Qinglong was surprised for a moment. He didn't expect to meet her here. It should be said that Karuizawa's academic ability is not good, but she went to the bookstore or something. Isn't it strange?

  And Qinglong found that she was already holding three books in her hands.

  [Detailed explanation of junior high school mathematics]

  [Brief description of English grammar]

  [History from entry to burial]

  "It was Horikita-san who asked me to buy it." Karuizawa said with a stern face, "This guy is a complete devil. He rudely said that my foundation is weak, and then asked me to buy textbooks."

  Is that the case?

  It is possible.

  It's just that he didn't agree with Horikita that this tutoring is just fake. The real point is to get the exam papers and answers of Class C.

  But Karuizawa had a stern face, apparently being given an order.

  So this is Horikita taking it seriously.

  That is to say, she just thinks that even pretending is a waste of time, so since time is wasted, is it worth doing?

  So she also wants to supplement the learning of these scumbags.

  This is a great man.

  "Speaking of—" Karuizawa continued to look for information, and suddenly interjected, "What do you think of Sato-san?"

  "How about what?" Qinglong looked away from the cover of the book.

  "What's the matter, didn't she confess to you?"

  "Ao." Qinglong said, "It's nothing, she was very enthusiastic today. But it seems that she became cold after hearing the voice of someone taking care of me."

  "Have you taken care of it again?"

  Karuizawa was surprised.

  It's not a private matter for Qinglong to be taken care of by someone like an unknown senior, but didn't he only get 1 point the day before yesterday, which means he was kicked away by this senior?

  "Yeah." Qinglong nodded, "I don't know yet. The other party replied that he would not transfer money to me again, but today he suddenly called another 100 million."

  "..." One million.

  In the preferential test, the classmates were happy enough to get 25, but this person got such points so easily.

  People are more mad than people.

  "By the way, do you have a favorite book?" Karuizawa said again, "You seem to be looking for something."

  She had long discovered that Qinglong was looking for it on the bookshelf, but not in the study materials, but in the column of literary masterpieces.

  "Well." Qinglong nodded, "I originally wanted to buy [beautiful friend] back for collection, but I still want to buy the book [Insulted-humiliated and hurt]."

  "What is it about?" Karuizawa doesn't like reading books too much.

  "It's probably a story about a cuckold man who keeps giving the woman he likes all kinds of fun to let her go on a date with his lover."

  "..." Karuizawa didn't know what was so interesting about this story.

  "It's a rubbish story." Qinglong said, "But there is a little girl in the story who likes the male protagonist quite a bit, which makes me very excited, and the little girl is pitiful and arrogant, but still very loyal, which makes people feel Heartbeat."

  "It's really hentai." Karuizawa complained.

  "It's a pity, it doesn't seem like there's any in this bookstore." Qinglong sighed.

  Karuizawa seemed to be no longer interested in the topic of the little girl, but she suddenly lowered her voice. "Speaking of which—that girl has already looked here for the seventh time."

  She didn't look back, but in her words, she could already determine the position of "that girl".

  It was a cute-looking girl with silver hair and purple eyes.

  She wears a pair of black butterfly hairpins.

  Fair skin.

  Also wearing black stockings.


  She is quite a beautiful girl.

  It's just that this is a person that most boys know, she is like the class flower of Class C of the first grade.

  His name is Shiina Hiyori.

  Because I defrauded Class C at the beginning of the school year, I made a list of beautiful girls. Among them, there is one in front of Class C, which is this girl...  

  But Qinglong never spoke to the other party, and she was not in the address book of class C students even when she scammed to open a shop.

  So quite unfamiliar.

  It's just that Qinglong remembered that the girl in class C in the original book seemed to be quite powerful.

  "I found it too." Qinglong made a mouth shape, and Karuizawa completely put down the book he casually opened, "See you later." He walked out of the bookstore so freely.

  Since someone is following, she always talks to him and may reveal some information to others instead.

  Karuizawa has done a very good job in protecting information.

  Kiyotaka was still in the store, and he found that Shiina was still watching him from the corner of his eye.

  But whether it can be understood as a common curiosity of class C students is not necessarily.

  Shiina Hiyori is a student of Class C, and yesterday Kiyotaka and Ichinose overheard Ryuuen brainwashing the students of Class C, and Shiina Hiwato was also inside, Ryuuen portrayed him to his classmates as the great demon king of Ayanokoji , so Shiina Hiyori may pay more attention to him out of curiosity.

  But how much do you pay attention to him?This can be tested.

  He looked at the bookshelf and raised his hands, then sighed, and then greeted a clerk.

  "Is there a book about the woman in white?"

  "Sorry, let me check." The clerk went to the computer at the service desk and searched, but the result was 0.

  "There is no stock, but we can accept reservations." The clerk put down the mouse and said.

  "How many days soonest?"

  "It will take three days."

  "Is that so... I really have to go to the library to borrow it." Qinglong put down a book in his hand and said to himself.

  Then turn around and leave.

  The goal is also the direction to the library.

  But when he walked out of the door of the store, he suddenly looked back, but couldn't see anyone.

  Then keep going.

  But Shiina Hiyori and her classmates did not dare to move forward.

  fear of being discovered.


  This time, it is regarded as marking the other party's itinerary.

  Follow Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, this is not her task, it is the task that Ryuuen gave to Ishizaki and the others. She only met by chance, but she is still very interested in people who can make Ryuuen shriveled many times.

  So Ri and classmates are ready to go to the library to ambush.But she didn't know that Qinglong went back to the dormitory from the small road after leaving the bookstore.

  And when she stayed until it was closed, no one came. .

Chapter 145


  "Speaking of which, you are really going too far."

  Kiyotaka is on the phone with Karuizawa.

  "So what's the result?" Ignoring her complaints first, Kiyotaka wanted information.

  In the evening, he and Karuizawa met in the bird's-eye view bookstore, and then found that Hiyori Shiina, the class C's class flower, peeked at him several times, but could not confirm whether she had other ideas, so he deliberately acted in front of her. A scene that goes to the library.

  It's just that he was not interested in waiting for her there, so he sent Karuizawa out.Let her monitor Shiina Hiyori.

  It was always uncomfortable for him to be watched by the people sent by Longyuan, so it was good not to be indecent.

  The closing time of the library is 23:[-], but Kiyotaka did not expect Karuizawa to stay until the closing time, or Shiina-san also stayed until the closing time?

  "She really stayed until the closing time." Karuizawa said, in fact, there are some regrets, because if she knew the result, she could accompany Shiina Hiyori stupidly in the library.

  "She arrived at the library at 18:35." Karuizawa told Shiina's itinerary, "Then she sat at the table by the door like a fool, and then she fell into a daze."

  "Daze until 23 o'clock?"

  Qinglong was surprised.

  "Yes." Karuizawa said, "Except for going to the toilet twice in the middle. They were all there in a daze."

  This is really a great man.

  Sitting near the door of the library is to check whether he has come in or out, etc., and it is a bit exaggerated to stay in a daze for more than four hours.

  He probably couldn't figure out why he was let go of the pigeon.

  It should be said that I waited a while and found that no one came, so I continued to wait, and found that the waiting time was too long, considering that I might be pigeons, but because I waited for so long, I felt a loss, so I continued to wait, so as not to wait and not wait. A waste of time, and then the end result is more than four hours wasted.

  The girls in Class C didn't expect that apart from Ibuki, there were also Hiyori-san, it was very interesting.

  Just being able to stay there and wait, Karuizawa is powerful enough.

  "It's hard work. I'll transfer your payment to your mobile phone." Considering that Karuizawa also stayed there staring at Hiyori and classmates for more than four hours, Kiyotaka immediately transferred 20 to the other party.

  It's not that he is overcompensating or anything, it's just that he accidentally found out that he was being taken care of by a rich woman again and was happy.

  That's how it was.

  He was given money on his birthday, a life he liked very much.

  And the birthday is given money, so is it Valentine's Day or Christmas?

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