The current grades for each class in the first grade are as follows.

  Class A 1643 points

  Class B

  Class C 850 points

  Class D 740 points

  That said, the BCD class will once again undergo huge changes.Even Class A is no longer out of reach.

  "This exam—" Hearing his class's teacher's statement, Katsuragi-san, a student of Class A, immediately became serious.

  "Then, teacher, there is also punishment." Kiyotaka raised his hand while Chabashira-sensei was explaining.

  "Yes, a serious punishment." Chabashira glanced at him, because she had just noticed that this guy had just touched her hand.three.

Chapter 241

  The time required is eight days and seven nights, and the top three should say that the rewards for the first place are very rich.

  Then, by convention, huge rewards will also bring terrifying punishments.

  "Just like the top three awards just now, the bottom three will need to deduct points." Teacher Chabashira said, "The third bottom, each participating student will deduct 5000 personal points. Class evaluation points will not be deducted. Count down. For the second place, 1 points will be deducted from personal points, and the number of students in the group will be deducted from the class evaluation score X3.

  For the last place, in addition to the deduction of 2 personal points, and the class evaluation score deducted from the number of students in the group X5. ' she paused.

  "And the leader of the last big group will drop out, and at the same time his class will deduct 300 class evaluation points."


  The punishment made the students gasp.

  Because judging from the rewards just now, everyone wants to be the person in charge. If you get the top three, the reward will be doubled, and the penalty for the last three will not be doubled, but, if it is the last one, it will be finished.

  The current D class is 740 points.

  And here are the 100 points of Koenji Liusuke and 250 points of Kiyotaka, which means that what really falls into their own hands is 290 points, which are public, and if they are not careful, they will not only lose a partner, but even lose a partner. ...and 300 points will be deducted.At the same time, there is a deduction for the class evaluation score of the group of X5, that is, 50-75 points.

  To make matters worse.

  And Qinglong and Gaoyuanji said in front of their classmates that if the class evaluation scores were deducted, their 100+350 points should not be taken out, that is to say, the public 300 points should be deducted. , then the class evaluation score of ordinary students will become negative.


  Now almost no one wants to be in charge or is keen to take exams.

  Because the penalty for losing is too heavy.

  "Teacher, this time the test is to calculate the comprehensive score of the members in a large group, so is there a situation where someone deliberately pulls back? If the overall score of the large group drops because of these people, it becomes The last one, is there no way to deal with it?" And one person has not given up.

  This is Hirata-kun.

  He immediately thought about the situation if the last place, so he almost gave up half of the idea of ​​winning points, but he became worried now, because as far as he knew, the classmates in the class did not have a good relationship with the students in other classes. , then it is likely to be framed by them.

  "Of course the school has taken this into consideration." Chabashira said, "So the person in charge of the last group is allowed to designate a student to drop out. You can understand that it is tied to drop out."

  "Then, is this possible?" Yukimura stood up and said, "If the person in charge of the last group is me, for example, and Ryuuen is a member of that group, then can I ask Ryuuen to drop out of school with me? ?"

  "Of course." Chabashira-sensei said.

  This made the air in the car suddenly stagnate.

  Because that's okay too?

  this is okay too?

  "Then can't you just ask the leaders of other classes to drop out? In this way, it seems to be a bit acceptable." This is the idea of ​​some students. It was 300 points deducted for the class being killed, but it was barely acceptable.

  But this kind of thing, no one is willing to sacrifice themselves.

  "Theoretically yes, but someone has to elect you to be the person in charge. And doing so is a one-for-one exchange of limits, and you should consider whether you can accept your own withdrawal from school."

  Chabashira said, "The person in charge is required to be elected and selected, and it must be approved by everyone before it can be confirmed. At the same time, if there is no person in charge of publicity in a group tomorrow morning, then 30-45 members of that large group will be All dropped out, but no one has ever done that over the years.”

  "Oh, there is one more point." Seeing Yukimura's sudden silence, Chabashira continued, "Actually, the last

  It's okay not to drop out, as long as you take out 2000 million, you can resurrect him.So you are deducting 300 evaluation points, and then spending 2000 million to pull the leader of a hostile class into the water.Consider for yourself if it's worth it. "

  This is too much to say.

  Because each student in the class now has less than 20 points on hand, and X40 people only have 800 million points, how can it be possible to collect 2000 million points.

  Hearing this, Qinglong immediately stood up and said, "If it is 2000 million, I have 600 million points on hand. I can lend it to you for the time being, and then everyone gathers together. Then if I collect 800 million, I can help you to send others to others. If the class borrows 600 million, they can get rid of the leader of class A."



  "The leader of Class A has no enmity with us."

  Qinglong made such a proposal, and was immediately opposed by his classmates...  

  Because the cost is too high.

  Not to mention that Qinglong is willing to take out 600 million points, but this is still borrowed, and they only have 800 million combined.


  So this is a deduction of 300 points from his class, and at the same time, his 800 million yuan is gone, and then he has to pay 1200 million yuan in debt.What idiot would do it.

  Also, why do you have to pull the leader of the hostile class into the water?

  Don't they live well now?

  Therefore, most of the students in Class D of the first grade immediately became passive.

  "It's such a pity." After being rejected by the classmates, Qinglong sat down, as if showing a regretful expression.

  Believe in you.

  However, Hasebe, who was sitting in his back seat, began to complain.

  As a member of the Ayanokouji group, Bo Liujia is very clear that Qinglong has more than 6000 million points in his hand. At the same time, the rule that only 2000 million can be resurrected to offset the dropout, it is easy for people to miss his points, so he blew himself up There are 600 million, and at the same time, the students were asked to consider that the resurrected classmates would be in debt, so they dismissed the plan of hitting the stone with the egg.

  Therefore, Long Er actually loves money very much.I don't want to take it out at all, but it's understandable.

  In the same situation, Poruga felt that he would not want to take it out either.

  "Then, after the rules are explained, you can check the materials for the next eight days and seven nights by yourself." Chabashira handed out a stack of manuals, probably the class schedule for the next few days or something.

  For example, after getting up and completing the morning project, then meditating in the dojo, doing chores (cleaning, etc.), having breakfast, and learning various knowledge in the classroom.It was followed by lunch, taking on the afternoon topic, and then meditating again.

  Go to bed after dinner and bath.Very different from life so far.By the way, Saturdays are different from the usual holidays, and there are only classes in the morning.Holidays seem to be only Sundays.

  At the same time, after arriving at the forest school, everyone's mobile phones will be confiscated, and there is no entertainment at all!

  Not only that, the venues for boys and girls are separate, and only one hour after lunch can meet.In other words, there is almost no contact with the opposite sex.

  After the teacher finished explaining, the students exploded again.

  Because this life is simply too hard.

  Ps: Water injection is better than no update. .

Chapter 242

  "Ayanokouji-kun." After Teacher Chabashira's explanation, the students began to check the handbook (course schedule) distributed, and Hirata and Yukimura immediately ran to the front row.

  Squeeze Chabashira-sensei to the door.

  Because they surrounded Qinglong here.

  The teacher explained for 20 minutes, but the teacher said that after getting off the bus, men and women should be separated, and then the boys formed teams to form 6 groups, and the girls were the same, so there was no way to coordinate the students at that time.

  And now it's only 40 minutes away.

  Not to mention the excessive way of changing the limit just now, requiring debts and deducting 300 points from the class evaluation score, they still need the most stable and safe time to spend.

  Yes, Hirata-kun has completely changed his mind. At first, he wanted to score points, but now he wants to not be the last.

  If the last person is unfortunately selected as the person in charge, or is bound to drop out of school, then it is too ruthless.

  "If you are considering being bound and withdrawing from school, then you don't have to worry." Qinglong said, "This should be the 26 things that the students of Class A will worry about, so in this regard, this is the standard you can negotiate with them. "

  "So that's the case." Hirata-kun was like a daigo, yes,

  He was worried about the worst just now, but now it seems that their D class is the safest if they are bound or something.

  "So as long as the students in our class join other groups, is it not the person in charge or absolutely safe?"

  Probably so.

  Because even if other classes are the last in charge, they will not be interested in the garbage of Class D. It is meaningless to bury them with them. As long as there is no person in charge in Class D, then they will not be deducted 300 in the end. points, because only the class in charge of the class will deduct 300 points.

  So from this point of view, Class D is actually quite safe.

  "It's just that the person in charge can designate his classmate if he is the last one, right?"

  Qinglong casually fooled Hirata and Yukimura and left his seat, and he came to the girl's side.

  Horikita-san, who had long jet-black hair, could be seen with a stern face.

  The seats on the bus are assigned according to the student number on the student ID card. Kushida and Horikita are next to each other, so the two of them sit next to each other, and Kushida keeps showing hospitality to Horikita.

  This made Horikita feel quite sick.

  Kiyotaka said when he arrived at the back seat of the seat with his hands on it.

  Point out that the classmates who became the person in charge will be buried with their classmates.

  "So, Horikita, your plan to ensure safety is to be the person in charge of your group. Then if someone makes trouble, then you can name her to drop out as well."

  Kiyotaka was clearly speaking to Horikita, but he smiled at Kushida who was looking at her.

  But this smile is a bit too much.

  It made Angel Kushida's smile almost impossible to maintain.


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