"I'll clean up the chess for you."

  Qinglong turned his body slightly.

  This angle is just right for Banliu to see the chess pieces placed on the table.

  And Banliu just saw that the placement of the chess pieces was the same as when she had a big brain, that is to say, it was still the same game of chess.


  She gently supported her chin with her hand, "Okay, then let's finish this game of chess."

  She said, "Kimushi classmate, you have worked hard for you today, you can go back now."


  So why?

  Mingming stayed together, and then stayed in the room for three hours. Her mobile phone died in two hours, so she even sat on Banliu's bed for the remaining one hour, and then woke up in Banliu. ~Afterwards, she will be driven away.

  So why?

  "It's not good if you take a shower too late, especially when you want to wash your hair." Itanagi Arisu is very cute - reminded.

  It turned out to be the case.


  Taking a shower too late is really bad.

  "—" Although he knew that this was definitely not the case, Kamuro-san obeyed the order and left the room.

  Anyway, her mission has been completed, and what happened to Banliu or was wronged by Banliu was chosen by Banliu himself.

  Can't blame her.

  Thinking of this, the mood of the gods seems to be much better.

  Because she didn't like Banliu and Ayanokouji Qinglong at all.


  Hearing the thud of the door closed after Masumi Kamuro left the room, Itagyu blinked softly, "So, let's continue playing chess?"


  Qinglong then got up from the table and locked the door with his backhand.

  "Do you want to take a shower first?" Banliu asked.

  "No, it's fine now."

  Then walk towards Banliu.

  Next, it is probably a duel that belongs to the two of them alone and cannot be shown to outsiders.


  "Wait, Ayanokouji—don't—"

  Obviously an important matchup.

  However, Itanagi Arisu quickly begged for mercy, "Stop, it hurts too much, this is not a duel at all, because—it's too big."


  In terms of her body, she couldn't bear the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

  As a result, a match that should have been going on ended with Banliu begging for mercy and abstaining.

  Probably waiting for her to rest and relax, Kiyotaka put the messed up pieces and the chessboard thrown on the ground back to their original positions.

  And Banliu has already put on pajamas.

  "Although it's a pity, the body may not be able to adapt.

  Sorry for not being able to keep you entertained. "

  Banliu was a little disappointed.

  Qinglong gently stroked her hair to show comfort.

  After all, he still has a lot of spare tires to solve the body fishing net, so it does not necessarily need Ban Liu dedication.

  Obviously Ban Liu did not get to this point.

  She sighed softly.

  "I just want to know you, want to know about you, like a childhood sweetheart who has been chasing you and never met. Remember? What we said when we first met."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

  What are you talking about?

  [Meet again after 8 years]

  But this is the setting of the original work, and there is no such thing in Qinglong's memory.

  But Banliu thinks there is such a thing.

  So he listened quietly, and that's probably why Banliu took care of him.

  "Of course, you didn't see me at that time." She said, "You were still in the white room. I went to the white room with my father, and my father told me that the white room was a common sack made by your father. People are trained to be geniuses, and you are one of the selected children. You were thrown into the white room from birth, and you could not get the love of your father or mother at all.

......... 0

  I think it is a very cruel thing, so, because of the reasons I saw when I was a child, for me, it is probably a childhood sweetheart that has a deep impression on me. "

  Is it.

  Then it is the setting of childhood sweethearts that unilaterally added to himself.

  And at this time, Ban Liu said emotionally, "Actually, even for a second, I want to stay with Ayanokouji-kun."

  Saying so, Ban Liu stretched out his right hand.

  Qinglong thought she was going to shake hands, but just as he was about to react, he found that her left hand was also wrapping his hand.

  "I know that you have been in the white room with a lack of love, so I want to let you know that people can only understand warmth when they touch each other. That's a very important thing. The warmth of the skin that people touch is never a bad thing. "

  "So, please hang out with me, Ayanokouji-kun." San.

Chapter 369

  Qinglong came out of Banliu's room, came to the corridor, and found that it was gradually raining on the sky outside.

  It should be said that the timing of the school's choice was very good, otherwise it would have become more difficult to encounter rain in the event of the competition.

  Open the phone you just turned off and find that there are several invitations on it.

  Some common classmates, such as Yukimura, talked about the celebration.

  I also want to thank Hirata-san.

  There are also girls, such as Sato classmates, who want to get together.

  Karuizawa is recommending his friend's book [Comprehensive Manga: Yukino Yukino and I are twins].

  And Airi also asked him if he wanted to have dinner together and so on.

  It was obvious that they all breathed a sigh of relief.

  In other words, after this exam, it is generally believed that there will be no major exams.

  Then the students want to spend the last period of the first grade peacefully like this.


  The grades of the four classes are now acceptable to the students.

  Class A 1499 points

  Class B 902 points

  Class C 851 points

  Class D 709 points

  So even with such a grade as the end of the first year, no one is dissatisfied.

  Arguably so.

  Qinglong walked to the open-air corridor and stretched out his hand to touch the raindrops falling from the sky.

  The sky is gray, and it is easy to bring depression.

  The reason why Qinglong was concerned about this was that he looked down on the corridor side, and then saw a person who was drenched in the rain silently in the pattering rain.

  The rain wet her beautiful long hair, wet her clothes, and even slapped directly on her face, but she didn't respond.

  As if receiving punishment.


  His mobile phone received messages from people he communicated with on weekdays, but only one person was missing.

  Ichinose Hobami.

  For Ichinose, this exam was probably her biggest mistake.

  Not only was his insight incomplete, he was only concerned with guarding against Longyuan and the others, but he didn't expect that there would be traitors in his class, and then he was forced to reach an agreement with Longyuan, and even joined forces with Qinglong, which made the people who had always tasted defeat. Class B is even more pitiful.

  It can be said that the students in class A may not be very happy with this kind of achievement, but they still maintain the position of class A.

  So they can laugh.

  And Ryuuen and the others who fell into Class D caught up with points and plundered living expenses, so they could laugh too.

  And in this exam, I won class A without a fight, and then maybe I can maintain this level to finish the first semester, so the students in class C can laugh too.


  Only Class B, only Ichinose's heart is raining.

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