And this is a subsidy. The reason why it is said that it is a subsidy is that if they do not participate, they will be deducted and will not be compensated at all.

  So ask them to think for themselves.

  Hirata couldn't refuse, because what Kiyotaka told them was that he had already obtained the approval of 15 third-year students in Class C and Class D from Karuizawa's group, which means that if he did not agree, Kiyotaka could also If enough opponents are found to lower the score, then it is possible to be in the last place, even if it is not the last place, it is the second to last place, so, points will still be deducted.

  So he compromised.

  And the six-month point compensation is also tempting enough, because none of the three BCD classes on site can determine whether their class evaluation scores can be retained for 6 months.

  It was Qinglong who thought so himself. He was thinking about getting 200 points in his class for only 6 months.

  in this way.

  The first-year BCD three classes participated in the war. Among them, D class was the disadvantage, and Longyuan wanted to convert the points into money, but the B class was targeted, and it was the only one of the three classes that only subsidized 3 month point person.

  The reason is very simple. Class B also has a disadvantage or this ending is what they want, because the Dragon Garden class is willing to take the pot of the most points deducted for the first-year students in this exam, and the Dragon Garden class is here. After one exam, it would fall straight down, so for Ichinose's Class B, it was like a step back from its competitors, which was a good thing for them.

  In this way, there is no need to give them too much subsidies.

  In this regard, Ichinose and Kanzaki have no objection.

  So, the first graders have already done it.

  Only the third graders remained.

  The third-year class C and the third-year class D here are not very good, but with the help of Kushida and Ichinose, although some hands and feet have been abolished, Kiyotaka still made an appointment with the representatives of their classes.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

  Communicate to them their desire to monetize their class evaluation scores.

  Qinglong will pay for the points deducted in this exam.

  The time to pay is 3 months, which is when they graduate.

  If they keep their grades and stay in school for 3 months, the school will give them money based on their class evaluation scores, so do they want Niao Qinglong?


  Because Qinglong gave them advice.

........ 0

  I don't know what exams will be taken in the next three months, so your score may drop again, but this time you give up automatically, so no matter whether your score may drop to 0, I will pay you the full amount Your three-month points.

  That is to say, according to their points, they may be deducted points, and if they are deducted points, they will not get the money, but with Qinglong, he can guarantee that the money will not be lost.

  Anyway, they are all salted fish, and they are already thinking about how to go to school after graduation. Class C and D of the third grade hope that Qinglong will buy all their points.

  Only this was rejected by Qinglong.

  But Qinglong also gave them a bridge.

  When they graduate, the school will buy their points at a certain exchange rate, and he can introduce a large sum of money to them to buy their points at a price 5% higher than the school.

  In this way, they really have no idea of ​​​​refusing.

  Not only that, Qinglong was also willing to pay them an extra month's money for only one purpose.three.

Chapter 266

  In Mashima, the teacher informed the students that they can move freely as long as they gather at the large playground in front of the gymnasium at 2:[-] pm and get on the bus, but there is one class that is very unique.

  This is the third grade class A.

  All their students gathered at the fountain where the girls gathered.

  "very sorry--"

  A girl with a two-bag hairstyle cried in front of the class.

  This is Akane Tachibana, a third-year class A student who is also the secretary of the student council.

  She felt very sorry.

  Because she was only notified last night about today's exam.

  Not only was her group targeted by Nagumo, but if they didn't listen to Takashi Qing, they might even lose their status in Class A.

  Then they paid a lot to secure this status.

  If she could have noticed earlier, or told Horikita-san, then perhaps the class would not have suffered such a big loss.


  This time, the third grade class A got quite a lot of marks.

  First of all, the big group where Horikita Gakuin belonged. Because it was the first place and then the class in charge, their class evaluation scores rose suddenly.



  So in this test they still got 192 points.

  But this is just appearance.

  In fact they lost a lot.

  "It seems that you are all gathered here." Qinglong stepped forward and said, "This is the list, I promise not to deduct."

  What he gave Horikita Gakuin was a list of expenses.

  In order to deal with the consumption of Nagumo Ya's exam for the third grade class B this time.

  "This price is simply sky-high!" Kurita, who was the team leader of the red team at the sports festival, looked at the list and almost couldn't help throwing it away.

  Because the numbers above are almost jaw-dropping.

  "Makida, bring that list over and pass it on to the classmates." Horikita school was expressionless, because he had already determined the amount yesterday.

  "I see." It can be seen that Horikita School is popular in Class A, or that these students have been following him since the first grade, so they passed the list obediently, but they kept looking at the list. The rumors are unbelievable, this is extortion, such a sound of sky-high prices.

  Because the list is as follows.


  一年级C班班级评价分数 分持续6个月的点数 X40X1000X6=864万

  At the same time, it has to pay 2000 million yuan for Shiina, the leader of Class C, to self-destruct and resurrect.




  Um.These are normal.

  The total is 3632 million.

  Because this group was abandoned and became the last place, so the price was paid by the third grade class A, in order not to be deducted here.


  There is another ingredient below that is unacceptable.

  Because the numbers are simply too large.

  "Aren't you kidding me?"

  After the final pass, the students of Class A collectively fried their hair...  

  Facing the questioning of the oldest and best class in this school, Qinglong's expression did not change.

  "Didn't you see the ingredients above?"

  Qinglong Road. "First of all, I said that the last big group arranged to avoid Tachibana-senpai's group to become the last one, and the last one will first suffer a 60-point deduction, and then because the person in charge is with you, Therefore, in addition to the person in charge being expelled from the school, 300 points of the class evaluation score will be deducted."

  "It's just, aren't we willing to pay that [-] million?" said a class A student.

  "Haha." Qinglong smiled at him, "Do you think you bought that? That's what I mediated for you. It seems that you still don't understand the seriousness of the matter. Take a look at the third-to-last place for yourself, if It's not that I push a last one, then the third to last is the second to last, then you will be deducted points."

  The third-to-last group here is the third-grade class A group. They were targeted by Nagumo. The second-grade water was completely released, so in the case of other groups that did not release water, even if there were 14 third-grade class A girls in this group, they were still attacked. Pulled the hind leg 0.3.

  In this way, if Qinglong doesn't make a move, then this time, the third grade class A will deduct 2000 million personal points for resurrecting Tachibana, then the last place in Tachibana's group will deduct points, and then there are 14 girls in the penultimate group. Another 3X14X2=84 points were deducted, and Horikita School only got 252 points. Adding and subtracting their class evaluation points would become 1900- -84+252=1708 points.

  This is already a very dangerous score, because there are still 3 months left, and if you are not careful, you may be overtaken by Class B.

  "So the points I want are very reasonable." Qinglong said. .

Chapter 267

  "The 360 ​​points are for your last place, then the 300 points are for hitting Class B of the third grade, and the last 300 points are for suppressing Nagumo this time. So, I just charge you this price, this is Did it give you a future. Or are you reluctant to spend money on one of your own futures?"

  This is very serious.

  But the students in Class A who were present were unable to say a word of refusal even if someone clenched their fists.

  Because it can't be done.

  It's like the changes in their class evaluation scores now.

  Grade 261900 Class A 252+60-2092=[-] points


  There is a gap of 1000 points with them, and this 1000 points is a gap that will not be able to catch up in the next three months of graduation.

  That is to say, after this exam, their third-year class A has been completely determined to graduate as class A, and then they can go to the school they want for free without taking the test, and can engage in the professional work they want.

  This is the future.

  Can't refuse.

  So silent, Kiyotaka was there waiting for Horikita to collect the fees for this exam to each classmate, but even so, it took Horikita more than ten minutes to receive all the points. In the end, all the points were collected. Transfer to Qinglong.

  Looking at the amount received on the student card, Qinglong looked at all the students in Class A of the third grade.

  "Congratulations, you can pursue the future you want." Qinglong paid tribute to them. "Maybe in the future, where can we meet again."

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