Obviously you are too big.

  So they solved the "misunderstanding" and arrived at the dormitory together. The girls' dormitory is on the high-rise building, while the boys' dormitory is on the 1st-3rd floor, and Qinglong's is on the third floor.So in the elevator with only two people, Ichinose was about to say goodbye to him, but when Kiyotaka was about to get out of the elevator, Ichinose (Zhao Nuo) suddenly said, "Since you gave our class a shortcut for this exam, then you guys Class... um... is Ryuuen-kun trustworthy?"

  She felt that since the answer after the examination was to get the papers and answers from other classes, then Kiyotaka might do the same.But Ryuuen-kun from Class C is a tough person to deal with.Moreover, according to the eavesdropping news, the other party is still so hostile to Qinglong, so there is a high probability that Longyuan will refuse to deal directly.

  And if it is to trade with other students in Longyuan's class, but the students in the class have been brainwashed and controlled by Longyuan, the probability of betrayal is very low, and even if it is possible, the price to be paid is very high.

  It’s just that it’s not enough if you don’t do it, and there will definitely be a lot of dropouts in Qinglong’s class.Because there are too many scumbags, it's too annoying.

  "When I was eavesdropping with you, I found that he would be concerned about the scumbags in his class on Longyuan's side, so he probably wanted to make a deal in his heart. It's just that he is really a pit and can turn against the tide at any time.

  I will deal directly with Long Yuanxiang.But this requires disarming Ryuuen, and then leaving him with no choice but to be forced to exchange the test papers with me.And I have arranged for someone to do this. "Qinglong said. "If there is no accident, then she will reply to me soon—"

  As soon as Kiyotaka said that, his cell phone had already displayed the name of the toolman Horikita Suzune.

  Horikita-san called.

  [Kushida-san, I kept you waiting.

  I also got straight to the point.No matter what I say, I will keep your secret, but you will not believe me, so you also want to take this exam and then come and get me out of school - are these facts correct? ]

  Just getting connected is incredible news. .

Chapter 137

  The news that has been captured - Kushida is a traitor of Class B.

  Then the traitor Kushida and Ryuuen meet in private.

  There are a lot of scumbags in Longyuan's class, even if he is a tyrant, he has to keep the scumbags in his class.

  So to sum up, Longyuan has a strong cooperative fishing net.

  But just like Ichinose said that Ryuuen is a cunning and scary person, he can probably betray in the blink of an eye.Therefore, it is necessary to be vigilant in making a deal with him, otherwise, it will be like Katsuragi, and those who have made a deal with Longyuan and are cheated do not want it.

  It's okay to make a deal with Ryuuen, but he needs to create a situation where he can't betray.

  And now Ryuuen probably made a new appointment with Kushida, he continued to attack Horikita, and Kushida leaked the test paper to him at that time.Therefore, if there is a traitor Kushida available, he will never agree to make a deal with Kiyotaka.

  And this situation needs to be destroyed.

  The weapon he uses is Horikita Suzune.Horikita responded and said that she could come in handy. Of course, she asked for a share as always.

  The two have been tacit.

  So Qinglong allowed her to move freely.

  Kiyotaka had already returned to his dormitory. In the evening, when he took Ichinose to eavesdrop on Ryuen and their conversation, he put his mobile phone on the grass and waited for a while before picking it up, and the mobile phone got messed up. Full of grassy smell, and then some dirt.

  So he wiped and disinfected the phone again with paper towels and alcohol, and then began to listen to Horikita's phone quietly.

  Horikita should have met Kushida, but she acted as a back-up and called him at such a time, so that he could also hear what Kushida said.

  In fact, Horikita doesn't need to worry about this, because Kiyotaka trusts her more than Kushida.

  After all, Kushida-san can be cunning, but Horikita is honest.

  So sitting in the chair, Kiyotaka began to listen carefully.It's just a little dissatisfied, because Horikita wants to increase her percentage point in this time's profit, she wants 20%.Qinglong has not agreed on this point, it should be said that it depends on what step she can take.


  And Horikita is indeed in action.

  After school, Horikita Suzune went straight back to the dormitory. For someone like her who has no hobbies, reading is an acceptable thing.

  Qinglong invited her to watch a movie together at night, but she was not interested in such a pure couple's waste of time.

  And she didn't think she and Qinglong were lovers.

  Besides, her IQ is not low.

  Because she probably knows where the movie theater is, it's just a space for couples who waste time and then come to make out, she can't understand this kind of behavior, for example, if it's a couple, then if you want to make out then please go directly to the room Kiss-hot instead of doing something covert in a movie theater.

  This will prevent other people from watching movies normally.

  And watching movies may also be influenced by other people, so she felt that instead of spending time doing such useless things, it is better to honestly read more books.

  She also suggested that Qinglong could read more books.

  Because no matter what means he uses every time, if his academic strength is improved, then there is absolutely no need for any conspiracy.

  But she has been thinking about a person for the past few days.

  Kushida Bellflower.

  But the other party may always want her to drop out.

  The reason is that she knows the other party's black history.

  Kushida-san and she came from the same junior high school, but they were in different classes, and Horikita was only studying by herself in junior high school. She heard some rumors, but she didn't think it was anything meaningful.

  She felt that Kushida-san didn't know yet that she wasn't the kind of person who liked to speak ill of others, and she didn't have any interest in others.

  No interest whatsoever.

  If you are not interested, then naturally there is no need to go for a walk.

  But Kushida-san is very strange, she just doesn't trust her, and probably wants her to drop out of school in this exam.

  It's just that Horikita thinks it's useless, because her academic ability is very good, and the scope of the exam is only in the third grade, so she can get 80-98 in the exam no matter what Ryuuen asks.

  So she didn't want to deal with such boring things.


  Received a call from Qinglong.

  He wants to make a deal with Ryuuen, but he needs to control Kushida, and she needs to handle this part.

  Is that the case again.

  Horikita-san was very dissatisfied that the last sports festival was not divided, and she was still three-quarters away from collecting 2000 million points.That is to say, there is still a long way to go.

  As for the promotion to Class A based on the current status of Class B, Suzune didn't think about it at all, because she knew it was impossible.

  Not to mention the other idiots in the scumbag sports, even she herself is a fuel bottle, so the quality of this class can't get better treatment.Even if you can go on, you will definitely not be able to persist until graduation.

  Horikita-san is very calm.

  She roughly estimated Qinglong's assets, and felt that he was someone who would not be able to take a few million shots, and then after receiving the task, she began to act.

  So, she made a declaration to Kushida Kikyo.

  "I'll cut to the chase. You and I are students in the same high school. You want me to drop out because I know your past—are these facts correct?"

  Horikita said solemnly.

  It has been nearly a week since the Games, but during this period, she has not continued to talk to Kushida, and Kushida behaves as usual, and even treats her as an ordinary person when she meets her.Still shameless at her door.


  Treat everyone equally.

  I couldn't understand Kushida's thoughts.

  It's just that Horikita also wanted to express her thoughts.

  "Oh... this is really straight to the point." Kushida was very familiar with the place where they agreed to meet, which was the railing where she had been venting and kicking.

  Now she doesn't know if Horikita did it on purpose, for example, whether that guy Ayanokoji leaked a lot of her stuff to Horikita Suzune.

  Men are really unreliable.

  She had long known that Ayanokouji had a strong preference for Horikita Suzune.It was mentioned several times that Horikita is a suitable person for marriage.

  and so.

  Since you love her, wouldn't it be nice to let her drop out of school and go home to be a full-time wife?

  Kushida smiled lightly, "So you have agreed to voluntarily drop out of school? Then you really helped me a lot."

  "..." Horikita.

  Horikita was silent for a while, then pressed one hand on his chest and said, "I promise not to tell anyone about you. So don't get in my way."

  "..." Kushida.

  But now it has become Kushida's silence, but after the silence, it is ridiculed. "It's really nice to say, you want to say (cgad) if you don't tell others about my past, then I won't hinder you? Is it such an equivalent exchange?"

  Kushida was not afraid.In other words, she already knew that she was good at sensing the atmosphere, but in the current tone, Horikita Suzune was actually asking for her.

  But is this possible?

  Horikita Suzune not only reached out to her once, but this time she wouldn't hold it either.

  "I don't trust you." Kushida said.

  This almost blocked the conversation.

  "Fu—" Ling Yin took a breath, "Since you don't want to believe me, then make a bet with me, just take this final exam as a bet, if my score is higher than yours, then you don't want to. Get in my way again. On the other hand, if I lose, I will voluntarily drop out of school.”

  Although Horikita seemed helpless, both Kushida and herself knew that she actually found Kushida for this very purpose.

  Don't let Kushida get in her way.

  Kushida is not too motivated, but she is very determined. It has been 4 months now, but she still goes to Horikita Suzune every day, even if she knows that the other party hates her, and she also hates the other party.

  This is all sick.

  "Ha-" Kushida seemed to be always looking for a way to get Horikita to drop out of school, and now Horikita himself proposed to make her heart beat, but she still shook her head gently, "If you mean Hachiko If you have a total score, then it is impossible for me to surpass you. So this kind of gamble—"

  "Only one subject is better than the subject you are good at." Horikita Suzune immediately added.

  "..." Kuro Kushida pursed her lips. She had to say that Horikita Suzune must have done her homework. If it was more than all, she would definitely refuse, but now Horikita Suzune has specially picked out a separate one. , she didn't want to give up this opportunity to make Horikita Suzune drop out of school.

  She has no companions in this school, and the only person who knows more about her is that bitch Ayanokouji.Horikita was that guy's tool, she wasn't sure whether he would intervene if Horikita Suzune was dropped out of school, and then got her out of school too.

  And now, it was Horikita Suzune who proposed to drop out of school.

  This needs to be considered.

  Because she didn't force Horikita, but Horikita did it herself.

  So this is an opportunity to force Horikita Suzune out of school.

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