Qinglong Road.

  Then, the recording of the conversation between Chabashira's teacher and him was intercepted and sent to a mailbox.

  This is to be a back-up. Although Chairman Itanyagi is more positive, it is foolish to completely trust others, so Kiyotaka took the last insurance.

  Director Itagyu told him the truth about the ranking, and if this truth were exposed, the school would probably explode directly, and then Chairman Itagyu would die.

  So this is a weapon that can tie the opponent to its own ship.

  In addition to these, he actually has a spare voice recorder in his hand.In other words, Mr. Ayanokouji has a recording of Mr. Matsuo's story.

  Deliberately throwing a voice recorder to Mr. Ayanokouji just to hide the other one.

  And if this information is sold to Mr. Ayanokouji's political enemy, he will not need to do anything, and the political enemy will immediately contribute.It's just that Qinglong didn't do this, because he suddenly thought that in his world in Chunwu, that father owes 3 million yuan, and this father here has more than 3 million assets, so one day, he will inherit his The possibility that the family property will be bought into a high school is not zero.

  in this way.Dedicating to tripping over this father now is shrinking his future family property, and Qinglong doesn't like to be himself.


  However, Qinglong yawned when he came down from the special floor.He knew that Roadhog wasn't easy, so he concentrated on it, and now that the crisis is over, he is really tired.

  And considering that the father may attack at any time, Qinglong decided to stay on the side of the real education for the time being.

  In order to avoid being thrown out of school at a loss, it would be truly worth the loss.

  In short, returning to this world and continuously obtaining weapons that can threaten Director Itanyagi and Ayanokouji justice can be satisfied for the time being. .

Chapter 167

  After moving his body a little, Qinglong felt that his body was a little heavier.

  I probably didn't take a shower yesterday because I played games with Kato all night, and then I went to his house the next day to draw eroge manga.Then he also went to meet his former friend, Iori Hajima.

  It's really no time to relax.

  Qinglong remembered that he hadn't taken a bath for a long time.

  The single apartment in the student dormitory has only showers and no bathtubs, but it doesn't mean that you can't take a bath in this academy. In terms of life care, the school has really considered it comprehensively.

  There is a public bathhouse far away from the student dormitory. Because it is far away, few students usually come here.

  It's just that Qinglong prefers it here.

  He even came right after school in the afternoon.

  Because after school, the feeling of being the first person to be in a place like this and then everyone washing your bath water...awesome! ~

  There is no need to pay for the bathhouse, but you need to pay for towels or shampoo and soap.

  After rinsing his body first, Qinglong wrapped himself in a towel. For him, it was actually fun to challenge the sauna.

  Although he often came very early, and then did not meet his opponent.

  And it is the same today.

  It's all into the holidays, and then the students are either going to sleep or go out on dates and play, how could they come to take a bath.

  The bathroom was empty.

  Push open the door of the sauna, because the heat inside is very strong, so the door is also set very heavy.

  However, only one corner was pushed away.

  "..." Qinglong felt a sense of shock.


  Someone is already there.

  The other party was sitting around the towel.Topless.

  And in such a hot place, he was wearing glasses.

  And he had noticed him.

  "Oh... it's Ayanokouji, don't stand stupidly, how about coming in?"

  The other party also said so.

  And this opponent is actually the student council president - Horikita Gakuen.

  Student Council President Horikita Gakuin was sitting on a bench, feeling the heat of the sauna.


  And Qinglong was thinking about whether to quit now.

  He thought he was the only one who liked to splash around in the bathhouse, but he didn't expect... the student council president was too.

  "...How long are you going to stand there?"

  The student council president said again.


  Because they are both males, Qinglong naturally won't be afraid, no, if there is a girl in the room, then that girl will be afraid.

  So Qinglong and the student council president kept a certain distance and sat down.

  Immediately hit by the heat.


  Just sitting next to a very masculine man Qinglong is still a little stressful.

  It's just that big brother Horikita is also a rich man who earns 5 points every month for him, so Kiyotaka decided to dig a little deeper into the brother and sister's relationship.

  "Can I ask a question?"

  Kiyotaka is not a hesitant person, so he said directly, "What happened when you and Horikita quarreled when you were entering school? It doesn't feel like an ordinary sibling quarrel."

  This refers to the scene where Kiyotaka returned from the supermarket in the evening on the second day of school and passed the path and found Horikita school forcing his sister to drop out.Although there he gained a position as a secretary of Horikita Gakuin, and then successfully resold it at a high price.

  However, the cause is still that the Horikita siblings quarreled or even wanted to do it.

  "..." Horikita shook his head slightly, but did not refuse to answer, and directly revealed, "Suzune has a fatal flaw."

  "She didn't notice her flaws, she just chased my shadow blindly."

  Horikita also understood that her younger sister was targeting her.

  "Then how about telling her about this flaw?" Kiyotaka probably understood what the flaw in Horikita's theory was.

  Because Horikita Suzune herself admires her brother very much.

  It's just that he didn't expect that Horikita Suzune was actually chasing.


  Chasing a person's back and taking the other person as a target is a psychology that many people have, but after all, people can't live like others.

  People need themselves.

  Horikita Suzune needs to become Horikita Suzune, not Horikita Gakuen.

  And thinking of Horikita-san with the face of Horikita's brother, Kiyotaka felt a cold sweat.

  "It doesn't make sense." Horikita Xue refused. "People in this world are not so easy to change. When they know their shortcomings, there are actually very few people who can correct them successfully."

  "However, your sister is trying to make a change now compared to her enrollment."

  Hearing Horikita Gaku's denial of his sister, Kiyotaka decided to help Horikita Suzune.

  "..." Horikita-gaku suddenly looked over, "So, Suzune has taken care of you a lot."


  Is it?

  Has Horikita been influenced by him?

  Horikita became his deceived partner.

  Horikita became his martial arts instructor.

  Horikita became his tool man.


  Telling these things to the student council president, Qinglong has no such face yet.

  "Isn't this what you asked for?" said Qinglong Dayi Ling Ran, "and I also have to be worthy of the care fee you call every month.

  And it can't be said that I take care of her unilaterally. "

  Qinglong said, "Or she helped me a lot, but what should I say, I regarded her as a friend, although that guy seemed to be alone in the past."

  Horikita-gaku was quite responsive to this last sentence, "Suzune always looks down on others, so she is always alone. But I think, no matter how good a person is, there is an upper limit, but two or three people, most If you work hard with other people, you may be able to break through the upper limit that you can't reach. I think so, and it is also what I hope she can know.

  She was placed in class D, I think, she didn't understand [she is limited, it's time to need help from others], that's why she was placed in class D.


  I also know that she will definitely not be able to survive in this school alone, so instead of being forced to drop out of school in pain and tears, I hope she can drop out of school before this encounter. "

  Is it.

  So sure enough, their quarrel at that time, and even Horikita Gakuin's gesture of wanting to fight Horikita Suzune, was just for this purpose.

  Just worried that my sister can't survive, and then force her to leave before the danger.

  "Actually, Horikita has now accumulated 600 million personal points." Kiyotaka said, "She has worked very hard, at least she is no longer so unbearable rigid."

  "So she has grown, and she won't drop out until I'm still in this school."

  Kiyotaka stood up, as if making a declaration.

  Mainly, it feels strange to continue to stay with Horikita-gaku.

  Because he hasn't had a sauna with a male friend.

  Only Qinglong stood up, but suddenly turned around.

  Because he suddenly changed his mind.

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