Her heart knot, she doesn't want to tell anyone anymore.

  Because he lost his trust, he had to trust others, but this idea of ​​trusting others was destroyed by Vice-President Nagumo.

  Ichinose couldn't trust anyone anymore.

  That's it.

  Just leave this school quietly and not bring more negative impact to everyone in Class B.

  She planned so.

  But Qinglong will come.

  When I came to the door of Ichinose's dormitory at night, I would see her classmates, both male and female.

  At the beginning.

  Ichinose-san could still speak up, but after a day, even her classmates ignored her.

  And Qinglong is the same.

  On the first day, she would persuade him to leave, and her willingness to drop out of school would not change.

  But the next day she was completely silent.

  In this way, they are treated the same as the classmates in the class.

  "So—what did you do differently from the other students?"

  Kushida felt a strong discord when he heard what he said.

  From the confession of Ichinose's crime that I heard today, I can understand how important this past is to Ichinose, how guilty, how self-blame, and how pitiful.but.

  This is how can not tell others.

  So, what can even Ayanokouji do to get Ichinose to break the knot and confess and face all of this?

  "The students in Class B seem to respect Ichinose more. After Ichinose ignored them for two consecutive days, Kanzaki-san, headed by them, had already communicated to each other to hold down their classmates, and everyone decided to give Ichinose a breather. time and space to relax yourself.

  So in the end, I was the only one who insisted on going to Ichinose every day.


  From the day when my classmates didn't come, every day I brought hamburgers, grilled wings, spicy wings, and french fries to the door of Ichinose, who could only eat bread and water, and sat down with her eating at the door. "


  Is this person... a devil?

  Kushida-san couldn't help but guess.

  ps: I found an interesting picture in the post bar.Let's take a look, the honest people of Horikita are too honest. .

Chapter 232

  Ichinose wants to implement the idea of ​​dropping out of school, so she has ignored any classmates now. I hope everyone will be disappointed with her and then give up on her, so that she can leave this school silently and without worries.


  At this stage, the classmates of Class B no longer came to her.


  Every day during the lunch break at noon... No, it should be said that it is not during the lunch break. Every afternoon, during the first class in the afternoon, there is always one person who misses class and arrives here.

  And then eating delicious food outside her dormitory.

  The dormitory is not completely airtight, otherwise the sound and the like will not be completely blocked.

  And Ichinose has no option of suicide, she just wants to self-isolate and drop out of school.

  And in the fridge is the bread ready for a full two weeks.

  after all.

  In order to maintain a closed image, she cannot go outside to consume or taste food on her own.

  And what was prepared in order to maintain her life was bread and the like, and Qinglong helped her buy it together at first.

  Bought the cheapest toast and it was the kind of ordinary bread that didn't even put raisins.As for milk, she refused, she is not a picky eater and does not need such consumption.

  She was holding a little bit of self-abuse.

  In this way, she locked herself in the dormitory.

  And because it was about two weeks' worth of food bought together, he should know about her situation.

  And now.

  The morning is omelette.

  Ayanokouji-kun eats breakfast at the door of her 26-year-old dormitory in the morning.

  On his lunch break, he likes fried chicken.

  Fried chicken, fried chicken can smell the crispy smell that makes people appetite even through the door.

  In the evening, he sometimes eats high-end steak.

  Three times a day.

  No, sometimes four times a day.

  The first three days to come to the door of the dormitory is the rest time, and then.

  But it has become every time it is class time.


  Did the other party ask for leave because of her?

  This will affect his evaluation.

  Even though Ichinose had this worry in her heart, she still hoped that the other party would notice it.

  After all, she is so dirty with such a past, she is no longer worthy and not worth worrying about, so please quickly notice that his own affairs are more important, don't ask for leave for someone like her.

  So she hoped that Ayanokouji-kun would retreat automatically.



  On the fourth day, Ayanokouji-kun went even further. He not only ate at her door, but at the end he said, "I also bought one for you, and then I hung the bag on your door. "In this case.

  Is this to trick her into going out?

  She will not go out.

  She won't go out on the day of the exam.

  If you fail the exam, you will be expelled from the school. This is what the teacher Hoshinomiya Chie told them, so for her, as long as she takes the exam on that day and fails the exam, it will be fine.So she can quit.

  And because of the cold reception of classmates these days, everyone's evaluation of her has dropped, so you won't feel sad about her departure.

  This is Ichinose's script.


  The smell of delicious food came from outside the door.


  She held her stomach.

  But it is undeniable that because it seems to be hung on the door, the aroma of the food has become more intense.

  Moreover, this is what he said to give her.

  But it's not absolutely safe.


  For example, Ayanokouji-kun is also absent from school, so it is possible for him to guard her outside the door. If she is photographed going out to get food, then he will definitely use this picture to force her to open the door, change her opinion or Use other options or something.

  Regarding this point, she was pretty sure that Ayanokouji-kun would do it.

  However, these options will hurt everyone in Class B.

  Ichinose's family is not very good, and it is not a pain for her to support bread with water now, on the contrary, it is already happiness.

  So she doesn't mind.

  I don't envy how good other people's food is.

  So she didn't go out at all that afternoon.


  It was probably after four o'clock, it should be after school in the afternoon, someone went back to the dormitory, and then this person walked to her door.

  Ichinose didn't look outside and didn't open the door, but she was already very sensitive these days, and she felt something whenever someone stood at the door of the room.

  But it wasn't the usual words of persuading her to go to class or hoping to help her.

  Also, she has hurt her classmates and friends in her class.


  To Ichinose's surprise, however, the last thing she heard was the sound of the plastic bag being undone from the doorknob and taken away.Then the aroma of the food that had gradually faded with time disappeared.


  So this is something that has been taken away.

  Ichinose, who was staying in her room, was a little surprised, but she quickly reassured herself, yes, if you can't pass it on like this, then Ayanokouji-kun will soon give up.

  But at night.

  "Isn't this taking something away? It seems that my decision is right. I put dinner here tonight." She casually remarked some anecdotes that happened in the afternoon, and as usual, there was a meal at the door of her dormitory. After eating dinner, Ayanokouji-san left a dinner.

  "..." And hearing such words, Ichinose even had to go to the door of the room and tell the other party that it wasn't her who ate the lunch he put, but she still gave up opening the door.

  Because she had to stick to her decision.

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