She seemed a little surprised.

  Because Qinglong was covered with gauze yesterday, but the palm print on the right side of his face was obvious.

  "This is really rare." Banliu said, "I didn't expect that I would see your attitude."

  "Yes, it is."

  But being seen by the person who least wanted to see, Qinglong responded with a muffled voice.

  "But let me guess, was it made by Horikita-san?" Itanagi-san seemed to be here to buy cold medicine, but she had already settled the bill, but now she is chatting with Kiyotaka very leisurely. "I don't think that guy knows anything about love at all."

  "I don't know either."

  Although Horikita-san did beat him, Kiyotaka still had to say something for the other party. After all, it was his own fault for forcibly kissing her.

  Don't have to wash.

  "Then let's change the subject." Banliu said, "Just talk about the infighting in Class C before. Although he may be angry when he calls him that, the Dragon Boy is targeting you. But it depends on whether you are beaten by girls. Judging from the appearance of other injuries, you have already dealt with it."

  "...I heard Yukimura's report." Kiyotaka said, "You stopped when Ryuuen targeted Koenji."

  "And then, I also sent classmates Kamuro to follow me, probably just to remind me that I was the one who Longyuan really wanted to target."

  This remark made Banliu smile slightly, with a kind of heart-warming cuteness, "Don't think of me as beautiful."

  She said, "I just don't want you to be dealt with first before I destroy you."

  "You are my toy in this school. If you were bullied by Longyuan and dropped out of school, wouldn't it be boring?"

  This is really sick.

  "Then change the subject a little." Kiyotaka said, "Some time ago, you and Ichinose were working together and chatting intimately. What are you thinking about? If it was your classmate, it would be easy to say, but you actually It's unbelievable to communicate so generously with people from other classes."

  "Please don't make such a joke, she and I are not friends." Banliu denied it immediately, "Although the other party may regard me as a friend, the trouble with Class B is just to pass the time."

  This sentence almost completely indicates that she will target Ichinose Hobami next.

  And Banliu will be so straightforward and revealing his next plan, is he challenging him?

  Qinglong had no interest in such things.

  Now he is desperately self-examined about what kind of person he is.

  It's just that now he has been beaten by two people, and there are already two slaps on his face, so it is very inappropriate for Ban Liu to slap him too.

  So pretend you don't understand.

  Ban Liu watched his expression.Then he said, "It's just that after the 1st, it will return to the class order after enrollment, and your class will continue to return to class D. Are you no longer interested in this? Or do you want to play with me next semester? play?"

  "Haha." Qinglong said, "I wasn't interested in Class D from the beginning. As long as the points given to me by Class D are not lost, you can play whatever you want."

  That is to say, he will not fight.

  But Banliu didn't feel interested in this way, and the cute expression on his face felt boring to the naked eye.

  "Your gauze." At this time, the waiter brought the goods that Qinglong wanted. Perhaps he felt ashamed to be seen by more people, so he did it in the store. .

Chapter 188

  Because Banyanagi seems to be going back to the dormitory next, and Kiyotaka has to go to the library, there are two books in his handbag, which Horikita-san asked him to return.


  Qinglong felt that this was not worth it.

  Kiss twice = slap + return book.

  It's just that he has done all these things, and Qinglong has followed the wishes of the other party. After all, she is a super cute beautiful girl, and generally speaking, he earned it.

  So he and Banliu separated directly at the door of the pharmacy.

  He walked towards the library from the pharmacy and checked the receipt given to him by the clerk, but he moved quickly and turned to the side.Then he slammed into the grass.

  Because there was a person in front of him, who seemed to be talking on the phone, looking at the ground while kicking the pebbles.

  This is a second-year girl with long orange hair. She wears a sunflower hairpin. She looks a little mature, but she should be quite beautiful.

  Qinglong didn't see each other just once.

  He still remembered that the first time he saw each other was the female companion that Na Yunya brought when he was about to open a shop in the first few days of school.She introduced herself as Asahina at that time.

  And she's talking to someone right now.

  "As I said, I'm not interested. Isn't President Horikita still the student council president?"

  "The secretary's words... I can consider it, but Ya, you are only a student accountant now. Is it Kiriyama... have you already controlled him?"

  "Ya, your idea is exaggerated. I know it's thanks to you that we can come from Class B, but you invited me only because I'm good-looking, aren't you ' 々?"

  "You just like to play with good-looking girls. You have a very bad reputation now. You have been attacked by Ayanokouji several times, and you have lost your prestige in the second grade... Dudu."

  A busy tone came from the phone of the senpai who answered like that.

  It seems that [Ya] unilaterally hung up the phone.

  It's just that enough information has been revealed in her words. The accountant of the student union, Class B has been promoted, so she should speak to the former student union president and current student union accountant Nagumo Ya.

  "It seems that the successor of Horikita Academy is Kiryu from Class B. It's just that Ya's side is unreliable, can the class really last until the third grade graduates and it will still be Class A? Ya is just like that, just mention the first grade Aya. The name of the path would be mind blowing."

  Senior Sister seemed to mutter to herself, "In the end, it's that Junior Brother Ayanokoji. If he doesn't show up, then Class A's side should be stable and no longer stable."

  The latter is like complaining.

  Qinglong felt that it was really good for him to hide.

  Not afraid, just worried that the other party might hold revenge.

  Qinglong felt that he had a good relationship with this second-year senior.In addition to what I said before, Nagumo brought her out, and at the sports festival, when she was in the 100-meter race, Kiyotaka deliberately messed up, so that her advantage was destroyed, and the third place was not in line with her. 's results.

  It's just that the second grade is really boring, even if he deliberately pulled Asahina's hind legs, but under Nagumo's control, the position of the second grade class A is still secure.

  Then listening to the other party's complaints, Qinglong was very sure that when he first appeared, he was very likely to be troubled.

  But it is the state where he has gauze on his face now, it is really not suitable for meeting with each other.

  Because this kind of senior would definitely ridicule him.

  And Asahina-senpai didn't find Kiyotaka hiding, so she continued to leave after calling.

  Qinglong came out of the grass.

  I just avoided Asahina just now, but it doesn’t mean that I didn’t get anything. At least I can get it. Horikita School may resign as the student council president around the middle of the next semester, and the successor is the current vice president Kiriyama.

  Kiriyama is the monitor of Class B of the second grade.

  The second-year class B here is actually the former class A, but was defeated by Nagumo and fell into the B class.

  And because of him, Nagumo lost the position of vice president and was reduced to the accountant of the student union.

  But it doesn't mean that Nagumo is completely useless. From the words of the senior sister, Nagumo is in control of Tongshan.

  Therefore, Nayunya also has the opportunity to make a comeback.

  In other words, as long as the responsibilities of the student council president of Horikita School are handed over, there will probably be big fluctuations in this school.

  Just what does this have to do with him?

  It's just that he also felt a bit of a loss, because if it was an excellent level, then he might become the vice president of the student council, and then become the president after Horikita school left.

  Form your own student union.


  He will only build the student union into the largest legal and reasonable gang in the academy that collects protection fees, sell the positions of the members of the student union (with good money), and make a lot of money, but this idea is very early. At that time, President Horikita gave insight, so he was almost out of play here.

  While thinking wildly, Qinglong decided to continue walking to the library, but after taking two steps, he found that his foot stepped on something.

  That is a talisman.

  It has the words [Hashihime] written on it.

  Although he didn't quite understand it, Qinglong felt that the lucky charm he picked up probably brought him luck.

  He has heard a saying that by taking away the luck of luck, you can take away other people's luck by taking away other people's amulets.

  And about ten minutes later, when Kiyotaka had arrived at the dormitory, Asahina-senpai, who had just called, returned along the same path.lift.

Chapter 189

  "Where did you lose it!"

  Asahina anxiously began to search in his memory, trying to find out when he last saw the amulet in his memory.

  It turned out that she didn't pay much attention after she went out because she was too accustomed to it.

  So, I don't know where it was lost.

  She looked a little flustered, because the amulet she had obtained before entering school was missing.

  If it is a general amulet, that's all, in fact, it is more of a comforting effect.

  After all, the biggest function of the amulet is to wear it with you to avoid disasters.

  However, Asahina was different.

  Because what she is asking for is fate and love!

  Because she was smart since she was a child, when she watched those boys use all kinds of clumsy means to attract her attention, she would not be as happy as ordinary girls, nor would she feel that being pursued is something to be proud of.

  On the contrary, even when she entered a school that required intrigue, she still maintained her desire for love.

  Her parents met by coincidence, and then they knew each other. She envied this kind of emotion, that is to say, she was actually very superstitious.

  So she put all her hopes on her amulet, hoping that she could meet her sweetheart with it.

  Even if the other party is not handsome or good enough, she feels that this is fate.

  However, the amulet was lost.

  Asahina I don't know where she lost it, or if someone picked it up.

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