Rokusuke Koenji has probably released water, so it has only 87 points.

  However, one of them scored 91 points.

  91 points in English.

  Math 91.

  91 points in modern text.

  History 91 points.

  Physics 91 points.


  All five subjects scored 91 points.

  The total score is about [-]th and [-]th.

  Ayanokouji Kiyotaka suddenly jumped from the scumbag to the top of the school.

  As his leader, Horikita-san put his hands on his knees.

  When the teacher announced the results, she did not immediately look for her name, because she knew very well how many points she could get.

  But in the past month, Qinglong often completed the example questions she gave easily, so she was a little worried about whether the other party might get full marks in a certain subject.

  But the results so far show nothing at all.

  "As far as you are concerned, you have done a good job."

  She doesn't know how difficult it is to go from 50 points to 90 points, but she knows how difficult it is for her to reach 98 points from 100, so Qinglong has done enough hard work.

  "But I had some hopes in vain," she said. "I thought you might have a subject that you could pass me."

  Is it?


  Qinglong didn't believe her. If she had been tested in one subject, then she would be blown away by now.

  "But." She seemed a little embarrassed. "I really did what I said about the results of the withdrawal study meeting, so I'm actually quite happy. Thank you."

  The tone is quite candid.

  oh oh oh.

  So isn't this a good thing to get along with every now and then?

  And at the end of get out of class time.

  Qinglong was immediately surrounded by classmates, and it should be said that the poor students paid special attention.

  Chi ran over directly, because Qinglong and him were obviously in the same group and studied together, but Qinglong got a high score.

  He still flew dangerously over the pass line.

  Qinglong pretended to look at her at Horikita easily, and she stood up knowingly, because the current scene was what she wanted to see.

  The other students in her study meeting didn't have much fighting spirit, so she asked Qinglong to show it on purpose, to show that [study meeting is useful] [study makes me happy], and then brought a positive guiding effect to let other students of students learn spontaneously.

  In this way, she may not need to participate in this kind of study meeting in the future, and other people should study by themselves.

  is a very positive effect.

  And this kind of thing, even if the starting point is good, is acting in itself, so Horikita-san finally felt embarrassed, so she went outside.

  "Hey, Ayanokouji, what the hell did you do to be so strong!"

  "Can you give me some skills!"

  Questions like this are constantly being raised by Qinglong's side...  

  And the rhetoric of the relevant response has long been prepared, "I think I just participated in the study meeting of Horikita script, although I am in the same group as others, but your enthusiasm is too low, learning this kind of thing is simply the more you learn. It's more advanced, and as long as it's higher, you can learn well--"

  "Sure enough." However, after Qinglong finished speaking, a voice that seemed to be unfriendly came out from the front.

  Kiyotaka looked at the other party immediately, "What do you mean, Kushida?"

  "It doesn't make any sense, it's the original meaning." However, Kushida deliberately mixed up the topic, "because a rumor has recently appeared."

  "Rumour?" Qinglong stared at her.

  But the students' whispers grew louder.

  "It seems that Ayanokouji has already admitted that he can get high marks from Horikita's side, so as expected, I really didn't expect that Horikita-san actually—"

  The man's words suddenly stopped halfway through.

  But another classmate went on to say, "There is an older brother of the student council president, but it's different, and the way he thinks is different from ours-"

  "So, for this exam, her older brother, who is the student council president, should have given her the exam questions long ago. Only then can Ayanokouji-kun, who was given a small stove, be able to do so well in the exam."

  The classmates became eager to talk all of a sudden.

  Because everyone passed the exam, after the big stone in their hearts fell, they wanted to gossip.

  The topic of gossip is that Horikita Suzune's older brother is the student council president Horikita Gakuin.

  Horikita Gakuen deviated from the position of the student council president and told his sister the content of the exam.

  That is to say, I told my sister Horikita Suzune, so she could easily get Kiyotaka, who usually has a low score, to get a high score of 91.


  Qinglong found that there was a suddenly suppressed voice at the back door.It was Horikita-san, who was trying to avoid Kiyotaka's boasting about the study meeting.

  She's back here, but hears everything she absolutely doesn't want to hear.


  After Horikita entered the classroom, most of the people stared at her.

  But just listening, she turned pale.

  Student council president, brother.

  Horikita and the student council president are siblings.

  The students are discussing this.

  It was revealed that she was the younger sister of the elder brother of the excellent student council president.

  She has made many moves to show that this is her bottom line.

  Now the classmates are just talking casually, but it is enough to penetrate her.

  "Um... Horikita-san, since you took away the scumbag Ayanokuji-kun this time, then we don't need to study so hard next time. Since you have a brother of the student council president, there must be something. Gossip!"

  This time, in this situation where everyone was talking about it, there was only one person who took the initiative to walk in front of Horikita Suzune.

  That's someone who doesn't look at the atmosphere.


  But what he said represented the voice of some D class students. .

Chapter 197

  A quarter of an hour ago, Horikita was still entrusting Kiyotaka to show that learning would be useful to pass on, but the next quarter of an hour, it was understood that Kiyotaka could get a high score because the president of Horikita had leaked the question.

  So his high score comes not from hard work, but from [inside information].

  It can be said that the positive motivational effect that Horikita wanted has been turned into a negative teaching material in an instant.

  And there are people who really want to imitate.

  Two months ago.

  When Horikita met Kushida, she said that she did not want to embarrass her older brother Horikita, who is the student council president, because of her status.

  In other words, she absolutely rejected being known by others that she and Horikita Gaku were brothers and sisters.

  It's not that I hate Horikita, but I feel inferior and feel that I will hold back Horikita and become a weapon for the enemy to attack Horikita.

  Not only is it not helpful, but it also becomes a burden.

  She was quite disgusted by this kind of thing.

  And now.

  Her brother-sister relationship with her older brother Horikita Gakuen has been publicized.

  "You got a lot of things from your brother who is the student council president. It's nothing to 26 to give us a little benefit."

  Yamauchi's classmates chatted authentically.I didn't see Horikita's face turning paler at all.

  And Qinglong's biggest impression of him is that this guy wants to chase after his family Aili, and after he failed, he spoke ill of Aili several times.

  He's quite an irresponsible person.

  "What did you say I... got?" Horikita's state has become dazed.

  "This class is on leave!"

  Kiyotaka said to the other people watching, and at the same time glanced at the girl with short blond hair in the front row of the podium table, so he took Horikita's hand and walked out.


  Horikita's body was passively carried by Kiyotaka, and she didn't speak.

  They went directly outside, and there were some senior students outside.

  Kiyotaka noticed that the surrounding senior students did not point to Horikita, which means that the rumors that suddenly appeared were limited to Class D for the time being... No, there are also some students in the class who have connections with people from other classes. But with the communicative skills of first-year students, this rumor should stop at the lower grades.

  That is, ABCD four classes.

  "..." Horikita said nothing.

  Or that her mood has not stabilized yet.

  But Kiyotaka still had to speak, "...Calm down, although I roughly guessed what happened, but now there are rumors that are not good for you in the class. And this is Kushida's plan. She should have spread it. "

  In fact, it's not entirely sure if Kushida leaked it out, but in the current state of Horikita, it is undoubtedly better to treat this as someone who did it first.So Qinglong directly chose Kushida back pot first.

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