"Well, Ibuki-san, this is an opportunity to join the student council. You must know that being a member of the student council will be very useful to the class in the future."

  A girl with long silver hair spoke softly.

  She has a sweet voice that makes me feel like a pretty Ernie-chan.

  This is Hiyori Shiina from Class D.

  "Then you can be the mascot!"

  Ibuki left unhappy after saying that.

  And Hiyori smiled randomly and was about to follow, but found Kushida and the others here, and smiled at them.

  after all.

  From the announcement of the list, they are already colleagues.three.

Chapter 403

  "Don't you think this list is a little familiar?"

  Matsushita-san suddenly said this.

  And this made Po Liujia, who likes gossip, care all of a sudden.


  So this is ah.


  She still remembered the strange words Sakayanagi Arisu suddenly said while standing at the summit platform when she was voting for the student council president.

  "XX. XX, XXXX. Stay away from my boyfriend."


  At that time, it was like making a declaration from the main palace.

  And there's the list.

  At that time, I missed one Horikita classmate's name, and weren't the others in the student council?

  If it is said that Banryu's declaration at that time was not false, then that is to say...


  Poruga had a terrible idea.

  That is.

  Now the list of girls here is not selected according to whether the individual is excellent or not, but...

  They are all identified as rivals in love by Itagyu-san.

  So Karuizawa-san and Sato-san are also on the list.

  "I don't want to join any student council!"

  Suddenly a student said that.


  This is Sato-san with slightly curly hair.

  After learning that Ayanokouji-kun and Itagyu-san were dating a few days ago, Sato-san cried like a tabby cat.

  And the reason why she would oppose it now must be that Banliu is a rival in love.

  Then she would feel uncomfortable seeing her rival in love every day, or Ayanokouji-kun visiting the student union.

  Compared to this, Airi's performance is much better.

  She didn't go to Ayanokoji to make trouble, nor did she go to Ban Liu, but she was very well-behaved.


  It's just unilaterally refusing to admit that Itagyu-san and Ayanokouji-kun are dating.

  Then when they met in the morning, Ayanokouji-kun greeted her again, and she felt satisfied.

  In other words, Airi is cowardly.

  And Sato-san is Gang.

  These two are really very different personalities.

  "It would be beneficial to join the student council." Next to Sato-san was Karuizawa-san.

  Both of them should have received the notice and then came to see the list.

  After all, both of them are on the list.

  Megumi's ideas are not as radical as Sato's.

  Although she was let go by Qinglong, she was sent a message after all.

  And she asked Sato, Sato did not.

  So does this mean she is more important?

  And Banliu that kind of person.

  Since he was the one who took care of Qinglong from the beginning, there was nothing he could do.

  At least she can't afford it.

  "Hmph, a guy like Banliu, a guy like Banliu—"

  Sato-san looked indignant.

  "What about a guy like me?"

  A soft voice came.

  The surrounded students dispersed again.

  Because this is the current student council president.

  Chairman, the biggest person under the principal.

  Sakayanagi Arizumi appeared with a cane, and three students followed her.

  Puppy god room.

  The confident Hashimoto Masayoshi, and the ghost head Hayato who doesn't like to talk.

  Hashimoto showed a condescending smile.

  The ghost head falcon is holding a toothpick.

  It really looks like a black force running rampant.

  But such a force is already a legitimate positive force recognized by the school.


  Sato-san's aura suddenly stagnated.

  "I did not say anything."

  Her tone didn't seem to be so strong anymore.

  In other words, cowardly!


  "Since there is no objection, then we will gather at the student union at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. Since we have become a member, we should contribute ourselves to this school."

  "it is good--"

  Probably because of the forces of Itagyu, Kushida, Karuizawa, Chiaki Matsushita, and Airi did not object. .

Chapter 404

  Because of the appearance of Banliu, everyone was cowardly.

  But Poruga noticed that there was an acquaintance in the crowd.

  It was Ichinose Hobami with beautiful long hair.


  Ichinose-san is also the secretary of the student council.

  Is the secretary of the student council.

  And the atmosphere on her side was different from theirs.

  "Congratulations, Ichinose, you have become the secretary of the student council."

  "Thanks, but I'm surprised too—"

  Even so, Ichinose was not in a good mood. "After all, it's that Banliu... I don't know why she chose me?"

  "Isn't it because of Ichinose's ability?"

  surely not.

  Because most of the 26 students on the list are paddling.

  So Banliu's selection criteria are surprising.

  And Ichinose is a pretty smart person.

  After reading through a series of lists, she immediately came to a strange conclusion.

  "Isn't this the list that Banryu announced at the gym before?"

  And friend Bai Bo found a blind spot.

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