In front of her, the one here obviously knew that Karuizawa was staying in the grass.


  This operation made Qinglong almost jump up on the spot.

  "And Kiyotaka touched Megumi in the movie theater," Sato added. "I saw."

  She spoke terrifying words in a calm tone.


  So she knows everything in the movie theater.And keep pretending not to know.

  Qinglong once again felt that the creature like a girl could not be controlled by himself.

  But after saying these frightening words, Sato-san has already left his body. "Then I'm going back."

  This one is rather loud, it should be [tell] Karuizawa-san.

  And she did the same. After speaking, she seemed to take two steps forward, but turned her head again, "Sure enough—"

  "Looking at Qing Qing up close, he looks very handsome."

  Sato-san ran back and put his hands on his shoulders, as if he wanted to kiss him again.

  No more.

  Qinglong refused to do such a thing, and after kissing her three more times, he finally threw her away.


  Watching Sato-san leave completely, Kiyotaka looked at a corner of the grass.

  He deliberately made a loud walking noise toward that side, and it seemed quiet there.

  But vaguely, he could hear the sound of the other party's heart beating faster.

  "You don't have to hide." Qinglong said, "I know you are there... You are really here."

  Kiyotaka directly bent down, pushed away the weeds blocking his vision with both hands, and then saw Karuizawa-san, who was squatting on the ground and holding his head.

  "..." Being completely discovered, Karuizawa doesn't seem to know what to say.

  "Since it's okay, then go back." Qinglong said.

  "Why don't you ask me why I'm still hiding here?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

  Karuizawa put down his hands.

  "I'm not wood." Qinglong said, "I probably still understand."

  "Then you understand the inner turmoil of a girl?" But Karuizawa stared at him with a questioning look, "You kissed Sato seven times just now, right?"


  So you have not finished peeking at all.And once more than he counted himself.

  "Probably so." Qinglong replied calmly.

  "So it was the first kiss? Your first kiss was given to Sato?"

  No, no, didn't you just care about 7 times?

  When Qinglong heard this question, he knew he was going to suffer. He was completely sure that Karuizawa liked him, but it was at this time that he started making trouble.


  "Well." It's just that Qinglong doesn't think there's anything to hide, because she can see it even if you look at her, and she has counted it 7 times, so you can fool it once, but what about 7 times?

  Simply ruthless.

  "But that was the first kiss, the first kiss—" However, Karuizawa was about to explode.

  "I don't think it's a big deal." Qinglong said, while Karuizawa was still squatting down with a flexible pressure.

  It was probably because he was a little impulsive.

  Because I kept kissing girls, and then I saw such a cute girl raising her head and looking at him like sparkling eyes, so how could I stop him.

  So he lowered his head.



  The girl only felt a momentary touch remaining on her lips.

  And Qinglong found that the face of the girl who was close at hand was constantly turning red, until the root of the neck.

  "That's it." Qinglong said, and then tried to pull her up from the squatting position.

  The previous student, Sato, was very wicked, and deliberately discussed some other topics with him, and then made Karuizawa have to hide in the grass, and her legs were probably numb for a while.


  But Karuizawa-san was completely cracked at this time.

  "No, no...what are you doing!"

  She really blows up! "My first kiss, my first kiss was actually a squatting position on the toilet!"


  Qinglong was taken aback, so this is what you care about?three.

Chapter 186

  Qinglong sent Karuizawa back to the dormitory.

  Then I went around a lot and went out to the playground for a few laps. I originally planned to go to Horikita School in the evening to continue my studies, but I had to give up.

  The few days Kiyotaka stayed in the dormitory, Horikita brother came to him once. He thought he didn't want to train and ran away. Then he learned about Ryuen, but he finally agreed with Ryuen. The solution to the class infighting proposed by Class C shows that Horikita-san is a very smooth person.

  As long as it doesn't cause [serious consequences] and doesn't [violate the position of the student council president], he may turn a blind eye to many things.

  But Qinglong is very excited now.

  Because he kissed girls.

  Not just one.

  For him, who was an ATM who became a blind date in the past, he couldn't believe it.

  Qinglong was born into a wealthy family, and his parents were looking for this kind of charming girl. She was arrogant and liked to spend money and act like a spoiled child. She couldn't understand people at all. .

  But after having such an experience, he came to Shijiao to consider becoming a person who was taken care of by a wealthy girl.

  It was only after experiencing Sato-kun that his thoughts were shaken violently.


  He found out that kissing a girl is a kiss, and two are kissing, as if... he doesn't hate it.

  So if he were to come to Yukinoshita Yukino now, and if the other party was willing to take care of him, would he still be able to remain silent?



  It seems to become dissatisfied with the begging.

  Therefore, he felt that he seemed to prefer his current life.

  So whether to choose Yukinoshita classmates or more people, this is a very complicated question.

  But this kind of thing is probably impossible to ask Horikita-san for answers, because Horikita-san should be the type from the beginning to the end.I don't understand why anyone would want to cheat.

  So after running 20 laps on the playground, the track and field team was stunned and gave up training, after which Kiyotaka returned to the dormitory.

  Take a shower happily.


  Because asking this kind of thing to Horikita brother will definitely be disgusted, so Kiyotaka chose to go to his sister who has a similar brain circuit.

  Horikita Suzune was reading a book. She opened the window and sat at the desk with coffee.

  With a stack of books at her feet, it can be seen that she has lived a very full summer vacation, because she has probably completed half of her self-study courses.

  "What's the matter with you?" Horikita Suzune asked.

  With a straight face, Yin Bangbang.

  This is a rather cold and disgusting expression.

  Such an obvious dislike of people coming over, this expression is completely incompatible with social etiquette.

  If you are like Kushida-san, who is obviously disgusting, but still shows a cute smile, this is the social rhetoric.

  "Actually, I'm now caught up in the topic of love." Qinglong said.

  But Horikita Suzune suddenly stood up and looked like she was seeing off a guest, "I'm not interested in things like love at all."

  "And there is no experience to teach or instruct you."

  "No no no." Qinglong said, "That's not what it meant."

  "I just want to talk to you. Because you are not interested in feelings, Horikita-san, and you don't have much judgment, so many things can be said to you."


  Suzune instantly felt that this man was very idle, and his judgment ability or something, this was just deliberately making things difficult for her.

  But she really has no interest in things like love.

  "Just listen to your complaints." Suzine put down the textbook, then turned the chair to him, "Speak."

  It has been rumored that Longyuan's infighting has deducted 50 class evaluation points. She also knows that if the number 10.1 is like this, then the first-year class ranking will return to the ABCD at the beginning of the school, which means that there is no progress at all, and Horikita had given up on relying on the students of Class D or flying with them.

  Not only can't save them, she was almost pressed and rubbed by Ryuuen on the ground during the sports festival, she was already very awake, and she was dull and stubborn in some aspects.

  In the matching test, he cheated with Kiyotaka and Kushida, but he succeeded.

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