


  After Hirata asked this, most of the classmates really agreed.

  Because they only received 1 point.

  In the end, the information that Hirata collected was all 1 point.

  That is to say, they realized that Qinglong played them.

  It's just that, even so, no one wanted to vote him critical or angry.30 people united by Kushida

  The big group of 26 is sorry for him. At this time, it is good that he does not break out.

  The students were generally guilty, probably because they thought he was angry.

  On Qinglong's side, after school, he invited the members of Ayanokoji's group (excluding Chi) to go to the restaurant together.And everyone is like a promise

  Not to mention that 2000 million is a lie.

  The fat and tender steak with cumin in it exudes that kind of food aroma that tickles one's appetite.

  Because the unit price is very expensive, there are not many people who usually come here.

  And the chef is mixing them with dipping sauce.

  "Wasabi, help me put some mustard in." Hasebe Haruka said.

  And when the chef looked at Qinglong, he shook his head.

  Qinglong really can't eat mustard.

  "But Yamauchi and Kushida are too much."

  Rather than saying that Qinglong invited them, it was Qinglong that they made an appointment and said that they would pay for today's dinner.

  They are sorry that Qinglong was targeted this time, because they have no information or news.

  have heard.

  Even though two hours have passed, Poruga and the others seem to be very dissatisfied with what happened in the class meeting. Of course, no

  The whole thing was that their group was excluded from the class. Unexpectedly, thirty people formed a large group and voted for Qinglong.

  black ticket.

  And Airi and Horikita are easy to talk about, and Yukimura and Miyake have no friends in the class. It's easy to talk about these things without being notified.

  Shouldn't Kushida be excluded?

  Among the girls in the class, she is also the type of both sides.

  Not only did she have a good relationship with Kushida, but she also had a good relationship with Karuizawa and the others, even with Onodera.

  "After all, their agreement was that if there was a whistleblower, the next one to be expelled would be the whistleblower. A death sentence was given.

  order, so those who were notified had to shut up.

  Also, it makes sense to intentionally exclude a few people so that people on the team feel like they are in a different position.from

  and become blindly faithful. " Kiyotaka defended Kushida.

  Kushida-san's performance today looks miserable and guilty. Although she can't completely hate her, she still suffers.


  At the last moment, she directly dumped Shanuchi, and then revealed that she listened to Yamauchi's crying request, and then for the sake of friends

  Had to squeeze out Qinglong.

  It shows that she values ​​friendship.

  And the last righteousness and annihilation of relatives is something she has no choice. The people in the 30-person group she formed will forgive her. After all, that

  In this state no one has any other options.

  She probably didn't expect that Qinglong would let the Horikita tool people do so much, which has exceeded her expectations, so her evaluation is still

  Forced to drop a lot.

  In other words, Kushida originally only thought about gaining trust from the troublesome Koenji side, but now she has lost

  With a lot of trust, at least, if this exam is going to continue, she will not be able to continue to form members.

  Because everyone has been frightened once.Thinking of this, Qinglong spoke to her slightly.

  "Besides, Gaga, you and Airi are very close, and Kushida must have thought that if you knew it was possible

  Leaked to Airi and then to me, that's why she didn't inform you. "

  "That's it."

  Poruga was reluctant to accept this answer.

  "No, but, Horikita-san is amazing." Airi couldn't help but speak while waiting for the dishes.

  Because the Ayanokouji group had met many times and discussed the plan for the exit exam this time, but they were completely

  Failed to face the Yamauchi Kushida Alliance.

  But there is one other.

  This is Horikita Suzune.

  Horikita-san confronted the Kushida Alliance head-on, provoked Yamauchi, and finally encountered Hirata-kun's surprise.

  However, the transformation did not fear to end the meeting in the way you want, which is really handsome.

  In fact, Qinglong felt the same way.

  Because he didn't tell Horikita that Hirata's explosive way was to kick the table directly and then completely target Horikita.didn't tell

  V. Horikita Hirata's mood can also fluctuate wildly.


  Hearing such praise, Horikita just pursed her lips. While waiting for the meal, she was actually reading a book.

  And the book I read was pretty hilarious.

  She was reading an English textbook.

  ps: push a friend's book

  Conan: I, Maurilan will never admit defeat

  Conan: I don't want to work hard anymore.

Chapter 298

  Horikita is reading a book.

  Now that she heard these people talking about her, she had to join the topic, "I just don't want to fail to achieve my goal of being promoted to Class A. Before this goal is achieved, I think Ayanokouji is indispensable.

  That's it. "

  There is something wrong with this sentence. It is not that she wants to lead everyone to be promoted to class A, but that she only hopes that Qinglong will take her to class A.

  If it was before, she might have pointed it out directly, but after a semester in this school, she also knows how to speak.

  "But this..." Airi didn't notice Horikita's selfishness, but she didn't feel good, "Aren't you taking advantage of Kiyotaka?"

  "Because Long'er has this strength, so Horikita, you saved him? That's how you treat Long'er as a tool man!" Bo Liujia was also not optimistic about Horikita-kun. "If it's just such a mentality, Horikita-san, you're not a human being."


  Horikita-san really didn't want to talk.

  Because Sakura-san is speaking human words?Is what Hasebe said also human?

  Who is taking whom as a tool?

  It was clear that she suddenly received a call from Qinglong last night, that he was targeted by the class, and then ordered to do it today.

  She is the real one who is being used, okay?

  By the time dinner was over, it was already [-]:[-], and Qinglong and the others were preparing to go back to the dormitory, but when they were passing by the green belt, they unexpectedly found the kind-hearted classmate Hirata in the class sitting on a chair, dazed by himself.

  It was Yukimura who discovered him first.

  And Hasebe poked Qinglong before Qinglong discovered it.

  "Go back first." Qinglong said to them, and none of them refused.

  The violence that Hirata showed in the daytime and the naivety who was still imagining the stability of the class made them not want to contact Hirata now.

  This is the power of the Hirata explosion.

  Let the classmates who usually have a good relationship with him feel that they are afraid to contact him.

  At the same time, what Gaga, Yukimura and the others revealed was only the truth.

  Because it is impossible to imagine that such a Hirata-kun would be so irritable, an honest person suddenly becomes irritable, but it is more terrifying than someone who has always been rude.

  So when Qinglong pointed out that he went to Hirata to speak, several people, including Miyake, walked towards the dormitory.


  Qinglong walked over there with his hands in his pockets.


  Hirata looked very decadent.

  It's only been three hours since he was gone, but he seems to have lost his energy at all.

  This is the manifestation of his torment in his own heart.

  Maybe he didn't eat dinner either.

  "I thought I could have a new year with the whole class—" he said, "but...why did it become like this?"

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