Chapter 304

  Although most of the students of Class C have not yet noticed the two factions of Class A, they also know that Sakayanagi from Class A has led the students to attack Class B before, and some students know that Longyuan is looking for Koenji. Sakayanagi stopped him during the fight.

  Then the three of them took nicknames from each other at that time.

  In this way, the leader of Class A came into their eyes.

  "Sakayanagi-san, do you know? She seems to have obtained the leadership of Class A, and Katsuragi from Class A is recognized by them as a dropout list." Yamauchi said unabashedly, "Then Sakayanagi-san wants to canvass for me.

  "You mean littlegirl canvassing for you? This is impossible, because you are worthless." Koenji continued to speak.

  "What is worthless, such disgusting words."

  Yamauchi seemed to be dissatisfied with Koenji, "Forget it, I'm not afraid to tell you."

  He said, "After this incident is over, Sango will be with me. This is Sakayanagi whom Sango helped me to ask for. Sango is really a good girl."

  "..." Horikita.

  "..." Bo Lujia.

  "..." Ayanokouji team.

  The Ayanokouji team, who witnessed the scene where Yamauchi was found by Migo-san, was not as optimistic as him.

  Because that's not what Yamauchi said at all, the way the two of them get along is that Yamauchi cooperates to please each other, that is to say, the stance of licking dogs.

  "It's really a stupid person." Koenji said, "I don't think you have the value to associate with the girls in class A. Maybe littlegirl wants you to disturb our class."

  Koenji, who was behind the scenes, knew very well that anything Migo-san wanted to associate with Yamauchi or set up a line or something was a lie.He was the one who paid a lot of money to ask the other party to act, and he was also very aware of Kiyotaka's abilities, so everyone in Class A would definitely be very jealous, so Sakayanagi or Katsuragi would definitely get involved.It's just that Ayanokouji Qinglong has a lot of money, and the students in Class A also know that it is unrealistic to think that Qinglong will be expelled from school or spend 2000 million, but it can achieve the purpose of splitting Class C.

  At least, that's the guise of Kiyotaka Ayanokouji's previous 2000 million sent to a classmate in the class, he was disappointed with this class, and this is exactly what Katsuragi or Sakayanagi from Class A wanted to see.

  In this way, Koenji actually achieved what he wanted to achieve without spending so much money.

  In other words, Yamauchi Haruki has been clearly sacrificed as a sacrifice.

  And Yamauchi didn't know it yet.


  A special in-class voting test is held in the first grade.

  The most popular will receive a waiver.

  And the most criticized will be expelled.

  Neither second-year students nor third-year students have experienced this kind of examination mode, and Horikita Gakuen, the student council president, raised objections, but was eventually suppressed by the new chairman.

  So we can only accept this result.

  "Teacher, here we come."

  The student council system is different from the teacher system, and the student council president can actually be tough with the dean.

  But the school (cgad) student president Horikita school has always been more polite.

  Today, he led the members of the student council to help count the votes.

  The results of the first-grade class votes were announced within half an hour. It was difficult for only four teachers to count them, so the student union came to help them count together.

  The counting method is actually quite easy.

  Prepare four blackboards.One class per class.

  Then mark the names of the students who were voted on, and then draw the correct words.

  "Let me help too." Katsuragi-san said.

  Although he is also a first-year student, he is also a member of the student council and a secretary. Secretary Tachibana will graduate in three months. After she graduates, he will be a veteran, so he is very keen to participate in the student council.

  "..." Hayato Oni, who was also from Class A of the first grade, didn't say much, but he obeyed.

  In fact, it's okay for their first-year students not to participate, but they probably all want to get results earlier.

  And Horikita Gakuen didn't stop them.

  The other teachers nodded.Mashima-sensei in his class handed him the paper.His airway is not very good, and it will always be uncomfortable to deal with chalk, so now Katsuragi has taken the initiative to take over the work in his hands, but it has helped a lot.

  ? ? ? ?


  When looking at the voting list for Class A that Mr. Mashima handed him over, a bunch of question marks appeared on his forehead.


  Is this possible?




  For the first time, this calm man became irritable, "You liar!"

  "Katsuragi?" Secretary Tachibana reminded him when she saw Katsuragi's irritability.After all, she is his mentor senior, and she will have nothing to do with the junior's gaffe.Although she was embarrassed enough when she took the exam in the forest.


  Now is the time for teachers to race against the clock, not to leave him in a daze.

  Katsuragi had to restrain himself, and then he had to count first.

  So the intense counting work began. .

Chapter 305

  "What's the matter? Isn't there 26 praise tickets, why are your feet still shaking?" In the classroom of Class C of the first grade, Koenji was still scolding Yamauchi.

  "I won't!"

  Yamauchi retorted.

  "Quiet!" Chabashira, who came back with the result, stopped everyone's voices.

  She was wearing high-heeled shoes, and the sound of high-heeled shoes from the distance from the door of the classroom to the podium was particularly conspicuous, but this only made the students more nervous.

  "The first is to announce the third place in the praise vote." And Sabashira Sae was really unpretentious, she said the result directly.

  The third place is the popular girl of Class C, Kushida Kikyo, the social flower of the grade.

  The vote-buying move the day before yesterday and the last act of dumping the pot affected her reputation, but her usual popularity and today's acting skills still made people trust her again.

  So getting this result is entirely possible.

  When he got this result, Kushida, who was sitting in his seat, breathed a sigh of relief.

  Everything is as planned.She can act really well.

  "And second place, Hirata Yosuke." Chabashira then announced.

  This is a result that everyone knows. Even if Hirata suddenly exploded the day before yesterday, Karuizawa explained that it was almost all Hirata did deliberately to get everyone to vote him out of school.He is ready to sacrifice himself.

  So it is worthy of respect.

  Naturally, I won't vote for him critically.


  After getting this result, Hirata closed his eyes.Although he tried hard, it was obviously useless.

  For the students of Class C, it is understandable that these two popular students have won such a ranking.

  So who can surpass these two and rank first?

  Although they wrote the name themselves, most people also have a consensus.

  Because of Horikita-san's right words, and considering the importance of Ayanokouji-san, and the person Karuizawa-san passed down to them after Hirata dropped out of school, the names they could write were clearer.

  and so.

  Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

  20 votes should be available.And a little more, maybe 30 votes, after all, this is already a consensus.

  So most of the people in the class know what to do.

  Chabashira looked at the list of results and smiled at the name of the first place, "First place Kiyotaka Ayanokoji. Appreciation votes minus criticism votes, a total of 75 votes."


  but.The whole class was still stunned.

  Because, the class can only give him a maximum of 39 praise votes.The rest are given by students from other classes.

  In the class, most of the students would support him, but some would oppose him, so they did not criticize him for their praise, so he may have 40 or even more than 40 praise votes in the outside class.

  Because he got 40 positive votes, even if he was voted negatively by everyone in the class and he couldn't vote for himself, there would still be 1 positive vote, so he was absolutely safe.

  "Are you... who did you get a ticket from..." Horikita Suzune, who was at the same table, looked at Kiyotaka.

  Even the members of Ayanokouji's group looked at him in surprise, as if recalling that at the party, Kiyotaka suggested that it would be okay for him to be voted critically.

  Of course it doesn't matter, because he already has 40 praise votes here, and he can't fill in himself, so the class can give him a maximum of 39 criticism votes, so his votes will eventually be positive, which is absolutely safe.

  "No." Kiyotaka shrugged innocently in the face of Horikita's surprise, "I didn't let anyone vote for me..."

  "Next is the reading of the criticism vote." But now it was Chabashira-sensei who was in control of another result of the exam.

  In-class voting will yield two results.

  The top three and last three of the class appear.

  The last person will be expelled.

  "The first is the third place, Chi Kuanji. Appreciation votes minus criticism votes, total votes -23 votes."

  Almost as soon as Chabashira-sensei read it out, Ike Kanji breathed a sigh of relief.At the same time, he probably knew the result, and immediately looked at the Ayanokouji team with grateful eyes, because it must be the result that the Ayakouji team did not participate in giving him the criticism vote.

  Then Chabashira-sensei continued to recite the name. "Second to last."

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