"No need." Qinglong said, "I said that the bigger enemy than Banryu is Masayoshi Ayanokouji. If you leave for too long, it is very likely that you will be expelled when you come back."

  [So what are you going to do?Only the world book of the passer-by heroine can increase your ability to take the exam.You are bringing back a book from that world, but it is only one, not broad, and even if you keep reading, you will only become proficient and not gain experience. ]

  "Look at my operation." Qinglong said.

  [Okay, then I'll see if you can surprise me. ] The system replied like this.

  Then the system was really dumbfounded.

  Only after reading the book of the passer-by heroine can be converted into the test-taking ability of a scholar.

  And Qinglong has a [Love Metronome] in his hand, and the novels written by these senior sisters were brought back by him in his pocket when he traveled back.

  And this book has not lost or lost its presence for several days.

  In addition, there is almost no difference in the cultures of the two worlds, which shows that the book of the passer-by heroine is allowed to be brought into this world.

  So even if you want to stay in this world, you only need to move the book of the passer-by heroine world here.

  So how to do it?He has no money in the world of the passer-by heroine, and if he wants money, he has to cooperate fully with Iori Po Island, and then he has to wait at least three months to get rich.

  And three months over there is a month here, can he wait so long?The time of the world over there will fluctuate only when he goes there, that is to say, if he is not there, then there will be no movement there, and once he goes there, then there may be an accident here and there is no way to immediately teach it. solve.

  The system can remind him, but what if the system takes a nap?

  Qinglong is not very confident about how hardworking his system is.

  in this way.

  So there is a deadlock.

  So how to deal with it?

  There is a way.

  Qinglong used the points to buy seven bookstores in the shopping street.At the same time, an application was made to the library.

  The consumption of bookstores has always been high.

  On his last birthday, Qinglong found out that there were no books in the store that the students wanted to read, but the clerk could register him to buy them and found them. The books in the bookstore were all mobile.

  Textbooks, study materials, etc., 5-year college entrance examination and 3-year simulation, three exercises in one lesson, etc., are also in short supply. ...... Need to constantly transfer goods to the outside world.

  That is, they need to specify the new book.

  And Qinglong saw this and negotiated with them. He wanted to participate in this purchase right.

  The price is 3% off the market price to help them get the goods.

  Don't think that this is only a 3% discount, the amount is also a large value when stacked up.

  And Kiyotaka's request is very strange, he will settle the points for them, but they have to provide him with yen.As a person in Academy City, or in other words, everyone uses points as a settlement.

  It's just that they will be able to settle points with the school and make money when they are on vacation or retired.

  After all, they also have to live outside, and they still use yen instead of points.

  Therefore, it is not just employees who can open a store here. Quite a few store owners have their own net worth.

  That is, they have cash on hand.

  And this is exactly what Qinglong needs.

  But suddenly saying that they want to buy cheap goods will definitely not be recognized by them.

  Because this kind of thing would offend the suppliers and distributors, and at the same time, the school would not allow students to participate in things like bookstores, so Qinglong applied to the school under the banner of wanting to study, and wanted to get the library’s right to buy new books during the summer vacation.

  He will negotiate with the bookstore to replenish the new books that the students in the library have applied for from the bookstore. He wants to learn to practice bargaining.

  The permission was granted after consideration by the school.

  The cost is 100 million.

  Having obtained this privilege, Qinglong immediately took this privilege to deceive the people in the bookstore.

  After adding the horrible personal points on his student ID, someone finally trusted him.

  So he gave the other party 3000 million points, the other party gave him 3000 million in cash, and took Qian Qinglong back to the passer-by heroine, and immediately contacted her library through Sister Shiyu, and laid out the list of goods. In the way of my sister, I will bring Yizhi to make a guarantee for myself, so I allow him to pay in installments and get a lot of books.

  Take the book back to the academy and sell it to the bookstore.

  retrieving capital.

  So will Qinglong still lose money?

  Yes, it will be a loss.

  Because the cost price was like that, he gave the bookstore a 3% discount. In the eyes of the bookstore people, he was at a loss.Is it just really so?

  The purchase channels of their bookstores are not the same, and the suppliers are also different, and the price of the books they get is often related to their demand. The price will naturally be lower than their usual price.

  In this way, cancellation is performed.

  So, Qinglong actually only lost more than 200 million.

  When it was discovered that Qinglong had done such a thing with the bookstore silently, the school finally found out that it had been deceived, so it withdrew the library authorization of 100 million yuan, and the handed over 100 million yuan also returned to Qinglong's hands.

  However, for Qinglong, having made a big business among passer-by female protagonists, both his reputation and value have been improved, so only spending more than 100 million is simply too worth it.

  In front of him, there were also [-] books from the world of passers-by that could provide experience.And the experience value generated by these [-]-level books is enough to support him to deal with the ordinary written test of the junior high school-high school grade one to two. .

Chapter 192

  Because I got 2 small yellow books... Bah, I got 3 serious books, and Qinglong started reading quickly during the remaining [-]/[-] of the summer vacation.

  Live a busy life.

  But he didn't sigh heavily until he returned to class on 10.1.

  I'm so stupid, really.

  Because in this month, the father of the real teaching, Ayanokouji Zhengyi, did nothing, which means that he guarded the other party in vain, but the other party did not move, which means that he really looked down on the other party too much. What?

  But Qinglong didn't think the other party would just give up.

  The person who said the housekeeper Matsuo's words of apology with his death in that tone was not a coward.

  And Banliu classmate's harsh words released during the summer vacation were not fulfilled.

  The promised attack on Ichinose didn't happen.

  Because the summer vacation has just ended, even if it is impossible to go outside the school, it is a long time for the students. During this month, some people are playing and some people are staying in the dormitory, so there is a lot of talk.

  It is a little sighing that the class card of the class has been restored to class D under the work of the staff.

  Their most brilliant grade is Class B.But he seemed to know that even if he reached Class B, he was still several hundred points behind Class A, and it was impossible to win.

  And now it's down to Class D, but the scores haven't changed much, so the students' interest is still very high.

  Only some students who want to take everyone forward will feel a sigh.

  Take Hirata-kun, for example, and Yukimura-san, for example.

  "Is that so? Hee hee—" Kushida-san, who had no interest in Class A, happily greeted and chatted with her classmates.

  They came early, and they gathered into several small groups talking very early.

  But Kushida's side is the king of popularity, but when Kiyotaka came to the classroom, he found that the hot girls in Karuizawa were also very lively.

  They gather together.

  Love gossip is going on.

  For example, Sato-san was a little embarrassed and reported the progress of his relationship.

  It seems that in the second half of the summer vacation, the feeling of love has been rekindled, and he has already done it with the man.

  This doesn't seem like good news.

  Qinglong thought when he walked into the classroom.And when he thought so, he found someone looking at her with a gloating expression.

  This is Hasebe Haruka. She is the kind of person who talks a lot in the Ayanokouji group, and what happened on Sato's side is probably very sympathetic to him.

  Because at the end of last semester, there was a case where Sato-san tried his best to confess to him, but was rejected in person.

  But Sato-san suddenly found someone to be with and made progress at the same time.

  So pity her.

  But that's just Poruga's gaze.

  Qinglong noticed that the super cute girl sitting on the seat suddenly glanced at him.

  His eyes were rather cold.

  And it's full of contempt.

  This look hurts.

  Qinglong lowered his head.

  In fact, he was also very disappointed.During this summer vacation, he himself has undergone tremendous changes. He has changed his life goals, starting with Sato. He has gained experience from Horikita and even from Chabashira-sensei. He is really the kind of person who only grows If you look good, then no matter who the other party is, you can do it.

  This is a very desperate thing.

  After that, he devoted himself to reading and learning. When he was infinitely tired, Mr. Sato called him to ask him out, so he naturally wanted to change his mood.

  Then there is no more.

  [I don't think it's good for you to shirk responsibility like this. ] When Qinglong sat down, a systemic sarcastic voice appeared in his mind, [There are 20-story books, you can quickly read them in [-] days, but there are still [-] books, you It's just being lazy and completely immersed in the relationship between men and women. ]

  For such distress, Qinglong has learned not to listen.

  Because from the beginning when he and Sato were together, the system didn't bother him, but after that, it got bothered again and again, so Kiyotaka also learned to block it.

  "Aren't you supposed to go to bed at this time?"

  Qinglong found that the frequency of the system that did not appear very often in the past month was very high, and basically, when he was alone with the girl, he deliberately sang Buddhist songs or wanted to create unexpected events to interrupt.

  [It's not because you haven't done anything this month, haven't done anything! ] The system complained, [My performance has no way to improve.People who are completely immersed in the relationship between men and women will definitely hit the streets. ]

  [If I hadn't made a mistake and got demoted, then I wouldn't have made a system.Obviously, the results in the first half of the year have been affirmed, but you are completely uneasy now. ]


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