So is it dangerous to do so?

  It is possible that it will attract the attention of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, so Longyuan first aimed at Gaoyuan Temple, and even in the past two days, he deliberately found someone to continue to surround Gaoyuan Temple, which is to divert his attention.

  The real target is Megumi Karuizawa.


  A message threatening Karuizawa has been sent to her.

  She can also borrow and return books with her friends.

  So is the news that Longyuan got useless?Or is it that the other party is too good at acting?

  But it's true, it's very playable.

  If it weren't for Shiho Manabe's remarks and Ibuki's testimony, it would be impossible to imagine that a hot girl like Karuizawa would be weak.

  And now they were talking about something that caught her attention.

  Mobile phone.

  What happened to Karuizawa's phone?

  "Ah, my phone, it actually broke yesterday afternoon." Karuizawa said, "So I didn't bring it with me. Then I took it to repair it."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

  "It's just that your mobile phone is moving." Sato took out his mobile phone, clicked on the GPS location, and searched for his friend Karuizawa Megumi.

  Then I noticed that the red dot on the GPS was moving.

  As long as the school's mobile phone is added as a friend, you can check the location of the other party at any time, which is also convenient for sometimes looking for someone.And Sato and Karuizawa have been friends.So they can check each other's position.

  "..." Karuizawa.



  Karuizawa felt very hurt.

  She can now feel a little bit of Qinglong's mood when she dialed Qinglong's number in front of her when she gave her cell phone to Qinglong yesterday.

  "Okay." She had to admit, "My phone was borrowed."

  "Borrow it? Why?" Sato-san was very interested.

........ 0


  borrow?In other words, did she not receive the threatening message from Longyuan yesterday?Is that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka?

  Could it be that the plan she and Longyuan thought had been discovered by the other party?

  How can it be!

  Hiyori and classmates felt a great failure for a moment.

  It was only that she felt strange and suddenly found that there was a black spot in front of the table, someone came over, and the shadow fell directly on the table.

  She raised her head slightly, but found that Karuizawa and Maya Sato had come to her at some point.


  Hiyori blinked.

  "What's the matter with you?"

  Hiyori and classmates behaved very politely.

  "Isn't this nonsense." But Karuizawa and Sato put their hands directly on her desk, and Sato-san knocked directly, "You just kept observing and peeking at us, right!"

  "That's right." Karuizawa said, "And then talking to himself, are you dissatisfied with us?"

  "..." Hiyori.

  Are these two secret agents?

  Hi and classmates feel a headache.

  "It seems so."

  However, a voice came down from the second floor.That was Horikita Suzune.


  After she went up to the second floor, and then looked down from the upstairs, she could see that Hiyori's behavior was very strange.

  "What is your class doing again? Longyuan surrounded Koenji before, but what else does he want to do?"

  Horikita Suzune also appeared.

  Hiyori found herself surrounded by three girls, and Shiho Manabe said that the woman named Horikita Suzune was very scary.


  Hey Hey hey.

  Is she going to be bullied?

  Isn't it the only thing Karuizawa is afraid of?

  Hi and classmates felt the same pressure as a mountain.three.

Chapter 176

  Two thirty in the afternoon.

  Holding the mobile phone that was sent the threatening message, a student went to the special teaching building alone. The reason why it is called special is that the entire teaching building is not equipped with cameras.

  So even if something happens it is not easy to detect.

  This is the Hongmen Banquet set up by Longyuan, but he seems to be more attentive, because one person is left to guard on the first floor, probably to prevent unrelated people from going up to destroy Longyuan's plan.

  And this left-behind person has enough pressure to make people afraid to approach.

  Because this is Albert who is 2 meters tall.


  He stood like a door god, but suddenly turned his head, because he found Qinglong approaching here.


  Probably because of the mixed race, he now uses English instinctively.

  But does a man who has lived in this area for a long time suddenly make him mark in English? Does it mean that he is surprised?

  Really surprised.

  Because Ryuuen told him not to let unrelated people go upstairs, and let her go upstairs when she saw Megumi Karuizawa from first-year class D coming over.

  Ryuuen's plan has never been attacked alone, and he has basically explained it to the classmates in the class, so even if he is not smart enough, he knows that the person Ryuuen is targeting this time is Karuizawa Megumi in Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's class.

  Karuizawa will come alone after the text message that is sure to threaten.

  But now?

  Indeed a person came.

  But this person is not Megumi Karuizawa but Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

  "Yo." Qinglong called to him, "So, are you going to stand here stupidly and not let me go up?"

  "No, it's not—"

  Because an unexpected person suddenly came, Albert didn't know what to do.

  "Let me call Longyuan," he said.

  "There is no need for such a thing." Qinglong said, "your plan has completely failed, hurry up and get out of the way, I am going to see Longyuan, and this is the email that Longyuan sent to Karuizawa. , Karuizawa's cell phone has been in my hand since the day before yesterday."

  ! !

  Albert hadn't taken out his phone yet his eyes widened in surprise.

  Because Qinglong said so, does it mean that Longyuan has failed from the beginning!

  "Longyuan is on the top floor." Qinglong said, "Come with me!"


  Albert became shaken.

  But seeing that Qinglong had bypassed his body, he hurriedly pulled the iron fence door on the first floor first.

  That's not to say you can block other people from coming in because there's no lock, but it also makes it possible to get in the way a little first if someone comes up.

  So finding that the plan failed, he had to take Qinglong upstairs.


  Qinglong walked in front of Albert, and then watched the tall guy follow.

  So this guy is actually quite a liar?

  But this also shows that Longyuan and the others are indeed on it.


  Time arrived at 2:50!

  "It seems to be coming." On the top floor, Long Yuanxiang was leisurely looking at the closed roof door. "Ibuki, get ready!"

  "Do you really want to do this?" Ibuki seemed hesitant.

  "Ibuki, are you so womanly?" Ryuuen asked. "You don't forget that we all lost last semester, and the biggest reason for that was the traitors in our class."

  "So I just also buried a spy in Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's class. Am I going too far? I'm not going too far at all, or Ibuki you are so weak? Don't you want to be promoted to Class A?"

  Long Yuan said with a stern face, "Or you still think Ling Xiaolu Qinglong is a good person!"

  "Of course not!"

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