If a friend is like this, then it should really be moved.

  It's just that Qinglong thought more.

  He politely thanked Hirata and Yukimura for their worries, but Kiyotaka was analyzing the meaning of what Longyuan did. Although Longyuan was violent, he just wanted control and would not beat others on purpose. For example, even an idiot like Sudou, he is just being held back, because Ryuuen is a very smart person, he knows that pure violence is pointless, and he may even drop himself out of school.

  and so.


  Longyuan found someone to surround Gaoyuan Temple, and the purpose should not be to fight.

  Just what does he want to do?Qinglong has no interest in Koenji, so he doesn't want to care.

  "Then we'll go back first."

  Three days have passed since the dragon garden surrounded Koenji, and during these three days, the colleagues of the Ayanokoji group started to worry about him. Meet over there at the Chocolate Café.

  Probably because they thought that it would appear that there were a lot of people and then they could protect Qinglong.

  And they are also very interested.

  "There's always a feeling that we're all going to be heroes," said Poruga.

  "Like. If you can protect Ayanokouji-kun——" Airi also became a little excited.

  Speaking of coming out together a few times, Qinglong had to forget that Airi wasn't actually a student in their same group.

  It's just that if they really fight, the two of them are not fighting but can hold back.

  No, so Longyuan won't really be violent.

  It's just that I can't talk to them.

  And compared to this, Qinglong also found a person in the past few days.

  Today was also a party, and Qinglong walked in one direction in the store on the pretext of going to the bathroom. There was a girl sitting there who was focusing all her attention on her mobile phone.

  "I said—' 々—"

  Qinglong's sudden voice startled the other side. If it wasn't for her quick reaction, the phone she was using would have been thrown out.

  "Can I borrow some time?" Qinglong asked.

  And this girl is no stranger to him. The other party is Masumi Kamuro from Class A.She was operating her mobile phone, and it seemed that she just didn't notice Qinglong, so after being called, her body immediately froze and couldn't move.

  "I mean you who are here alone." Feeling that Kamuro-san didn't respond, Kiyotaka reminded him again.

  "Me, why?"

  Kamuro-san seemed to be frightened, and then raised his eyes slightly, as if he had just discovered Qinglong.

  As if interested in her performance, Qinglong sat down directly opposite her.

  Immediately there was an atmosphere like a needle stick between the two.

  It's just that Qinglong didn't go too far and broke the deadlock, "You seem to be following me everywhere recently, what's the matter?"

  "What?" However, Kamuro-san used the arrogance that only Karuizawa would use, "What are you talking about?"

  "Yesterday in the library, then on the street, and then on the street the day before yesterday, you all followed me. If I say it once, it's okay to say it twice, but it's been six times, don't you think it's already Can't it be just a coincidence?"

  And Qinglong, who said so, took out his phone, "I even took three photos of you."

  "That's... when were you..." Kamuro-san stood up in surprise. "And how."

  Because what Qinglong showed her were indeed her photos, and they were all photos of her when she was monitoring each other, and she didn't notice it at all when she was photographed like this.

  This made her stiffen even more.

  "You have been looking at me." Qinglong said, "But when I look back in your direction, you will immediately avoid your eyes, and this is the time to shoot you casually."

  Is that so.

  But Kamuro-san hasn't completely lost, "What if I follow you around? Is there a problem?"

  "After all, Ayanokouji-san, you are not bad looking, and your motor nerves are also good, so it is possible that I like you."

  Kamuro-san really went out of his way.

  "Don't say such things." Qinglong moved a little closer to her, narrowing the distance between the two, "I can't judge whether a person likes me or not, you are right to me. Not interested. Like I'm not interested in you."


  Jinshi felt that Qinglong was really ruthless when he said that.

  "Then let me judge." Qinglong said, "If your master knows..."

  "Master... what's that saying!" But this sentence unexpectedly aroused the dissatisfaction of the god's room, "You have watched too many movies."

  "Then I will notify Banliu directly, saying that your surveillance and tracking skills are too poor, and ask her to replace her." After saying that, Qinglong was about to get up, but Shenshi directly put his hand on Qinglong's hand. " Wait a moment."

  And it was this move that made Qinglong understand that the relationship between Kamuro-san and Banryu was not as good as it seemed.

  So he continued, "¨ˇ But you are really obedient to Banliu. You have followed for several days in a row, and you have persevered for a long time. The same is true today. You are really loyal to her."

  "Stop joking!" However, Kamuro-san became excited, "How could I want to obey that guy!"

  "Don't say it's obedience, I even want to cut ties with her."

  Is it.

  So, Shenshi was probably caught by Banryu for some weakness.

  "Anyway, what's the matter with you, you're being targeted by a guy like Banliu." Kamuro didn't know what kind of news he had exposed, and continued, "I'm just staring at you now, what will she do after that? It's completely unimaginable."

  "That's something to come later." Qinglong said, "Then you can do whatever you want."

  "Learn more about tracking skills. But I may not appear in public today and tomorrow, so you don't have to follow me. Come here on the third day, and I will be here again."

  "Huh?" Seeing that Qinglong was really about to leave the Shenshi classmate, he was a little dumbfounded. Didn't the other party come to express that he found her stalking, and then threatened her to continue stalking without (the money)?

  but now.

  But to tell her his whereabouts.

  too weird.

  "After all, didn't you have a hard time under Banliu?" Qinglong said, "So you can treat it as my cheap sympathy."

  It's not cheap.

  Because this is cheap, doesn't it mean that she is also cheap when driven by Itagyu?

  After getting the news from the classmates of Shenmuro, Kiyotaka returned to Bo Lujia and the others.

  When he arrived at the dormitory at night, a super cute girl with blond hair intercepted his way.


  Karuizawa expressed great doubts.

  Because Qinglong sent her a message and asked her to give him the phone for 2 days.

  How can this be, how can she not use a mobile phone, a mobile phone will die if it is not used for a day.

  ps: Push your own book.

  [Protagonist Halo]

  [Myth of I am not Yi Xiaochuan]

  [Comprehensive manga starts from five equal points].

Chapter 174

  Mobile phones are very important to a person. It should be said that for modern people, if you stop using mobile phones for 2 days, you will die.

  Therefore, Karuizawa expressed very dissatisfaction with Qinglong's decision.

  "So unwilling is because there are shady photos in the phone?" Qinglong said.


  "So is there a selfie?" Qinglong asked again.

  "Of course it's impossible to take pictures casually!" Karuizawa Megumi said, "because maybe the phone will be checked."

  So why would you consider your phone being checked?

  "Anyway." Qinglong confiscated her mobile phone. "Remove the password first."


  Karuizawa was puzzled. "Don't you have a cell phone too?"

  "No, I lost my cell phone." Qinglong lied, "It will take a while to replace it, so lend me the cell phone for two days."

  "Why didn't you find Horikita-san?"

  "She didn't agree." Qinglong said.


  It seems that after Horikita didn't agree with Kiyotaka, Karuizawa took over her mobile phone. She just handed it to Kiyotaka before she was notified that she was going to borrow it.

  And now it seems to be obedient to remove his own lock screen password.


  I saw Karuizawa's finger quickly slide on the button, and then "didi——"

  Qinglong's cell phone rang directly.

  It was a missed call, and the caller was Karuizawa Megumi.

  "So don't you have your phone on you?" Karuizawa looked at him with a confused look.As if Qinglong was doing something confusing.



  Isn't this guy very smart.

  "Okay." Qinglong said, "Actually, there is something that needs to be borrowed from your mobile phone. I can't tell you the reason for the time being."

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