And now, although Ichinose has come forward and confessed, even if she doesn't confess, Itanagi will attack her.


  Itanagi, you are wrong, your method has failed, and Ichinose is already in a place far from danger.

  Ichinose stood at the podium, her expression painful and sad.She then told her poor family background, single-parent family, the fact of stealing, her inner remorse, and the fact that she was closed for half a year.

  And just like her sad expression, as she reveals that she will experience the sad past again, and her heart will be shattered again.

  The students in class B did not speak to anyone.Or of course they didn't blame her, or she closed herself up because she was too kind. Yes, it could be said that she was a poor girl, or that she didn't blame herself enough when she stole, and it could be directly because of this. incident and blamed her on whether she could continue to be the class leader.

  But one thing is obvious to all. After entering this school, she didn't hurt anyone and was a kind angel.

  No one can question this.

  "...Looks like you've made up your mind."

  At the end of Ichinose's confession, Sakayanagi Arisu spoke slowly. She didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and she didn't expect that Ichinose would actually confess her past in public. You must know that she is here in this class right now. It's just the students of class B, and there are people from other classes who come to watch the fun.

  For example, Horikita Suzune, such as Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

  But now Ichinose didn't have any concerns and confessed.

  It's like telling everyone your secret.

  This will have a strong impact not only on herself, but on the entire B class.

  If negative remarks came out, it would not be Ichinose himself but Class B would suffer a huge loss.

  This is the reason why she has control of the god's room, and the exposure of the theft of the god's room will also bring considerable negativity to Class A.

  and so.

  Ichinose has always used silence. I am afraid that he is not worried about his past dark history being exposed and then being dropped from school, but that he is worried that he will affect Class B after he quits school.

  And now.

  She directly confessed that this has already brought a negative impact to Class B.

  As soon as such news spreads, the negative comments will crush the class.

  "Then Ichinose-san, can you promise me one thing?" Itagyu had doubts in her heart, but the script was going too smoothly now, but she couldn't help but continue, "Please resign as the class leader. You are fine too. Think about it, a thief, someone who used to steal because of poverty, how can she make sure that she has a lot of points without spending it?"


  This is why criminals cannot be looked at in the eyes of others.

  Having such a past loses the trust of others, and even if they reform, most of the society will not trust them.

  But here is Class B, the only class of good guys in the first grade.

  They are not the same. .

Chapter 228


  "..." The students in Class B immediately became indignant.

  "Banliu, you are going too far!"

  Immediately someone expressed dissatisfaction.

  On the other hand, Kamuro and Hashimoto took the initiative to stand in front of Itagyu. Itagyu's health is not good, and even a little push from a classmate in class B may bring considerable danger to Itagyu.

  As a dog at this time, of course, it is necessary to protect its owner.

  Speaking of the bottom plate Liu coming here in person today is a danger.

  "Can...let me tell you something." But Ichinose calmed everyone down, "I'm sorry that I have such a past. However, when I came to this class, I hope that everyone can be promoted to Class A, so, although It's very cheeky, but everyone, can you come to the end with me?"


  There was a sudden stagnation in the air, but then there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers.

  Everyone thought that Ichinose had made some bad preparations for saying such a past, and now they are still willing to work hard with them, how could they be unhappy?

  Yes, Ichinose is indeed guilty of stealing, but she is already kind enough, why can't she be given a chance to forgive?

  They would all forgive her, and the biggest worry was that she couldn't forgive herself.

  Now that she has spoken out about working together, all the members of Class B will undoubtedly cheer.

  It can be said that Ichinose's black spot is not a black spot, but having such a black spot makes her more perfect.

  This is a man of flesh and blood.


  What Ichinose thought was too simple.

  The corners of Banliu's mouth twitched, "There will be huge negative remarks in the future, then—' 々—"

  The voice stopped abruptly as she spoke.

  Because there was a commotion in the corridor at the entrance of Class B classroom, the students who had been surrounding them all moved away, because there were incredible people walking here.

  Those were the student council president Horikita Gakuya with a stern face, and the anxious student council accountant Nagumo, as well as Class B's class director Hoshinomiya Chie and D class's class director Chabashira Sae, Class C. The number on the board, Mr. Mashima from Class A.

  All the class teachers of the first grade actually came here.

  But it's not just them.

  Even Mr. President and Mr. Chairman who are not seen by ordinary people in the academy.

  The two highest-ranking people in the academy are here.

  And the class guide of class B was explaining the current situation to the principal and chairman.Multiple rumors have seriously hurt the mental health of the students.

  Under normal circumstances, students who are troubled by rumors can ask the school for help, but this time not only one person, but more than ten students in a year have complained to the school about this, so the school has to take it seriously. Yes, and now there are still people reporting that the first-year class B is being maliciously opposed, so the school's battle will appear here.

  It was just a few words, but the students on the scene already understood.

  The school has fully intervened in this rumor incident.

  For example, Horikita of the student union said that the student union would not allow it to continue to spread such rumors that hurt students' minds and bodies.

  The principal didn't say a word. When compared with the chairman, he was like a deputy, but chairman Itagyu glanced over, and Itanayu, who was standing prominently in class B, immediately shut up.

  She understands that she has lost.

  As soon as the school suppresses it strongly, even if there is black material on hand, it will not be able to continue to spread, unless... she wants to drop out of school.

  Suddenly, she looked towards the classroom window, but Qinglong was no longer there. .

Chapter 229

  The school battle was abrupt, but it was very effective. When the chairman and the principal both came, and the teachers who were usually their class guides could only nod and bow down, everyone knew and then intervened in the rumors, whether it was To believe or to spread may be severely dealt with.

  "If there are rumors that hurt the spirit of students again in the future, the school will take it seriously." Chairman Itagyu made such a decision.

  And Nagumo, a member of the student council who was standing on one side, had to obey this decision.

  "So, what happened to you?"

  The chairman looked at the silver-haired girl in the center of the class.

  "No, no." Hashimoto responded adaptably, "I just came to play with friends."

  Hashimoto is a clever ghost, or I have to say it now, Itanagi came today to expose Ichinose's dark history and let the negative comments attack Ichinose and Class B, so that they can be completely defeated.

  Regardless of whether the management is playing or not, this is a godsend for Class A.


  The school is now intervening, and this plan is aborted and infertile.


  Not only is it a miscarriage, but it may even be caught and stereotyped.

  So he changed his mind, "And we haven't heard of rumors or anything."

  It's such a shameless face.

  All the students in class B stared at him.

  "...Huh." But the members of the school did not continue to investigate, but just announced it and left again.

  "Amazing!" X39

  For the students of Class B, the school's people are too involved, so rumors are not allowed in the school.Then... there will be no one who can continue to slander Ichinose.

  It can be said that the threat of Class A has been completely eliminated.

  So they surrounded Ichinose.

  "Looks like we can retreat." After watching a good show, he didn't do anything, but Horikita-san chose to leave.

  Because, Ichinose's black spot is a black spot in her opinion, but it is not unforgivable.

  Because a person has such a long distance from birth to growth, it is often very difficult for non-cgad to insist on unshakable or even not doing bad things.

  Most people have incredible things that cannot be made public.

  And this kind of black spot of Ichinose will only make her flawed instead of making people question her character.

  The next class B will become even more powerful.

  An Ichinose who has untied her heart and has the support of the whole class will become even more perfect.

  In this way, she will become a strong opponent in future exams.

  But Hobami Ichinose is indeed very enviable, because it is also a rumor. When she announced herself, the whole class still believed in her and supported her, which was completely different from her who was struggling in D Itagyu. .

  "So let's go back." And the end of things on Ichinose's side also means that her favor has also been lost.

  Horikita is ready to go back.


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