Isn't this very unusual?

  And the rules are listed.

  Evaluation exam.

  Additional exams and in-class voting

  The rules are as follows.

  Students were given three votes for praise and three votes for criticism, and on Saturday, the fifth day, a formal in-class vote was held and the results were drawn.

  Rule 1

  Appreciation votes and criticism votes interfere with each other.Appreciation votes - criticism votes = results.

  Rule 2

  Neither praise votes nor criticism votes can be cast for themselves.

  Rule 3

  It is prohibited to vote for the same person multiple times, not to fill in the form, or to abstain from voting.

  Rule 4

  The exam will be repeated until the first and last places are decided.The last one will drop out.

  Rule 5

  Each person also has an additional vote of appreciation dedicated to other students in the class, which is mandatory to fill in and vote.

  The above is the content of the additional examination.

  The exam form that will be distributed to everyone on Saturday's exam day has also been drawn.

  It is probably the names of the classmates who can fill in the three praises, the names of the three classmates who want to criticize, and the seventh name of the other class's approval votes.

  There is no doubt that the exam is very easy and simple.That's why Chabashira said it was the easiest thing anyone could do so far.



  The content of this exam can also be said to be the most cruel so far.

  Because Chabashira went on to say, "¨ˇI think it's not the first time for you to take an exam, and the so-called exam will definitely not be so simple. But please rest assured, this time the exam will not be linked to the class evaluation score. And this time There are two outcomes for the polling exam.

  one.The student with the most appreciation votes in each class will receive one protection.And this protection refers to a right that can be nullified even if it is dismissed.Even if you fail the exam, as long as you have the protection reward, you can use the reward to nullify the withdrawal from school.However, this protection reward cannot be transferred to others. "

  Although Chabashira's words still carry an official meaning.

  But it is not difficult to understand uncle.

  Almost immediately after she said (Qian Qian Hao), there was an early movement in the class.

  It was a hotter urge than any early move in the past.


  This is an opportunity to waive withdrawals.

  Chabashira understood their cheering mood. "You know how powerful this protection reward is. In essence, it has a value comparable to 2000 million personal points. Of course, in the eyes of outstanding students who don't have to worry about dropping out, it may not have that level of value. "

  The first half of the sentence makes people happy, the second half is nonsense.

  Which outstanding student can hate dropout protection.This is something that even Horikita will not refuse, okay?

  For Qinglong, it is a little bad that this right cannot be transferred and can only be used by himself, so that he cannot sell it for money. .

Chapter 274


  There's no denying that the rewards this time around are excessive.

  Horikita has already frowned, and she didn't get the news in advance, and she felt that things were not easy.

  "Then, teacher, what about the punishment?" Hirata asked again, but his question made the whole class quiet.



  Too much reward, what about punishment?Chabashira-sensei is only talking about the person who got the most praise votes, so what about the person who was criticized who got the most criticism votes?

  "The subject of this additional special exam is [select the first place, and then decide the last place]." Chabashira said, "So Hirata, you read the questions very well."

  "The first place can be protected from school withdrawal, but the last place needs to be punished with withdrawal."

  Chabashira recited slowly, but the excitement of the class had faded.

  Punishment for dropping out.

  Everyone has become accustomed to failing the written exam and then being expelled from school.

  And it is not uncommon for this time to have a dropout penalty in the current dropout exam.


  In the past written exams, no matter what, as long as you pass the exam, you won't be able to drop out.Avoid dropping out.

  Then it reaches the current state where the entire class has dropped out of 0.

  But what about this exam?

  Please see the rules.


  The exam will be repeated until the first and last places are decided.The last one will drop out.

  This is saying that the first and last places in the class must be selected, and there must be people who have to receive protection awards and people who have to be expelled.

  This time the exam... is not allowed to cheat and not allow anyone to fail the exam.

  One person in the class must be decided to be a dropout.

  "I think it's unreasonable." Chabashira said, "I think the same as a teacher in this regard. So I stayed here for a while. But since the matter has been decided, you can't resist. Follow the rules. , challenge the special exam, there is no other way."

  As a teacher, she also fought and failed.

  "why is it like this--"

  And the students who had just been excited by the reward of dropout protection immediately became depressed.


  It's not just Saturdays when someone will disappear from the class and get kicked out.

  This kind of thing is really unimaginable.

  He has been working hard all the time, why is this happening?

  However, Chabashira could only continue, "I'm going to continue explaining the rules. The number of votes received by students who have become the object of praise and criticism in the class will be fully disclosed at the end of the exam. In other words, the entire class will be announced. votes. However, who voted for whom will never be made public, and votes are anonymous.”

  Indeed, if the exam is held in this way, it can only be anonymous.

  Let’s not talk about the praise votes, but who voted for whom, there will be lingering questions in the future.


  Among the depressed students, Karuizawa-san was deeply relieved.

  Because she thinks... she has earned it.

  When he wanted to find Hirata as a shield to protect her before, Hirata suggested to her that she could have a relationship, but this relationship was fake, it just gave her a status.

  Just because she met Qinglong, she completely dispelled this idea, otherwise if it was according to Hirata's method, then in this voting test, she was afraid (cgad) that she was voted out of school by Hirata-kun's admirers.

  But now the crisis is relatively high is Sato Maya.

  Because among the boys in the class, apart from the gentle and lovable Hirata-kun, Ayanokouji-kun is very popular.

  Although he

  But they are handsome, very capable at the same time, have good motor nerves, and even improve their academic ability, plus they are super rich. Isn't this a very popular common denominator.

  It's just that there are usually Horikita-san standing there, but Horikita-san seems to have absolutely no intention of falling in love, so more and more people think that she is not harmful.

  As for Airi who likes Qinglong.


  Airi is indeed very beautiful, but her character is too cowardly, so she can also be regarded as a rival in love.

  And Sato-san likes Ayanokouji-kun. This is something that all girls know, so if she becomes Ayanokouji-kun's girlfriend, she may also be voted on purposely.

  It's just that Sato failed in his confession [in public], so he shouldn't be hated too much.

  And she also said that she was with others and gave up Ayanokouji-kun, but the credibility of this kind of thing is the first one? .Because of what she said, she can still see that she likes to run towards him.It's not very obvious that she [gives up],

  Furthermore, he clearly said that he liked Ayanokouji-kun before, but then he was with someone else, and he blew himself up with experience. Isn't this Biaozi's behavior?

  So no matter if Sato-san said the truth or not, whether she was secretly dating Kiyotaka, she should be the most dangerous person to vote among the girls in the class.


  If you consider the boy's side, then her Karuizawa Megumi is also very dangerous.

  Although she didn't have a relationship with Hirata to gain status, she knew that her policy had always been to suppress boys to show her position, so she was hated by many boys.

  In this case, most of the boys in the class may be criticized.

  This time, there are two kinds of results in the test, the most popular person is selected anonymously and the most hated person is selected.And she is quite dangerous.

  So one of the dangerous people among the girls is Sato.

  And she dropped out of school. .

Chapter 275

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