This made Long Yuan feel a headache.

  It's just Ibuki with such a personality.Long Yuan thought it would be good to put her in the student council.

  At least, she won't be moved, and she will be a tool person honestly.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

  "Ibuki, that fellow Itaryanagi sent some first-year students to the student council to talk."

  "That's true."

  "It seems that all the first-year students have to talk to each other one by one."

  "Listen, Ishizaki."

  Long Yuan said, "That guy Banliu has already acted. If our goal is still in the direction of Class A, then we can't be slower than her."

...................... 0


  Long Yuan took out his phone and looked at the screen.

  "Give me a complete set of detailed information about the first-year students." by Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

  Ayanokouji Kiyotaka really likes to call people.


  Then, when the second-grade teachers announced the exam rules, the first-year freshmen also came into contact with the exam for the first time.

  Because I have never been, I am very serious.

  Only one student seemed exceptionally different.

  He was a first-year student, but he felt that this was not high school, but kindergarten.

  Whether it is the teacher's inferior teaching skills, or the classmates who are serious or even incomprehensible to such a simple course that cannot be simpler, he/she feels it.

  out of place.three.

Chapter 423

  Yes, very out of place.

  As someone who was raised in a white room, he was puzzled by the low level of education in the outside world.

  It even feels like a waste of time.


  It really kills time in a place like this.

  He/she is the fifth student in the white room. He has received super-elite education since he was a child. He knows what will happen to those who fail.

  He has always worked hard and supported, but no matter how well he did, the instructors just looked at him indifferently.

  Because of all the critique standards, there is only one qualified person - Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

  Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was the fourth phase test product, but he was the only one who passed.

  After that, the success of all the children was based on Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. One day, an instructor who liked him more told him that he could take him to take a look at Kiyotaka Ayakouji from a distance.

  After seeing it, he immediately felt the unfairness of the world.

  also experienced inferiority.

  just now.

  This Ayanokouji Kiyotaka actually stayed in a kindergarten-like place. Staying in this kind of place would only make people rubbish.

  Perhaps, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, who has been here for a year, has become inferior?

  In other words, beat him.

  "Then the rules of this exam are explained here—"

  And the teacher's rule notification on the podium has also been completed.



  Qinglong and their mobile phone received a forwarded text message.

  [For the students who are confused by the first-year and second-year students this time, they can gather in the gym in the afternoon for communication and discussion. ]

  by Ichinose Hobami.

  In other words, Ichinose wanted to conduct this exam in a peaceful manner.


  This time, for the second-year students, the maximum reward score that can be obtained is only 50 points.

  At present, the gap between the scores of the ABCD class is widening. For her class B, this test is actually useless.

  But if you don't take it seriously, you may fail the course and drop out of the school. In this case, it is better to deal with it in a gentle way.

  So she used the method of exchange meeting to let everyone treat this exam rationally and gently.

  But this can only be a gentle girl like her.


  "Hirata, did Ichinose send you a message alone?"

  "Eh? Ichinose-san? No..."

  "Only the 20 points promised to us in the Kojima exam last year have been called."

  "what's up?"


  Qinglong returned to his seat.

  He found Horikita Suzune, who was sitting next to him, looking at him.

  This time in the new semester, the teacher allowed to exchange seats, and some students exchanged, but on his side, Horikita has not changed.

  And this girl named Horikita Suzune, she really had short hair to the end, and went to the barber three days ago to have her hair trimmed back into short hair.

  Qinglong looked at the good-looking girl beside him and asked.

   "Then what do you think about Ichinose's exchange meeting this time?"

  "Should I come to see?"

  "Yes. It's been a year, let me judge your growth."


  Suzune pursed her lips and said.

  "Ichinose's behavior is probably—"

  ps: Push a friend's book.

  [Comprehensive: Adopting Qiongmei at the beginning].

Chapter 424

  Horikita Suzune thought for a while and said,

  "Probably the mentality of a saint."

  "If it's a first-year student, take the exam seriously."

  "Then Ichinose's class B's academic ability is not bad, so it doesn't matter how you match students with low academic ability."

  "It should be said that there will be many first-year students with high academic ability looking for them."

  "But there is still another problem, that is, the first graders don't know the school yet, and they don't know the consequences of serious exams."

  "So Ichinose's exchange meeting is most likely to impart experience to them."

  "And this kind of move, in the last year, the second and third graders didn't tell us."

  "It's just Notre Dame's Class B that will tell these new students."

  "So they are saints."

  The more I talked about it, Horikita seemed to be feeling a little fluctuated.

  She felt unfair.

  Because if she had been kindly reminded by the seniors at first, then she would not have been defrauded by Ayanokouji Aiqian for all the points when she started school.



  Ringtone's analysis was okay, even Qinglong had to take it seriously.

  I don't care about Ichinose's actions as a saint. Most of Ichinose's actions should be to bribe people's hearts. Of course, there are saints' thoughts.

  The only thing Kiyotaka could care about was this exchange meeting of Ichinose.

  Does it mean that many exams in the upper grades were not allowed to be disclosed to the lower grades in the past, but now they are completely released.

  Undoubtedly, this must be Yuecheng's opening.

  Yuecheng completely messed up the school.


  "Then, if it were you, what would you think of Ichinose's exchange meeting?"

  After Horikita answered, she looked at Kiyotaka again.

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