There was that [third choice] sitting there, and that [third choice] looked out the window, as if he was not listening to Chabashira-sensei.

  Ayanokouji-kun seems to be a little melancholy.


  Maybe he didn't expect to lose such a big opportunity.

  Some people feel sorry for him, some understand him.



  However, Chabashira also noticed that some of the students in the class were a little sluggish.

  Like Sato Maya, when she returned to the classroom, she just lay on the table.

  I don't know if I'm crying.

  Kushida is in good shape, but seems to be a little depressed.

  There is a difference between her and the past.

  Karuizawa had a straight face and didn't know what he was thinking, but his mind was definitely not here.

  Sakura Airi was in a daze.


  These are the people who were named by Sakayanagi Arisu at the gym.

  Because it's impossible.

  Why is this happening?

  Why would someone like Banliu still hold the microphone and say that kind of thing in public.

  It's like the winner is proclaiming to the losers.

  Or to deliberately show off his victory.


  "Even Karuizawa-"

  And there are students who are not on the list of Banliu's names.

  What do you think at first? ? ?

  But after returning to the classroom to think for a while, I suddenly had an idea.

  Sato, Karuizawa, Airi and Kushida were named, and it seems that Itanagi deliberately warned their rivals.

  In other words.

  Sato-san also likes Ayanokouji-kun.


  A revival of old love is likely.


  Karuizawa-san doesn't usually have much contact with Ayanokouji-kun?

  And Airi likes Ayanokouji-kun is almost known.


  Kushida classmate.

  Isn't she everyone's angel?

  Why would-

  I would love to hear Kushida-san's denial, but now is obviously not the time to confirm.


  What makes Poruga feel strange is that.

  Why was Horikita Suzune not warned by Itanagi?

  If Itanagi and Takashi are dating, then the biggest threat should be Horikita Suzune.

  Poruga glanced at Horikita.

  Horikita seemed to be in a world of her own.

  But this must not be because Long'er and Banliu were in a relationship.


  This child does not understand love, that is, there is no threat.


  Class B of the first grade.

  "This vote..."

  "Student Banliu is too much!"

  "How can I single out Ichinose-san, like counting rivals in love."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

  "But Ichinose-san and Ayanokouji-kun are a good match."

  "It would be great if we could be together."

  The students were discussing.

  But most of them were frantically placating Ichinose.

  The defeat in the last decisive battle made them very sad, and there were even traitors in the class.

  It's just that Ichinose didn't announce it in the end.

  It just means that she found that person to talk to.

  In other words, although he was angry, he still forgave the other party.

  I don't know the identity of the traitor, but this is like a shadow lingering around everyone.

  And now.

  Ichinose-san is about to be attacked by Itanagi again.

  It's really too much.

  So everyone started a crazy consolation.

  "Ah ha ha--"

  Ichinose smiled eloquently.

  But it's worse in my heart.

  Because she thought that she was a very unique one, then, maybe, one day, she would associate with Qinglong.


  this boy.

  Didn't the money to raise the child mean that he would marry her in the future?

  And then very considerate, caring for her.

  Aren't these all the performances that will choose her in the future?

  That's why she let him sleep so many times!

  Ichinose felt that she had been deceived by a scumbag.


  It's probably late.

  At the end of the afternoon class meeting, each student got the ball to vote, and then, although some were reluctant.

  But Sakayanagi Arisu announced that she was dating Kiyotaka, and Kiyotaka did not deny it.

  In other words.

  Banliu is Qinglong's girlfriend.

  So in his face, he can only vote for Banliu.

  So the voting went relatively smoothly.

  But after the end, no one ran over to surround him again.

  It was only when he returned to the dormitory that Qinglong received a call.

  It is Karuizawa Megumi.three.

Chapter 388

  "Are you really dating Banliu?"


  "Is this Banliu the one who paid you every month before?"


  "What else?"

  Qinglong asked.

  "No, no more."

  Because if that's the case, then there's really no chance of winning.

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