
  A girl spoke, as if to change this incomprehensible situation.

  "It's great that the results didn't exceed expectations."

  And it is such a simple sentence that this is not the result of mistakes, but a well-planned conspiracy.

  "So why is Sakayanagi!" Katsuragi was angry at Sakayanagi from the very beginning.

  "Katsuragi-san dropped out? You were not the target from the beginning." Sakayanagi said with a smile.

  "Stop kidding. You did say you'd get rid of me!"

  Katsuragi didn't believe Sakayanagi's casual excuse.

  "That's what it sounds like. I did say I was going to get rid of you...but that's a lie' 々."

  Sakayanagi smiled softly, seemingly unconcerned.

  "Why...why!" Although he shouted, Katsuragi had already vaguely guessed it.

  But Sakayanagi exposed the truth, "The answer is very simple. Have you noticed the essence of this exam?

  Students who drop out of the class will not have the loss of class evaluation scores.In other words, this is what the school means, to get rid of useless people.

  Leaving Totsuka-san would not benefit Class A at all.So removing him is obvious.The reason why it's not you, Katsuragi-san, you have a fast mind, and your motor nerves are not bad.Also, you are a calm person.With these qualities you can still play a role.In this exam, which is suitable for getting rid of unwanted people, there is no idiot who can get rid of good people. "

  Sakayanagi said her intention, which completely saw through the essence of the exam.

  Of course, Sakayanagi's intentions didn't stop there. ·

  "And Katsuragi-kun, if you think you will be expelled from school, do you remember who you voted for?"

  "..." He was suddenly asked about such a thing, but Katsuragi answered honestly, "Long Yuanxiang from Class D."

  Everyone has an upvote for someone from the other class.

  This is mandatory, but who you vote for is up to you.

  And Katsuragi chose Ryuen from Class D.

  "Why vote for him?"

  "... Aside from Qinglong Ayanokouji, Ryuuen is probably the biggest threat to Class A." Katsuragi Kangping said, "So if I'm really expelled from school, I also hope to make him more prominent, and then give you a wake-up call. ."

  "Yeah." Sakayanagi smiled lightly and looked at everyone, "Katsuragi-kun is not a useless person, even if he thinks he is about to be expelled, he still cares about Class A."

  "But, Totsuka-san, what about you?" Sakayanagi faced Yahiko in a complicated situation with a pure smile.

  "I voted for Ichinose." He just wanted to be told that the test was fake.

  "Ichinose... Well, she does have the temperament to be liked. She has such a dark history, but she is really likeable. I admire her very much. But in terms of class confrontation, I would not choose her. In contrast, Totsuka-san, you are only using your own voting power for your own selfishness, and there is absolutely no way you can compare with Katsuragi-kun."

  Sakayanagi said, "That's why Totsuka Yahiko-kun, it's a certainty that you will be expelled from school."

  "Do not--"

  However, Totsuka could not accept this ending.

  "¨ˇ Sakayanagi!" Totsuka almost jumped up, "You are too much!"


  The head teacher, Mashima Mae, held Totsuka Yahiko's hand, "Come with me, the current result cannot be overturned."


  Totsuka looked at everyone in the class angrily.

  But no one was watching him.

  This is the state where everyone is in danger and everyone is protecting themselves.

  Katsuragi-san closed his eyes in pain, because he had no way to rescue Yahiko.

  Not to mention that the money I saved is gone because I bought a ticket from Longyuan, and I can't borrow it even if I go to borrow it now.

  As for other students.

  The other students were already prepared for this outcome, and Yahiko was no longer a student in Class A.


  Because today's task is only the exam.

  The exam results were announced, so the class immediately resumed free activities.

  And the student council has already (promisingly) posted the results of the exam.

  The first is the dropout list.

  Yahiko Totsuka, Class A, Grade [-]

  No one dropped out of class B in the first grade

  [-]st Grade Class C Haruki Yamauchi

  No one dropped out of class D in the first grade

  Then there's also the list of those who survived and were given a waiver of the dropout award.

  Arisu Sakayanagi from Class A of the first grade - 73 votes from the praise votes minus the criticism votes.

  Hobami Ichinose, Class B of the first grade - 77 votes from the praise votes minus the criticism votes.

  Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, Grade 75 Class C - The result of compliment votes minus criticism votes [-] regular votes

  Ryuen Sho, Class D, Grade 40 - [-] votes from the praise votes minus the criticism votes.

  The above students all have the right to be exempted from dropping out once, and this right is worth 2000 million to them! .

Chapter 308

  Because the content of the test is the withdrawal test, the results came out, so the students in the class were free, but Yamauchi, who was dropped out, cried, but he had been ordered to pack his luggage and then asked to drop out.

  Probably tomorrow his desk won't exist in the classroom anymore.

  "The number of votes is horrific."

  Qinglong came to the bulletin board on the first floor. Generally speaking, important notices and class evaluation scores will be placed there, and this time the test results can only be confirmed here. After all, the teachers only notified themselves. The situation in the class, the other classes did not say.


  Both are terrible answers.

  73st Grade Class A Appreciation Ticket - Sakayanagi Arisu [-] - Dropout - Yahiko Totsuka

  77st Grade Class B Appreciation Ticket - Ichinose Hobami [-] votes - No dropouts

  75st Grade Class C Appreciation Ticket - Ayanokoji Kiyotaka [-] votes dropout - Haruki Yamauchi

  40st Grade Class D Appreciation Ticket - Long Yuanxiang [-] Tickets - Dropouts - None

  The students who won the first place in each class except Kailongyuan looked like a hot chicken, the students in other classes probably not only got most of the votes of their own class but also the votes of other classes, which is why they look so scary .

  The first is Sakayanagi Arisu. She is the leader of Class A. Horikita doesn't think it is strange that she has so many votes. Even if Ichinose has such a dark history, it still gets a lot of votes. There is no need to be surprised at all, because she is not annoying at all.

  Even Horikita voted for her.

  So Ichinose won the first place in the four classes with 77 votes, she was not surprised at all.

  And Longyuan probably coerced his class C to give him a full vote, and then a student from another class gave him one vote, so it reached 40 votes.

  These are easy to analyze.

  "By the way, which class gave you the 40 votes, Ichinose's class?" But Suzine Hori (cgad) Kita was concerned about Kiyotaka.

  Because Qinglong asked her for help in this exam, and then she went to fight Kushida, Kikyo, and Yamauchi. What was the result?

  This guy has a perfectly safe 40 votes by himself, and he won't be last even if the whole class votes him down.

  So I'm afraid it's not poisonous, isn't everything she does meaningless.

  "I can't tell you about this right now - and there are so many people here." Qinglong said.

  Yes, the exam was over, and it wasn't just them who came to see the answers, but students from other classes.

  "By the way, that person is looking at you." Horikita suddenly raised her head and looked in one direction. There, a girl with purple hair was standing quietly, but her eyes turned to this side.

  Oh, understand.

  "See you later." Qinglong said.

  He knew this purple-haired girl because she was the puppy Kamuro-san raised by Sakayanagi-san.

  It was a coincidence that Shenshi came, because he also had something to check.


  Kamuro informed him that Sakayanagi was waiting for him at the old place.

  This old place is probably the special teaching building area where we met last night.

  But today's Sakayanagi seems to be a little late. Yesterday or before, she arranged for the gods to find him, so she came very early, and then waited at the appointed place, instead of being late like today.


  On the face of seeing the other party's hand holding a bag with food, Qinglong still forgave her.

  The two sat on the chair together. Although they had something to say, it was not illegal to eat something.

  Sakayanagi-san is really generous, and it was indeed prepared for Kiyotaka.

  Japanese BBQ.

  A few skewers of pork, seafood, and chicken in a small dish is what Japanese BBQ is all about.Qinglong is more interested in meat.

  "Aren't you going to eat?" Kiyotaka found that Sakayanagi's gaze was a little too much.

  "I only need this." Sakayanagi's slender and white fingers held a skewer of grilled and fragrant skewers.

  "..." Although there was inexplicable anxiety in his heart, Qinglong still picked up the chicken skewers.

  He noticed that even though Sakayanagi took her share, she still seemed to be watching him.

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