"Komachi should go to class obediently."

  "Euni-chan... this big idiot!"

  Komachi was about to cry.

  Last night, Qinglong said that he asked her for a tutor and gave her a bunch of practice questions, which made her think that her brother was a bad person.

  But her brother likes her so much, he shouldn't torture her.

  It turned out she had made a mistake.

  Still terribly wrong.

  Because she got up early in the morning, she was called and found that there were thirty more practice questions on her desk.

  Ernie, he... actually went to the bookstore overnight to buy practice materials.


  "Well, Komachi, you need to know that it's important to go to a good high school."

  "If you are admitted, then you can also see rare beauty-girls-girls."

  "For example, Yukino Yukinoshita, Hana Kaolin, the family is very rich. It will be very useful for your future relationships."

  "I'm not interested in girls."

  "And I'm not interested in love."

  Oh, that's a good interest.

  Kiyotaka is very interested in Komachi's intentions.

  As a younger sister, you should have the appearance of a younger sister, and there should be no such thing as love.


  "Anyway, I hired a tutor for you today."

  "She will come to our house to tutor you at about [-]:[-] in the afternoon."

  "Please get ready."



  Komachi immediately rebelled. "Tutoring or something, didn't Ernie-chan also get into the general martial arts high school?"

  "Brother can teach me by himself."

  "No, I can't do it."

  Qinglong shook his head helplessly, "I only know the answer, but I don't know the idea and process of the answer."

  "According to the judgment, then it is too simple, I don't know what to say to you (cgad)."



  Komachi was speechless.

  Is she wondering if her brother is such a genius?

  It's just that he has his own talents to be admitted to Sobu Gao, and Komachi decided to trust him for the time being.

  It's just that she pouted and didn't accept the weekly tuition starting today.

  "Actually, Komachi, asking a teacher to teach you doesn't mean you're just studying."

  "It's okay to learn other things from her."

  "Like cooking or something."

  "Don't you really want to make your own chocolate jelly at home?"

  "Just let her teach."


  "Then yes."

  Komachi found it interesting and agreed.


  Because he didn't have to go to school or work, Qinglong lived a leisurely life at home.

  It's very comfortable to play with the cat and help my mother to wash my sister's clothes.

  "I am back……"

  It was about four o'clock when Komachi came back from school.

  She was very popular at school, but she didn't participate in any projects and could go home after school.


  Four twenty.

  Yuihama Yui came to the house where Hikigaya's house number was written.

  She became a little nervous.

  Hiratsuka-sensei added her after finishing her work, and told her that she could come here to work part-time.

  Hourly wages are attractive.She also wanted to reduce the burden on the family, so she agreed after hesitating.

  She knew the address of the tutor very well, because she had visited and thanked her before.

  Hikigaya, who lives here, rescued her dog when she was in school, and was hospitalized with a broken bone.

  At that time, she came to thank her, but she only saw his sister at that time.

  And when I was at school, I hardly spoke to him.

  Hikigu chose to drop out of school, which made her very entangled.

  After all, they haven't really thanked him yet.


  Did Hikigu drop out of school because of the delay in hospitalization and the incompatibility with the environment, etc.

  This again made her conscience rebuked.

  Also, how are you going to talk to the other party later?

  But it doesn't matter.

  Hikigu dropped out of school, not necessarily at home, then...


  She was about to ring the doorbell, but the door was opened directly from the inside.


  "What are you doing standing stupidly outside?"

  "Come in directly."

  A boy appeared there, he had black eyes and looked like he wasn't very interested in anything.

  However, there is no denying that this is a handsome boy.

  Yui didn't quite understand why she was so handsome than Kegu, but she wasn't popular in the class.



  As shameful as it sounds, Yui found out that this was the first time she had a conversation with Hikigu-san.

  Hikigu-san asked directly,

  "You are the tutor introduced by Hiratsuka-sensei."

  "A college student? Or a high school student?"

  "Which school is it from?"


  Yui froze for a moment.


  She became surprised, "You don't know me?"

  "What do you know?"

  Qinglong said, "Or are we acquaintances?"

  "Ah...it's okay."

  Yui instantly became frustrated.

  Because she has been in the same class for three months, but the other party doesn't know her existence at all? .

Chapter 437

  Yuhihama Yui was brought home by Kiyotaka.

  Previously, because of the debt, my mother also went to work. Now the economy has improved, but she has been taken care of by the store manager, so she is still working there for the time being.

  He and Komachi were the only people at home.

  Komachi is in the upstairs room.

  Kiyotaka placed Yuhiba Yui in the living room.


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