God's room pitted him.

  What Kamuro told him that day was that Ichinose was caught on the spot for stealing something, so it became a black history.

  But now, Ichinose was not caught, and then was dragged into the store by her mother to kneel down on the spot and beg for forgiveness. It's a two-level thing, isn't it?

  In the process of growth, people will be driven by various temptations, and they will go down the wrong path.

  Kiyotaka didn't reprimand the mother's actions, or he shouldn't be reprimanded at all. When he couldn't change the situation, if he watched Ichinose go astray like this, then Ichinose himself would destroy himself. of.

  And even now, she's almost ruining herself.

  She is still a good boy.But it's still too simple.

  She told Nagumo about her dark history, but if she told Horikita, she would be guided by the other party, but if it was Nagumo, it was really a slap in the face.


  Now that Ichinose has fully revealed her inner secret, she will gain fearless power.And this can make her class B invulnerable. ,

  The memory ends.

  "It's probably like this—" Kiyotaka told Kushida what happened these days, but he didn't tell Kushida Ichinose's secret, even though Ichinose himself had told the secret.

  People who make mistakes are suspected or even unbelievable.

  But Hobami Ichinose was different.

  She has always shown kindness, and no one who has come in contact with her will reject her.


  There are not so many people without black spots in the world.

  Kushida himself doesn't need to say much, other people may not be better than Honoha.

  Like how many black things he has done himself, this kind of words can't be said at all.

  After learning the truth, Kushida seemed relieved, and then returned to the class with Kiyotaka, but after school in the afternoon, a student came to the office of the student union alone.

  There was still only one person on duty inside.This person is Nagumo.

  And the student who came here was... Sakayanagi Arisu. .

Chapter 235

  "Did you make a mistake!"

  Nagumo was quite annoyed.

  Needless to say.

  Now he is scolding Sakayanagi.Expressing the other party's slow execution ability made the school all target the rumors and made him at a loss.

  In fact, he himself knew that he was paralyzed, and always wanted to wait for Sakayanagi to violently attack Ichinose, and then tear up the contract and stand on Ichinose's side, like her savior.

  "Ichinose, I hope you can let go of the past and look forward. Some people don't believe that you are so untrustworthy, but I will always stand by you. I didn't tell Sakayanagi the truth about you, just said it casually. It's a lie, so it will be clarified soon. Please stand up from that dark history." Like this, so smoothly to-erase the disclosure of her dark history.

  Then, he successfully hugged Ichinose, whose heart had been shattered.

  be his doll.

  All grades questioned Ichinose, and then he was the only one supporting her.

  So does she have any other options besides being with him?

  It's just that it's all ruined.

  Now Ichinose must know that he leaked her secret, and then... she stood up by herself.

  Then he is completely useless.

  All of this is due to Sakayanagi's poor execution ability.

  Moreover, due to the spread of rumors, the student council did not deal with it immediately, which alarmed the school, and he was asked by Horikita to write a review.

  "Enough of the scolding." Sakayanagi sat on the sofa, still maintaining a cute smile. "I'm not here to remind you, but don't you think about your own image?"

  Sakayanagi said.

  Does this mean it was recorded?

  Ha ha.

  Nan Yunya suddenly regained her calm demeanor, "So you are still children."

  Nan Yunya said, "Did you see that thing?"

  He pointed to a black flat device on the table.

  That's an air purifier.

  But it's no ordinary air purifier.

  "Could it be—"

  Sakayanagi's eyes changed slightly.

  "That's a shield." Nagumo raised Erlang's legs, "The air purifier is used as the appearance of the product, which looks exactly the same as an ordinary air purifier on the surface, but at the same time increases the background noise, which is extremely concealed. Whether it is a mobile phone , the voice recorder and even the tape recorder will be covered by noise and cannot record anything useful at all.

  So I just think about recording and recording all day long, Sakayanagi, you really disappoint me. "

  "Is it."

  Being scolded by Nagumo like this, Sakayanagi held his cane and said, "If that's the case, it doesn't seem like it's a bad thing to tear your face off."

  "What...meaning?" Nan Yunya became a little uncomfortable.

  "Soldiers can't choose their own officers. I don't agree with this sentence, because if the soldiers are good enough, the officers will be too stupid and they will hurt them. So it is very important to jump out of common sense."

  She said softly, "Ichinose is my friend, so how could I watch you destroy her? Besides, she is a likable person, she is indeed a little flawed, but that doesn't affect my thinking. Get in touch with her."


  Nagumo was silent for a while, "I was saving her. She has a dark history in the past, and she must be destroyed to be reborn. Otherwise, it will be bad for her."

  "But isn't that why you want to be a hero to save Mei and make her your own? Sakayanagi doesn't believe this nonsense. "But that's not the reason why I want to help her.Because she is my appointed secretary, she will be more useful if she can be reborn. "


  Nagumo froze for a moment.

  He felt he had heard something wrong.

  Arisu Sakayanagi, what idiot is she talking about.

  She appointed Ichinose to be the secretary, secretary, which is indeed a good point. When Ichinose becomes his person, then of course he will pull her into the student union, and it is just right to be the secretary.


  Today's Sakayanagi is very evil.The cute appearance can't hide the evil door.

  "Are you challenging me? You want to bypass me and designate the secretary. Then you have to be able to join the student council. Sakayanagi-san, although you have gained the power of Class A, you need to know that you are still too young. , and the identity and even the power of the student union is much larger than you think.

  Believe it or not, as long as I become the student council president, I can let you drop out at any time! "Nagumo said with a sneer.

  He has already confirmed that Sakayanagi is an anti-bone boy.So now it is necessary to suppress her arrogance.

  "Then you have to be the student council president." Sakayanagi looked very polite.But the words you said were all thorns, "Now you are just the accountant of the student union. Please don't show such a terrible expression, you must be thinking that the second grade is under your control, and the student council president is about to resign, and The vice president Kiriyama appointed by him can only obey you because he is a second-year student, so Kiriyama will give you the position of student council president after Horikita College graduates."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

  "But." Sakayanagi paused. "It's all rumors lately, so let me reveal a rumor to you as well."

  "Don't you think my surname is very similar to someone's surname at school?"


  Nagumo froze for a moment.

  Sakayanagi is Sakayanagi.

  Could it be that.

  "..." Nagumo's expression suddenly became strange.

  "It seems that you understand, so please don't think that you can control the whole school by yourself, and then say it."

  The cute smile on Sakayanagi's face suddenly disappeared. "You totally ruined my plan."

  Sakayanagi is a very polite person, she addresses everyone by calling you you.

  Even Kamuro classmates are no exception.


  Right now, Naguya is a mouthful of you.It means that she is very dissatisfied with Nagumo.

........ ......

  "However, I probably don't need to take action. You will be punished in the next forest dormitory exam."

  What, what!

  Nagumo felt that he had heard it wrong.

  Then he heard Sakayanagi, "Originally, I hoped that you would have a good time with me. After all, the school is so boring, but you are really disappointing. It's more boring than Ryuen. Don't you understand? I have never regarded you as someone who can obey, after all, you are so weak."



  Is he weak?

  Nagumo has fought all the way.

  "Then this is the end of today's conversation." But Sakayanagi wanted to leave. "Although you will know the result during the dorm exam, but... I also have a gift for you."

  "Can you cover the shield first, I want to send you a video that changed my opinion." Sakayanagi-san became quite polite again.

  This is very uncomfortable.


  In the end, Nagumo chose to close the shield.

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