For example, to contact Hirata-kun.

  [No way. ]

  However, after only 30 seconds, Airi immediately called Qinglong for help.

  The reason is that Hirata rejected her and hoped that she would be considerate to everyone.

  Because the current grouping is already established by most of the students, it will be very troublesome if it is disrupted again, and this time it is rare that everyone does not have much opinion, so if there is an example, it will make the calm atmosphere quarrel again. .

  Hirata-kun was bitter, but Airi was still very scared.

  It's just that Airi is afraid of Karuizawa. From this point of view, Qinglong thinks Karuizawa's acting skills are really good.Karuizawa's domineering and unreasonable appearance makes it difficult to get along with.

  "Actually, don't be too afraid." Kiyotaka advised her, "Aren't you still in the same group as Horikita? Horikita is a person with a sense of justice for the time being."

  "Ugh—only, it's just that Sato-san is also in Yukimura-san's group." Airi said.

  Yukimura's group?What is the relationship between Sato and Yukimura?


  Kiyotaka reacted at once, it wasn't about Sato Maya and Yukimura Xueba, but Sato confessed to him on the 1st. Although he didn't seriously observe how many people were eavesdropping at that time, there might be Airi among them. .

  Although he rejected Sato-san in person, but now Sato-san is not only his test partner, but also a member of the same group, so he is worried that Sato-san will not give up and continue chasing him.

  In other words, Airi was actually feeling uneasy about this.

  So that's what you're actually worried about?Instead of being afraid of Karuizawa?

  Qinglong felt that he still didn't know enough about girls.

  "Actually, I was confessed by Sato-san at noon yesterday." Kiyotaka said in a soothing way, "Although it is a pleasure to be liked, I rejected her."

  He decided to express his refusal, so that even if Sato-san was in the same group, there would be no problem if he didn't say anything.

  In other words, to dispel the unease in love.

  "Yes, is that so?" Airi seemed to relax a little.

  Is such that.

  Kiyotaka thinks that although Sato is cute, he is still not as cute as Ari, so it is very clear how to choose him.

  "Well, then when you rejected her, the person you said you liked was—" Airi sent another message after a while.

  But doesn't that mean she was there when she rejected Sato?

  Airi, you exposed.

  Although she knew it in her heart, Qinglong still gave her a white lie, "¨ˇ That's a tactful refusal."

  Is it?

  In other words, he doesn't have a crush on him yet.

  This was both surprising and sad for Airi.

  Because the surprise is that Qinglong is still single, but the sad thing is that there is no object of liking, which means that Ming does not like her either.

  The girl's mood is complicated.

  On the other hand, Qinglong had already taken a shower and was on Chuang.

  But when I picked up my phone to set an alarm, I saw a message.

  [Sato Maya asked you to add friends, do you agree? ]

  Ha ha.

  This is really a coincidence (of money).

  And I just promised Airi, so isn't it obvious what Qinglong is going to do?

  Agree to the rules.

  Qinglong clicked the permission to add friends.

  Yukimura then pulled all six members into a newly formed small group, because some words do not necessarily need to be said in the class, and it is also possible to notify in the group.

  And Yukimura's first sentence after forming a group is [What subjects are you not good at, prepare for it, we will have a study meeting tomorrow, and then I can provide guidance for your weaknesses. ]

  It can only be said that the scholars are meticulous.

  ps: rua!Difficult to give birth, is there a reward?Does anyone take care of it?No next chapter to ask again. .

Chapter 142

  The students in the class were divided into 7 groups according to the grouping.

  Basically no one disagrees but there are exceptions.

  "What do you mean, Koenji!"

  Among them, Koenji Rosuke was surrounded by Hirata and Sudou.

  Koenji, Somura, Sudou, and Onodera are members of the same group.

  The partner of Koenji is Somura.

  Sudou is partnered with Onodera.It may be that the final exam results are decided by each other's partners, so the group Hirata prepared is basically a group of the partners.

  And considering that Koenji is usually alone, there are only four people in their group.

  But it was all four of them that had problems.

  Koenji refused to be the team leader to assist other students in their studies, and he also refused to participate in the study meeting.

  "Oh no, I have more important things—"

  "What's more important than the exam!" Sudou said hotly. "Do you know how many points you cost our class at the last sports festival!"

  Koenji is a loner, but his academic ability is very high, and he is among the best on the score sheet posted in the entrance examination. However, this time, the assignment given to them by Teacher Chabashira, Koenji has achieved ordinary results, so it is also casual. Paired with a mid-level student, earning for Soemura, who partnered with him.

  It's just that the last 10 students in the last sports festival were deducted 10 points for each subject, and Koenji abstained from the sports festival, so it was one of the last 10 students, which means that points were deducted.So even if I think Koenji is a scholar, the outer village still doesn't feel safe enough.

  "Only 800 is the class that finally won the first place, isn't it?" Koenji said while looking in the mirror and combing his hair, "So the result is good."

  "You don't care about the class at all!" Sudou said.

  "Hehe- no, I love this class very much." Koenji said that and immediately left.

  "Koenji, I have endured you for a long time!" Sudou couldn't take it anymore.

  "Do you want to talk with your fists?" But Koenji glanced at him, "I don't care, but you are the one who got hurt in the end."

  It was a wild word, but he said it in a calm tone, indicating that he was sure to defeat Sudou.

  "Okay, okay." The good man Hirata hurried over to persuade him, "Anyway, Koenji-san, are you really not going to join the study club?"

  "I'll make sure to pass." Koenji said, "So Sothemura classmate, right? You don't have to worry, you only need 10 points in each subject."

  "Oh, oh oh. Is it okay?" Sochimura-san was surprised (cgad).

  But Koenji smiled at him.

  This is crazy.

  But he is a scholar.

  "Okay." Hirata finally chose peace as the most precious thing and asked Koenji not to join the study meeting, but only Onodera, Somura and Sudou were left to rearrange.

  "Yukimura, can you still add people to your group?"

  "Sorry, my group has a headache when I read the exercises they did by themselves," Yukimura said.

  "The words are so ugly, as if we are all scumbags."

  Sitting in the front, Yukimura's team leader Haruka Hasebe suddenly spoke up.

  Hasebe Poruga, both the first name and the last name are very nice.

  She is a beautiful girl with blue hair, a beautiful face, and a super figure. She has a beauty mole under the corner of her left eye. She is a very conspicuous girl.

  It seems that because of her relatively large breasts, she ranked in the top ten in the ranking of beautiful girls in the age group created by Qinglong at the beginning of school.

  But Qinglong didn't talk to her directly, so it was a bit surprising that she was the type who liked to talk to each other.

  Unlike introverted love.

  "Isn't it? You and Miyake's group are terrible." Yukimura complained, "You are good and bad at the same subjects as Miyake, so if you don't work hard, both of you will fail."

  "What can I do, everyone is not good at things." Poliuga seemed to be dissatisfied with being accused.

  "Okay, okay." It seemed that the students in the group who continued to talk would quarrel, so Hirata had no choice but to take over the mess after Koenji ran away and let Sudou and the others join his group.Let him guide them.

  Yukimura's partner is Chi Kuanji, because he knows that Yukimura is good at studying, so he is the type who is taken to fly. He kept quiet and didn't talk to him, lest there be any problems and it would be over if he didn't partner according to this list.

  And Kiyotaka's group consisted of six people, Yukimura, Ike Kanji, Hasebe and Miyake, and he and Sato classmates remained silent.

  [Ayanokouji-kun, how about going for a walk together after school? ] by Maya Sato.

  Sato-san ignored their noise, [I always think that we are partners, but we are not very good at studying, so it is also very important for us to hold a separate study meeting. ]

  If you ignore the first sentence, just looking at the second sentence can show that Sato-san is a good boy, but obviously her focus is not on learning.

  This is also worrying.

  In other words, she didn't seem to give up.

  Or that Qinglong shouldn't have agreed to her friend's application for permission?Then let her misunderstand that she has a chance?

  Anyway, ask Kushida first.

  "If you just rejected a girl, and the other party still cried. Just agreeing to the other party's friend request later, is this giving others a chance?"

  "Huh?" Kushida was talking to Wang Meiyu and the others, but she found her phone vibrated. She took the time to check it, almost showing disgust, but she answered honestly.



  Probably it can be confirmed, Sato-san probably misunderstood and thinks she still has a chance.

  The above is a study group with a complex mood.

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