And you don't.

  So, are you waiting for someone to redeem you?Tell you that you've done enough, and then you can pass the buck' 々? "

  "Hirata Yosuke, wake up a little, this world is not correct and not gentle, otherwise there will be no sad things, and the only person who can save is yourself."

  "You must understand this."

  After saying that, Qinglong ignored him.

  And all that will be given to him afterwards is indifference.

  Although very indifferent, Hirata's presence on the field of competition proves that he has come out on his own.

  After surviving the cold, only he can save himself.

  This is the truth that you have to feel pain to yourself to understand.

  "The winner is Class C of the first grade."

  The winner of the second game is still Class C of the first grade. According to the rules of the game, 30X2 class evaluation points can be taken away from Class A.

  But now all the games are not over yet, so there is no hurry.

  There were only seven games in total, but they lost two games at the start, and Banryu didn't have any panic on his face.

  She held the cane in one hand and seemed to be in a good mood.

  The so-called general demeanor is like this.

  "The third game - abacus mental arithmetic." After a ten-minute break, Mr. Mashima's announcement sounded from Class A.

  Hearing this, Banryu stared at the players entering the field.

  In Class A, there are Katsuragi and four students in the class who are very talented in mathematics.Katsuragi's grades are not bad in the class, but he is not very suitable for this type of abacus mental arithmetic, because he is stable and not particularly smart.Therefore, choosing him to participate in the competition is not the best choice.

  However, the reason for choosing him is probably to test his loyalty.It has been reported that Katsuragi and the student of Class C named Teruhiko Yukimura had private contact.

  Katsuragi must have known about this.

  Because of the last dropout vote, Katsuragi must have resented her in his heart, resented that she had dropped his follower Yahiko from school, resented playing him like a monkey.

  However, in such a situation, Itanagi sent Katsuragi.

  If Katsuragi is against his will and wants to take revenge, then he must react.


  In Banryu's view, whether Katsuragi wanted revenge or not, he would definitely be obedient.They will not give water to Class C during the game.

  The reason is very clear.

  Katsuragi wasn't someone who would put his own personal interests first, so he didn't need to worry about him being shaken in such a big exam that had to do with class rankings.

  "¨ˇ I just didn't expect that you also like to send people to win over people." Banryu directly pointed out the relationship between Yukimura and Katsuragi on Qinglong's side. "But it's a pity, even I trust Katsuragi-kun's character."

  "That's right." Qinglong nodded, "So (Nuo Hao) this game is for you."

  The content of the exam is abacus mental arithmetic.

  The strongest scholar is the six assistants of Koyuan Temple, but Koenji has already participated in 2 projects and cannot continue to participate, and the scholars prepared by Qinglong's class are all dealing with cloze, and cloze hangs up, and Horikita Suzune played chess full-time again and was unable to participate in the stalk.

  Therefore, the score calculated by this test is basically sent.


  However, with the emergence of the topic, Qinglong found an interesting person.

  ps; Push the books of the two giants.

  [My mobile phone is connected to the second element]

  [Comprehensive Manga: Yukinoshita and I are twins].

Chapter 347

  Abacus mental arithmetic.

  The screen displays a number every 0. a few seconds to add up all the numbers or mix addition and subtraction calculation mode, the number of participants is 5 people in each class.

  The competition is about the speed and the correctness of the answer. If the answer is correct, the speed will be compared. If the answer is faster but the answer is wrong, no points will be awarded.There are ten questions in total, and the class with the first place wins.

  The commanders of the two classes have one chance to change the answer to any question.

  Please watch the students fighting on Kiyotaka's side.

  4 females and one male.

  Panasonic Chiaki, Yukimura Teruhiko, passerby woman B, passerby woman C, passerby woman D.

  The person sent by Class C, Yukimura who can be called by name.

  He is a scholar after all.

  Although their class prepared for the cloze training with great interest, but unfortunately, the exam is now abacus mental arithmetic.

  Because he was not prepared, the pressure on his 930 was a bit high.

  And others, Qinglong can be called by name is a member of the Karuizawa group, called Matsushita Chiaki.

  The long orange hair gives a little mature feeling.

  It reminded him of when he was arranging the project.

  He asked students to nominate themselves.

  "Does everyone have to participate in the project? Then I'll come. I learned a little bit of mental arithmetic in elementary school."

  That's what Panasonic Chiaki said at that time.

  In other words, Yukimura was recommended to participate in the project, and she recommended herself. As for the other three passers-by, they happened to be the three who spoke ill of Horikita before.

  This game Qinglong is going to send it directly.

  And (cgad) even if it is sent, in the exam room, under the camera, but can't answer a question, or is crushed by the other party, this kind of discomfort will continue.

  And this is the best punishment for those who speak ill of Horikita.

  "Although it doesn't seem necessary, let's work hard for the time being." After estimating the strengths of both sides, Itagyu-san said softly.

  The commander has one chance to change the answer to any question.

  Banliu immediately slid the calculation mouse in front of him, as the commander tower would match the computer, and the avatars of the participants in each game were on the screen. According to the rules, the commander tower could choose a person to transmit the order.And that person will also be assigned the headset that takes the command.

  Banliu clicked on the image of Katsuragi Kangping.

  It turned out that he chose to use Katsuragi, so it is useless not to believe him at this time.

  And now Class A has lost two games, Katsuragi himself knows the importance of this game to Class A.So there's no need to worry that Katsuragi won't obey when he hears that he wants to change his answer.

  Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

  Class A has already lost 2 games, even if she is still in a good mood, but other students may not, so the current Itanagi Arisu has actually become very serious.

  She will go to-

  Her eyes were fixed on one side, looking at Qinglong next to her, she would prove to him that the situation was not static.

  "Panasonic Chiaki from Class C answered correctly—"

  And when Banliu was distracted, 3 of the ten questions had been assigned to Class C.

  The first question is that Yukimura answered correctly, and the second question is answered by Chiaki Matsushita and Katsuragi together, and both answers are correct.So it counts as an equal score.

  It's just that this third question is Panasonic Chiaki again.

  Totally unexpected.

  Class A was completely at a disadvantage.

  Fourth question.


  The big screen in the examination room burst out with expressions that ordinary high school students would never be able to calculate in one minute.

  the answer is[].

  Banliu got the answer in seconds.

  Itanagi has been a genius since she was a child, and topics like this were used to practice brain development when she was six years old.

  And she doesn't matter, then even Ayanokouji-san——

  Her eyes turned to Qinglong.


  He didn't seem to say anything.

  Because this was originally a question to give points, Kiyotaka didn't plan to direct, but to his surprise, this student Chiaki Matsushita was surprisingly good. .

Chapter 348

  Qinglong thought.

  And Sakayanagi Arisu, who was sitting across from him, was also lost in thought.

  Yukimura got one question right, while Panasonic Chiaki won two consecutive questions, he did not perform, and now there is no response to the fourth question.

  It's not even the same as having no interest in a new topic that has suddenly become more difficult.


  So is it.

  Banliu thought.

  Questions of this level are also suitable for students with high academic ability, which is completely incommensurate with Ayanokouji-kun.

  So Itanagi Arisu felt that he would be ashamed of getting the answer in seconds.

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