All the lights in the house are on.

  The daughter has not slept yet.

  But she also knew that it was her daughter who deliberately turned on the lights because she was more afraid of the dark.

  Yui heard the sound of the door lock as if she was opening the door.

  Yui had already appeared at the entrance, and then pointed her phone towards it.

  "Oh, Mama, wait a minute."

  Yui took a photo of her directly.


  "It's nothing, wait a minute, I'll send it to Hiratsuka-sensei."


  Although she didn't understand, Caiko nodded. .

Chapter 434


  When Qinglong came to the door, the phone vibrated.

  He received a photo.

  In the photo is an office woman wearing a brown OL uniform.

  She was wearing black stockings and leaned forward slightly, in the gesture of slippers.

  The angle of the photo capture is a bit good, and the figure is clearly revealed.

  The facial features of women are beautiful, and after Kiyotaka confirmed it, he started sending messages.

  "Yubahama-san, can you take a picture of you and your mother together?"


  After a while, Qinglong received another photo.

  It's a picture of Yuihama Yui in pajamas comparing an eggplant with one hand and taking a picture of her mother together.

  "Looks like I've got the wrong person."

  "But Yubihama-san, it's too much to be playing with your phone so late."

  The opposite side immediately sent a pitiful expression.

  The person he was chatting with was Yui Hirahama, and he used the name Hiratsuka Shizuo.


  Kiyotaka has already decided to help Yui Hama Yui, and of course, with his character, he wants to do everything in detail.

  Something like something happened to my mother and I was scared and gloomy would definitely let it happen.

  So he had to confirm the safety of Miss Caizi first.

  Is it safe to get home every day?

  She wouldn't let him send it, so she got feedback from her daughter.

  So he called Hiratsuka-sensei and got Yubihama's number.

  Then, contact Yuhihama in the name of Shizuo Hiratsuka.

  Then get information.

  Of course, such a thing cannot be said to Hiratsuka-sensei and Yubihama.

  Qinglong felt that for safety, he had to buy another mobile phone card tomorrow and change his mobile phone to dual-SIM dual standby.



  Just thinking about it, the phone suddenly rang.

  The words Hiratsuka Shizuo were displayed on the screen.

  This is the real Hiratsuka Shizuo's phone.


  Qinglong answered the phone.

  "Hello, Hiratsuka-sensei."


  "Bikigu... Did you take the wrong medicine?"


  "Ah... No, I always feel that you are suddenly clever or polite, which makes me feel uncomfortable.

  You just give me a headache after all. "

  Qinglong was startled, his face pretended to be relaxed,

  "It seems that I have a bad impression on the teacher."

  "...I can't say it's bad, I just want to ask, are you really not coming to school?"


  Qinglong immediately understood.

  Hiratsuka-sensei is not a woman's sixth sense, and she predicts that he is using her name to flirt with Yubihama.

  But worry about him.

  Thinking of this, Qinglong felt a little guilty in his heart.

  "Well, teacher, I have already participated in work today."

  "So don't worry."

  "No, no, that's why you have to worry. You just left school in the morning, right?"

  Shizuo Hiratsuka's tone seemed to rush in front of him immediately, and Kiyotaka hurriedly took the phone away from him.

  Hiratsuka-sensei's voice became urgent,

  "You really need money right now."

  "And how much salary can you get in an ordinary company?"

  "What about me? Go in as a newcomer, and then it takes three months to become a regular. The current salary is 3 yen a month. After the regularization, it is 17."


  Shizuo Hiratsuka nodded. "Then I have another job here."

  "It's a part-timer cleaning and housekeeping."

  "The salary is 30 a month."

  "The location is No. 137 on the Second Ring Road. That's my friend's house. She's been looking for help, but she can't find anyone she can trust. I think you can."

  "And then you can read a little more in your spare time, so that you can keep up with the progress after your school break."


  This is a great proposal.

  But that's for people who are studious and want to keep going to school and are still very poor.

  But Qinglong is not the case at all.

  Not only that.

  When listening to Hiratsuka-sensei's suggestion, he had already restored the location of the house in his mind.

  It's a house in the city center.

  Teacher Hiratsuka's family background is average, but she worked hard when she was young and had assets, including buying a villa, and then that villa was this location.


  So she is using her own house to hire him?

  Want to give him money for nothing?

  Hiratsuka-sensei, you are so good!

  Qinglong's favorability towards her +1.

  "Hiratsuka-sensei, I am very moved by your proposal."

  "But sorry."

  "I still want to stay in the company."


  "No, no, it's hard to develop in the company..."

  "It's just that you can't support me for the rest of your life, teacher, can you?"


  "And a friend's house or something is actually the teacher's house."

  "I can't do anything and take the teacher's money for nothing."


  Hiratsuka-sensei seems to be very confused.

  Finally had to give up this practice.

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