
  Ibuki's eyes widened slightly.

  Ibuki seemed startled by the sudden email.But after she found that Qinglong shook the phone towards her, she realized that this strange number belonged to him.


  Why in the movie theater, is the next seat and then use the phone to talk?


  Ibuki seemed to be silent for a while, then put her finger on the phone, and she also chose to hit.

  [what?Is it weird that I go to the movies? ]

  "I just don't think your attention is on the movie." Qinglong replied politely.

  [I don't like this movie. ] Yet Ibuki is very direct, [I have my own goals and I am accomplishing them now. ]


  What the fuck?

  [I'm going to see all the movies this school shows. ] Ibuki Mio stopped watching the screen of the movie at all, but lowered his head and used his mobile phone to chat with Kiyotaka...?


  I didn't see that Ibuki was such a person.

  There is no doubt that the people who are talking to his mobile phone are Ibuki, but now Ibuki seems to be a simpler person than he imagined.

  Some people regard making friends, collecting stamps, etc. as tasks to be completed, not hobbies.

  Some obsessive-compulsive disorder, even if the heart is not happy, but insist on doing it.

  And Ibuki is one of those.

  It seems that Manabe and the others kept their distance from Ibuki before being beaten during the preferential treatment exam, and then Ibuki and Manabe didn't get along well. It's true.

  This guy...with such a personality, maybe...he doesn't even have any friends.

  "Do you blame me for asking you to compensate?"

  […] Ibuki didn’t make a formal statement.

  "But I don't think you can blame me. This is what you did in the first place. And you actually hurt Horikita in our class, bullying Sudou like that. As a student in the same class, I don't think I can stay out of it. , if you are in my position, then you will fight back." Qinglong continued to fight.


  Ibuki didn't respond immediately, but after a while, he continued to play, [Although this time Class C returned to Class C.But Ryuuen will target you next.After all, you failed him several times. ]

  oh oh oh.

  So Ibuki-san isn't this very cute?

  Well, Kushida is now going to meet someone important, and this person too... it could only be Ryuuen.

  Ryuuen wants to target him, then it is very likely to activate the spy in his class - Kushida Kikyo again.

  If this is the case, then this exam may not need to study.

  "Then do you support Ryuuen?" Because the current movies are full of literary dramas, there is no meat, not even kisses, so he took his attention away and put it on Ibuki's side.

  [do not like. ] Ibuki replied immediately.

  And that's probably the truth.

  Then you can think about it like this. She was valued by Longyuan because she was excellent, and she went to accept Longyuan's task, probably because she felt that Longyuan had the ability and could take them up.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

  In other words, Ibuki is actually someone who wants to be in the top.

  Self-improvement, hard work, upward.

  Maybe in the future, she may make friends with Horikita.

  It's just that Ibuki is destined to have no hope.

  Because there is no possibility of ascending to Class A whether it is from Class C or Class D.

  This point can be seen from the final exam this time. General thinking about the final exam is quite important, even more important than the midterm, but please think about the class evaluation score of this exam?

  The winner receives a 50-point class evaluation score from the loser.

  Is there a mistake, 50 points!

  Yes, it's 50 points, and then the opposing class loses 50 points, so it's probably only a 100-point gap.


  How come such a small score?

  You must know that there is a gap of 300 in the uninhabited island test and the preferential treatment test.

  But it is reasonable.

  Because the essence of Class C and Class D in this school is not just that the school has erased their learning traces when they graduate and asks students to drop out, but it is just a used product.So what about thinking more evil?

  This may be the Son of Heaven's companion reading.

  It is a way to increase the superiority of the excellent Class A and Class B and then move up.

  It's human nature to feel superior when you see other people's hard work, and then work hard to maintain your current status.

  Therefore, in the eyes of the school, only Class A and Class B can go to Class A.

  Because there is no problem with their aptitude, but if Class C or Class D wants to go up, there will be problems with their aptitude.The purpose of the school is to cultivate talents, and these talents only refer to students in Class A or Class B. It is impossible for so many poor students to receive excellent treatment.

  So they control the class evaluation scores.Don't let the class from D or C climb up.

  As far as the current situation is concerned, the school has already taken action.

  And this is where Kiyotaka went to reject Chabashira's promotion to Class A.

  Isn't it stupid to do something that doesn't give you a chance at all?

  So soloists like him and Horikita are kings, and Horikita, who is a third-year student and student council president, is probably very clear, so he will let Kiyotaka take care of his sister.

  Because he felt that the path chosen by Qinglong was the right one.

  "Welcome next time—"

  However, when Qinglong was thinking about it, the movie was over.


  Speaking of kiss-hot-play, he hasn't watched it yet.three.

Chapter 134

  Horikita agreed to Hirata's request for assistance in preparing the questions, but in the end, he only had to submit the eight exam papers to Mr. Chabashira on the 24th, and now it's the 2nd, so don't worry, don't worry.

  Without his intervention, Hirata and Yukimura's ideas were more formal. Since their grades were poor, let's start tutoring.

  Because most of the students are scumbags, when Hirata announced this on the podium after school in the afternoon, no one would refuse.

  The study session will start tomorrow, and today Hirata Association and Yukimura will start a comprehensive consideration based on the results of this small test, and then analyze how many study groups to form.

  And since it is the knowledge of the third year of the test, then they have to go to the library to apply for borrowing textbooks for the third year, etc. They are a little smarter, because when the rules were announced, Mr. Chabashira said "the past years", which means that there were in the past. After many times, there should be corresponding textbooks in the library.

  Considering that he had never studied the textbooks for the third year of junior high school in this world, Qinglong also joined the task of going to the library to move books together.

  Borrowing went very smoothly. The student card provided by the school can lend 3 books to each student for two weeks, but as long as the price increases, it is possible to do 20 books and then extend it for 3 months.

  "It's a little late today, so I'm sorry to keep everyone doing it for so long."

  Hirata Yosuke said that because he asked everyone to move all the borrowed textbooks into the classroom, ready to distribute them one by one tomorrow.But it is not very light physical work.

  It seems that he is a little unhappy. Hirata-kun was going to treat a guest, but Qinglong refused. He was not interested in a group of boys eating ice or going to dinner together.Because it's simply not delicious.

  Because there was no work to do, Qinglong immediately picked up his schoolbag and left. He stayed here, and he did not deny Hirata's way of cramming his classmates in a month. It is very reasonable for students to go to tutoring if their foundation is weak. .

  It's just that he himself has not made up his mind to study, because there is also a way to not study.

  "Ah...isn't this Ayanokouji-kun?" A girl's lively voice came from one side.

  And Kiyotaka found out that Ichinose had just walked down from the teaching building.

  The sweet smile and the good looks make her feel happy from the moment she appears to the moment she walks in front of her.

  Sure enough, it is more comfortable to be with beautiful people.

  "Why is Ichinose-san so late?" Kiyotaka asked seriously.

  This entire teaching building is for the first grade, except that the first grade class A is on the fourth floor, the first grade class B is on the third floor, the first grade class C is on the first floor, and the first grade class D is on the second floor.

  Just like the head teacher, even though the class rankings have changed, the classroom is still fixed.

  So even though Kiyotaka and the others are already in Class B, the classroom is still on the second floor. Similarly, Ichinose is now in Class D, but their class is still on the third floor.

  "Ah—" Ichinose seemed embarrassed, "Actually, I was discussing with my classmates to go to the library to borrow all the books from the third semester of junior high school, and plan to hold a one-month study session."

  "Because." She lowered her voice, "I can't afford to lose this time."


  Ichinose is also really miserable.

  After just one sports festival, they dropped in a row, fell directly from Class B, and fell to the position of Class D.

  Qinglong said before that the students in Class A are under a lot of pressure, and Class B will become very relaxed, but as long as Class B is arrested and beaten a few times, they will easily lose their fighting spirit.

  Ichinose's class can be said to be the most genial among the four classes. There are not so many fights, and it is up to her to adjust. What emerges from everyone is a sense of unity and improvement.

  It can be said that this kind of class is very good in ordinary schools, but in this school, it is very miserable.

  Because even if he is strong like Horikita school, he is also a smooth person, but the students in Ichinose's class are still so virtuous.So Ichinose and the others haven't found a way to survive in this school.

  "No, I'm sorry." Seeing Kiyotaka quiet down, Ichinose realized that she had accidentally confided her complaint to him.


  Qinglong then went down, "I just felt that you guys are under a lot of pressure."

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