What the hell happened to make this arrogant guy like this.

  Sure enough, it was the infighting of the C class (Qian Zhao's) that appeared during the summer vacation.

  "Wait!" Although Katsuragi's actions ruined the exam score a bit, but Katsuragi and the others were all in Class A, and they were stable in their group. After all, they would not allow themselves to be last and possibly be expelled from the school.

  So Hirata Yosuke said immediately, "Our class accepted your request, we will send a student to form a team with your 14 people, and then we will accept the remaining 6 people."

  Considering that if he becomes the last one, he will not only have to deduct 300 points from the class evaluation score, but also drop out of his classmates, so Hirata has given up getting the points.

  So in a certain way, it is consistent with Katsuragi.

  "Class D - yes." Katsuragi had no objection.

  After answering this, he glanced at Class C, but Class C had no opinion.

  Instead, Class C went to find Class B for cooperation.

  "Hehe - so, I'm looking forward to defeating you." But there was friction in the senior year. "President Horikita.".

Chapter 244

  Because of the agreement with Katsuragi, Hirata from Class D sent Yamauchi to the 14-member team where Katsuragi belonged, and then 9 people including Ike Kanji and Somura were connected with the remaining 6 members of Class A to form a team.

  In this way, there are only 10 students left, and then they are evenly divided into the teams of Class B and Class C that have been formed by themselves.

  Although there were some students who did not want to be in a group with students like Ishizaki from Class C who had been gangsters, and there were also classmates who had low grades but wanted Hirata to be bound to a group, it took a little time, but in the end it took a while. Allocated.

  The students in Hirata's group felt hysterical because Hirata actually invited Ryuen to join.Therefore, the other village and the others who valued Hirata almost wanted to run away.

  In this comparison, Qinglong's team appears relatively simple.

  He, Yukimura, Rokusuke Koenji, Ishizaki from Class C, Komiyayama, and 7 students from Class B became a team.

  The next step is to join the senior team.

  On the other hand, the second-year team leader on the senior side and the third-year Horikita Gakuen started to collide.

  Nagumo's argument is simple, as a second-year leader, he has the right to speak.

  "In the end, we haven't had a good match." Nagumo Ma said to Horikita Xuedao, "And we've never had a cross-grade confrontation, so why don't we come once? President Horikita."

  "This is a meaningless act." Horikita brother refused, "After all, the class ranking is based on the class evaluation scores of the same grade, so it is completely meaningless to fight against other grades."

  "Don't say that." Nanyun Ya said, "I'm looking forward to playing against you. So can't I give you a chance? And if you agree, I will allow the first-year students to choose at will for this grouping. I There is absolutely no involvement here. And I just want our big group to compare whose average score is high and low.”

  When Nagumo said that, Horikita Gaku thought for a while.

  "It seems that you are threatening me." Horikita brother said, "In other words, after promising you, you can give the first grade a fair chance to choose the team."

  "Okay, I promise you, but you have to agree to my request." Horikita Xuedao, "It is not allowed to involve others in this battle. In other words, it is not allowed to attack other groups or internal sabotage. The target is not only an ordinary group, but also ordinary students can't be involved! Otherwise, the duel will be invalid."

  "Yes. Since the president wants to be upright, then let's be upright." Nagumo quickly agreed to Horikita's request, but he also added a condition, "Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is not allowed to join the group of the two of us. "

  "..." Qinglong.

  Qinglong was immediately surrounded by other boys.

  However, some of the boys in the second grade and the boys in the third grade are looking for [Ayanokuji Kiyotaka].Want to find out who he really is.

  Qinglong felt speechless, but the current development was not harmful to him.

  Because Horikita school is the most beneficial even if it is fighting with Nagumo Ya.

  Therefore, it is impossible for him to remind Horikita school that Nagumo will definitely cheat people, but Horikita accepts Nagumo's conditions so easily, which means that he understands how strong Nagumo's control over the second grade is. To be able to order all the second-year students, that is to say, it is very feasible to let all the second-year students destroy.

  This kind of team action is the most convenient for second-year students.

  Judging from the class evaluation scores of the second grade, they did not participate in the school's exams at all. Almost every exam was planned by Nanyun Ya, so that all students could follow the plan and compare the class evaluation scores awarded by the school with private Points are redistributed.

  Maintain the status of Class A and Class B, while giving Class C and Class D points to survive.

  So are the students in these classes willing?

  they want.

  This is confirmed by the fact that students from second-year classes C and D gathered in the library during the summer vacation.

  If it is the target class A, then it is impossible to study, because the final class A graduation does not care how many points you can take, but is directly recommended to the university you want.

  But they are studying, that is to say, they have turned this strength-oriented school into an ordinary school.

  I am willing to go to university with my ability after graduation.

  Therefore, in such a situation of salted fish, it is very possible that Nagumo controlled these people to attack other group classes.

  With this in mind, Horikita chose to accept Nagumo's challenge and then limit him.


  Qinglong felt that something was not right.

  Because of this kind of conservative compromise, it stands to reason that only the younger sister Horikita that he knows will do. Now, seeing that brother Horikita is also challenged by others, he accepts it, and then he has to consider all kinds of things. Isn't this just like a younger sister.

  Sure enough, it's not that the family doesn't enter the house.

  "Ah... I owe—"

  In the group of girls over the fountain, Horikita Suzune suddenly sneezed.

  She followed Hirata's suggestion to protect her classmates as much as possible, that is, throwing more dangerous classmates into better groups.

  And they also encountered the same situation as the boys here. The 20 girls in class A were directly divided into two parts, 14 and 6.

  Invite any class to participate.

  Ichinose knew at a glance that this was Class A's intentional suppression of score rewards and maintained the super-scoring status of Class A and other classes.

  It's just that she is similar to Class C. In this situation, the consideration is how to get more points.

  Class C is Ryuyuan no matter what, so I can only rely on myself.

  On the other hand, everyone in Class B is very good, so you don't need to consider which classmate might not be able to, so you have to get another team and protect her.Therefore, everyone in Class B only needs to think about how to get more points in this exam.

  "Itanagi-san, don't you think you're going too far? If you keep adopting this conservative plan, then this school will have no meaning of the supremacy of strength." Ichinose said.

  She went straight to the panel willow.

  Actually, I'm a little unstable inside.

  Because before her [Ichinose Hobami is a criminal] incident, Itanagi-san was targeting her.

  She clearly thought they were friends before.

  "No." Banliu Youqi said, "This is not my plan."

  "This is Katsuragi-san's plan," she said, "but our request is Ichinose Hobami-san, join us."

  "why is it like this!"

  Ichinose's classmates immediately walked forward, keeping Ichinose behind. "If they want to target Ichinose, wouldn't they be tied and dropped out of school?"

  "It's alright," Ichinose said. "If they want the last place and then tie me out of school, they will also lose 300 class evaluation points. So they probably won't do it, so I'm safe. of."

  Mainly because she was also worried about what Banliu wanted to do this time, so she had to keep an eye on it.

  At least not allow other students to be attacked.

  So Ichinose Hobami joined the team of 14 girls including Itanagi. .

Chapter 245

  The exam questions are social and contact and communication.

  Divide the first grade boys into six groups, and then combine them with the second and third grades.It looks like it's going to be a cross-grade confrontation, but it's actually a bit off.

  Just like the red and white confrontation at the sports festival, the big group just played the strength of [everyone], but the final reward and punishment were all carried out in the same grade.

  So it is very important to arrange by yourself in the same grade.

  And there is a rule here, the bonus points for each participant in the top three rewards can be X the number of classes in the group, that is to say, if all four classes of the same grade in the rewarded group participate, then all Everyone's reward becomes X4, and if there are only three classes of students in the rewarded group, then everyone's - reward is X3.

  In this way, as long as the number of participating classes is enough, the rewards are enough, but Katsuragi Kangping divided his team of boys into only 14 and 6 people, that is to say, people can be dispersed into six groups but he only allows class A to participate To two groups, the reward is greatly reduced.

  That is to say, the grades are deliberately controlled to prevent the first graders from opening the class evaluation scores in this exam.

  Really excessive move.

  It's like he's not strong, others try hard but he pulls others' backs, and now Class A is very strong, and then he doesn't let others work hard, it's just too much.

  So after the group was assigned, Yukimura Teruhiko, who was beside Kiyotaka, was chattering endlessly.

  "The actions of Class A are under consideration, and if you guessed correctly, the girls will also follow the same policy. They want to maintain the status of Class A until graduation, so it is a plan to maintain the existing score gap and not allow any of the following classes. Climb up." Qinglong said.

  "Really." Yukimura touched his chin. He is a scholar, but he is not so good at thinking. His performance at the previous sports festival also used the power of Kiyotaka. Kiyotaka didn't pay much attention to him on the bus, but now he Was assigned to a group with Qinglong.

  In short.

  There is nothing wrong with following Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

  He will not change this idea.

  "But Hirata really looks down on me." Qinglong complained.

  Because the list of members of his group has come out.

  The boys in Class A are divided into 14 Katsuragi and 6 others.And Katsuragi sent a Yamauchi Haruki over there, but now he is here with six boys from Class A, Shibata from Class B, Albert and Ishizaki from Class C, then him, and then from Class D Yukimura Teruhiko and Koenji Rokusuke formed a team of 12.

  It can be said that Koenji is very strong, and Yukimura is a scholar, he is the only seedling, and then add the six high-level boys from Class A and a student from Class B, the strength of their group will change. be very strong.Although Class C found their match, so Jintian immediately sent Ishizaki and Albert to score points, but overall, their group was attracting a lot of attention.And it was the only group of first-year boys that had students from the four ABCD classes.

  In other words, Hirata hopes their group will get the top three.

  Getting the top three not only earns personal points for everyone, but also brings points to the class.Then because there are four classes participating, the points obtained can be X4.

  "I feel the pressure," Yukimura said.

  "Yes. Then the next step is to select the person in charge of the group." Qinglong said.

  "It seems that your first-year students have already been assigned groups, but before you join the second- and third-year groups." Nagumo Masa and Horikita went to the first-year side, "First choose the person in charge of your own group. people."

  This is a very important thing.

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