Everyone's eyes suddenly sharpened.

  Because if they went to see Horikita and then lied, then the relationship between the two of them...

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

  "No." Qinglong shook his head directly. "It's really a boy, and the other party is looking for me for something."

  It was indeed Horikita-san.

  But not that Horikita-san.

  [I heard the rumors.Come to the bathroom here. ] by Horikita School.


  "I've been waiting for you here for a long time," Horikita said.He was over there in the public bath.

  Because he had just finished eating, Qinglong didn't go in to take a bath with him.As long as you know some medical common sense, you can't take a bath after a meal.Easy to indigestion. Poor and may even cause a stroke.

  "You should be clear about this matter." Kiyotaka said, "As long as you and Horikita are siblings, even if it's not now, people will be discovered in the future."

........ 0

  "No." Horikita shook his head, "I have no dissatisfaction with the exposure of this relationship."

  "After all, I'm Suzune's older brother, there's nothing wrong with that. But her personality is too straight, and she's easily provoked or caught in the arms of others."

  "Then how would you solve this if it were?"

  In fact, Qinglong had already sent him the solution last night.

  After all, Horikita Gakuen had to make some practical achievements in giving him care expenses every month, otherwise it would really be a waste.

  "If it's just a rumor, and I don't take action, then I won't deal with it." Horikita said, "People may be troubled or framed at various times, but what really matters is the heart, and if the heart is strong enough, anything can be done. There is nothing to fear."


  Horikita brother is really too straight.

  But is the human heart really that strong?

  So the first graders were immediately put to the test, and they were now confronted with an even more important matter.

  That is.

  Every first-year student found an identical letter in their shoe cabinet.

  [Honnami Ichinose from Class B of the first grade has an illicitly large amount of points. ]

  And below this line of printed words, there is a person's name.

  Sakayanagi Arisu.

  It seems that she reported Hobami Ichinose.three.

Chapter 206

  Hobami Ichinose from Class B of the first grade has an illicitly large amount of points.

  That morning, when each student went to change their indoor shoes, they found a letter stuffed into their shoe box.

  The content of the letter is the word that is typed out using a printer.

  [Honnami Ichinose of Class B of the first grade obtained a huge amount of points by illicit means. - Sakayanagi Arisu reports]

  Literally, this is a whistleblower letter.


  You can submit the report letter to the school or the student union. Why put it in the shoe cabinets of all grades?

  And it's the girl Itanagi Arisu.

  Qinglong also went to the shoe cabinet, and he got the same letter as the others.

  Ichinose has a lot of points.

  Huge amount?

  In the last matching test, he helped Class B led by Ichinose, and Ichinose was responsible for transferring the cost of buying the test paper for the traitor of Class A to him. At that time, he accidentally met her. The total amount of private points on your phone.That's about six million.

  Not many.

  "Ichinose is here—"

  "And that's Banryu-san from Class A—"

  And just when he didn't make any move, the two people at the center of the incident appeared here.

  "Do you all look like something happened?"

  Ichinose is not stupid, she suddenly noticed that her classmates seemed to be paying more attention to her than usual.

  And with considerable doubts.

  "Ichinose-san—" And a girl from Ichinose's class who was familiar to Kiyotaka ran towards her from one side. "Look at this..."

  Is it weird to meet once and then feel familiar?

  Not surprisingly.

  Because Qinglong remembered the other party, but the other party ignored him.

  That's why this term is used.

  Because this girl is Chihiro Shirakawa from Ichinose's class, she once confessed to her because she liked Ichinose, but Ichinose went to Kiyotaka to help the one who refused.

  "Chihiro-san..." Ichinose took the envelope handed by Chihiro Hakuba.

  [Honnami Ichinose of Class B of the first grade obtained a huge amount of points by illicit means. - Sakayanagi Arisu reports]

  "..." Her expression suddenly became stunned.

  "Is it Xiaobanyanagi--" She was no stranger to Sakayanagi, and even felt familiar.

  She knew that the other party was one of the two leaders of Class A, but she met Itagyu-san during the summer vacation and went shopping together. She felt that the relationship between the two seemed to be getting closer.

  And according to Ichinose, aren't the two friends?


  Totally incomprehensible.

  Why does her name appear in this nonsense whistleblower letter?

  "Alala, it seems that something is happening right now." Itanagi Arisu walked over from the door a little bit under the guard of Masumi Kamuro.

  She walks very slowly, but with a lovely smile, people will not dislike her slow speed, but have the urge to use loving eyes to watch.

  "Student Banliu!"

  But there are people who are not like that.

  The first to speak was Shibata from Class B.His failure in the sports festival brought him to rock bottom, and even dragged the class down a lot, which made him self-loathing, but he would not allow such a trustworthy companion in his class to be slandered like this.

  So without knowing whether Banliu did this, he fired first, "Why do you do such a thing."


  Itanagi Arisu showed a puzzled expression, and she took the report letter in Shibata's hand.

  This time, it seems that everyone is watching.

  But the expression she showed was the first time she saw and saw her own name in astonishment.

  It seems.

  She is not the mastermind.


  How could such a cute girl slander Ichinose-san?

  There are three super-popular objects in the first grade.

  The third is Hirata Yosuke-kun, who has a lot of popularity among girls, and is known for his handsome and gentle temperament.

  The second is Kushida Kikyo from the same class as Hirata-kun.If Hirata is very popular among girls, then she is very popular among boys. With her gentle and cute characteristics, almost all boys in the grade have a good impression of her.

  But these two are already pyramids, but there is another person above them.

  This is the No. [-] Ichinose Hobami, who has almost as many friends as at least one third of her grade. …

  Both men and women want to be her friend.

  So, no one would want to target such a popular Ichinose-san.

  Especially in such a dirty and stupid way.

  "Looks like Ichinose-san, you're being watched fiercely." Itagyu said, "However, why don't you take advantage of this situation where everyone is paying attention, Ichinose-san, can you explain it on the spot? You can prove your innocence.”

  From the perspective of others, Itanagi-san seems to be kindly giving Ichinose room for explanation.

  As long as the innocence is proved, then the pure will be self-cleaning, and it will be useless for others to contaminate them.


  This sentence can also be regarded as a trap.

  If Ichinose didn't have a huge amount of points, why not show her points on the spot now?But this is like being arranged by the person who received the whistleblower letter.Completely led by the nose.

  Moreover, she really has so many points on her mobile phone now.

  Although she also has a way of hiding her points with point cards, she has to announce her points to her classmates from time to time, so it is quite inconvenient to use point cards.

  Then, if such a huge amount of points is announced now, will she and Class B's various legitimate evaluations be shaken and misunderstood?

  Make other people think they found a bug or did something and then just a student can get a lot of points?

  This is an attack from another class.

  It's very easy for someone with a heart to think.

  And Ichinose also knew.

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