Whether it's Class A, Class B, or Class D.

  Say so.

  "You're so relaxed too."

  Because she didn't want to keep Horikita autistic, Kiyotaka stayed in her dormitory even during the day.

  Instead, he gave her time for her to slowly catch up on sleep, while he himself went back to the dormitory and slept until four o'clock in the afternoon.

  After going out to the library, I saw Hiyori Shiina and classmates who couldn't get the book because they were not tall enough.

  This is not a chance encounter with 26, it should be said that he sometimes reads books, and she is always nearby.

  If you want to get in touch with each other, just go here.

  After getting in touch, Qinglong discovered that Hiyori likes reading books more than he thought. She often carries a large school bag, but it is not a textbook, but various books borrowed from the library.

  [Quantum mechanics]


  Glancing at her bag today, Qinglong lost interest.

  It's just that the decisive battle will start soon, and she is still reading these books so leisurely, which shows that she is very at ease.

  And Hiyori can't hide things, her performance can show that Longyuan is more at ease.

  "Aren't you also very leisurely? After the comparison, I guess that both you and Itagyu from Class A intend to use chess to decide the outcome."

  Hiyori first thanked him for helping him take down the book from the high place, and then said, "Isn't it better to train chess well?"

  Hiyori went to the bulletin board to see the projects proposed by the four classes, including the confusing trash fish project.

  It's just that she found that Qinglong's class and Banliu's class have two identical projects.

  Abacus and chess.

  Neither of these two items is something that can make their class more beneficial, so it's more like an agreement with each other.

  "Why not abacus mental arithmetic?" Qinglong said.

  "The one who stupidly looks at the screen and adds up a number every 0 seconds or mixes the addition and subtraction, tests the flexibility of mental arithmetic, and there is no such thing as chess that will test the strategy, is it not? "


  It makes sense.

  If you use abacus mental arithmetic for the final, then it really is, I figured it out, and I figured it out like this.It can only be said that this person has a very bright mind.

  And like chess can become a pastime of course has its unique charm.


  Hiyori can be so stable, that is to say, she is actually a master?There are not many chess masters in this school.It would be meaningless to go directly to Banliu to play chess. She had probably been preparing for the day of the decisive battle, so she had to be respected.

  "Do you want the next set?"

  Qinglong took out the small chessboard he carried with him and put it on the table on the side.

  "Okay." Hiyori nodded, "But I'm good at chess, so don't cry later."

  "Well, that's what I thought too, please be merciful." Qinglong kept smiling.

  Then ten minutes later.

  "Isn't it good to read?"

  Rihe directly threw the chess into the trash, "My recommendation today is this. [My mobile phone is connected to the second dimension]."

  ps: Pushing a book by a big guy, thank him for helping me a lot. [My mobile phone is connected to the second element]. .

Chapter 341

  Although Hiyori-san looks gentle, her expressiveness is much stronger than that of Horikita Suzune.

  Just like now, she threw the chess.

  Isn't it just fun?

  And after she couldn't afford it, she still recommended books to Qinglong with a face that nothing had happened.

  This is the thickest-skinned girl Qinglong has ever seen.

  Then let her turn her attention a little.

  "So, who is the inner ghost that Longyuan found this time?"

  "...Inner ghost?"

  Hiyori will put down the book [Comprehensive Manga: Yukino Yukino and I are twins].

  Then stared at him with clear eyes.

  She knew that Qinglong was very smart, but she also knew the plan this time, but Longyuan didn't tell him in detail.

  "First of all, the commander of your class this time is not Ryuyuan, who won the first place in the praise vote, but Jintian."

  "Then, everyone can see that Ibuki Ibuki and Komiyayama in your class are following the students of Class B."

  "Although nothing has been done' 々." Qinglong said.

  "Nothing?" Hiyori looked at him with beautiful eyes.

  "Yes, I didn't do anything, didn't you pay attention to the 10 items released by your class? Only one of the 10 items submitted by your class is a written test, and the rest are mostly motor skills. It's not a broken box, you must know that class B There are also a lot of athletes. Like Shibata and Kanzaki Ryuji. But you guys do it anyway - I'm sure, you put your pieces in class B. Go through the spies from class B, and then let all the players in class B be absent. . This is in line with Longyuan's approach."


  Hiyori closed his eyes.

  Do not admit but this can also be said to be the default state.

  Let Ibuki and the others follow the people of Class B in a high-profile manner, and it will make Class B feel that they want to do what they want to do. It's easy to get started.

  Food or laxatives in the water are given to the contestants to make them absent.

  In this way, Class D can win without a fight.

  And even if the students who were recruited in class B still persisted, how can they compare to the healthy students in class D who are in ill health?

  This will be a big victory for Class D.

  Therefore, the previous deployments made Ichinose and the others focus their attention on them, and finally ignored the fact that there were traitors in their class.

  And what Qinglong wanted to know was this betrayal.

  Class B is one of the classes he wants to go to, and the reason why he wants to go is that they are united and simple, and their foundation is not low, but if there are betrayers... then they have to reconsider.

  "¨ˇ Now I want you to tell me the name of this betrayer." Qinglong said.

  "Ryuuen asked him to meet at the library at [-] o'clock, and probably he will come." Although Ishizaki said that he hoped to buy the class C's Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was eventually rejected by the other party, but Hiwa Also agree.

  So she, like Longyuan, did not want to be an enemy of Qinglong.So began a refreshing betrayal.



  Is it a male?

  I thought Hiyori's spy was a woman.But it seems to be wrong.

  And five o'clock.

(promised Zhao)

  Qinglong checked the time, isn't this coming soon?


  He pretended to be leaving the library after borrowing books, and then happened to meet a boy.

  "Ayanokouji—" The other party greeted him first.

  The other party knew him.

  And Qinglong certainly did not know each other.

  Kanzaki Ryuji.From the first grade class B.

  He is the right-hand man of Hobami Ichinose.

  ps: Push the new book [Comprehensive: I and Yukinoshita Yukino are twins].

Chapter 342

  The day before the test, the commander towers of each class submitted their five projects, and the total was ten projects.

  Today, seven items randomly selected by the computer are playing on the big screen of the school, which will be the final exam.

  "The commanders of each class are about to go to the multimedia classroom to gather."

  On the day of the exam, Sabashira Sae said while standing on the podium.

  It seems to be fair, the school started using the computer to randomly select items at [-]:[-] the next day, and the preparation of each venue took an hour to prepare, so the students were ordered to stay in the classroom and wait.

  And now the command towers of each class, which are equivalent to the same command, need to be present.

  In other words, Qinglong had to leave this classroom first.

  "Understood." Seeing Chabashira looking at him, Kiyotaka stood up from his seat.

  He and Horikita Suzune were sitting next to each other, and when he got up, to his surprise, Horikita-san suddenly pulled the sleeve of his winter long-sleeved school uniform.


  And can notice her head bowed.

  It seemed that something on the table caught her attention.


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