There was a small pink water bottle that the girl used, and the water bottle happened to be stuck in her hand.

  "I see—" Qinglong nodded, "Pfft—hahahaha—"

  Maybe she thought it would be more embarrassing to leave Kiyotaka knocking on the door, so Horikita Suzune opened the door and let him in after getting angry.

  "You said you wouldn't laugh at me." Horikita Suzune locked the door and immediately started complaining.

  "Understood." Qinglong raised his hands in surrender.

  From the phone call that Horikita suddenly called, the story she told specifically noted that turtles are smart, which may be an analogy to her.

  She also said that the turtle could not turn over, indicating that she encountered problems and difficulties.


  I never imagined that there are still people in this era who will get their hands stuck in the kettle.


  "Cough cough... So why did this happen?"

  It's pointless to ask the reason after the incident has already happened, but Horikita also felt that it was stupid to be in this situation, so she was not helping her by avoiding it. Her most humiliating part is exposed, and she will be in a better mood next time.

  "...Would you believe me if I said that I accidentally slipped while washing the kettle and became like this?" Horikita said with a stern face.

  Is it.

  Qinglong nodded.express belief.

  So when she was washing the kettle, she saw that the kettle was about the same size as her own hand, so she suddenly remembered the news that someone's hand got stuck in the kettle and couldn't pick it up, and wanted to laugh at those people.

  Then suddenly I tried it myself, and it became this unrecognizable pattern.

  Well well.

  Horikita-san would do such a stupid thing if she studied too much.

  Kiyotaka grabbed the front end of the kettle and pulled it forward, but Horikita was also pulled over.


  Sure enough, it's a bit jin.

  "If you can't pull it out by yourself, it means it's stuck tightly. Have you tried using soapy water?" Qinglong let go of her and said.

  "I tried." Horikita said in a low mood.

  That's why Horikita's body is a little wet now.

  When Kiyotaka pulled out Horikita's kettle, he also brought her whole body, and inevitably touched her body, and he could indeed feel the traces of her clothes getting wet with water.

  She is quite a self-reliant person, she will solve the problem as soon as possible, and although she called him only a few minutes ago, this also shows that in the previous period of time, she was actually stuck in the water bottle and then Been struggling.

  What a poor kid.

  "Soapy water is enough, and since you can stretch out your hand to get out, it's reasonable to say that you can get out." Qinglong touched his chin.


  And Horikita Suzune didn't speak.Because that's what it is.

  Can't be pulled out.

  "Poor child..." Qinglong sighed, but he said suddenly. "But because your hand is stuck now, your combat effectiveness is very low, right?"

  "What do you want to do?"

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