Obviously, she hadn't heard the man's voice.

  But soon, the girl behind Baoquan spoke up.


  "Second-year seniors and seniors' 々."

  "I'm Nanase from first-year class D. This one is also from class D—"

  She paused, and Baoquan introduced herself. "Baoquan."

  Because they reported their names, the students who had just obtained the OAA system immediately began to search the information of the two freshmen.

  Both of them are the same as the self-reported, they are really the students of class D in the first grade.


  Chi, who had just been hit, immediately spoke up.

  "What are you doing here as first-year freshmen?"

  The classes at this school will not change.

  Only the students will change.

  After graduating from the third grade, the freshmen of the first grade went directly to the classroom of the third grade, which was transformed into the first grade.

  On the other hand, Qinglong and the others have put up a second-grade sign.


  Generally speaking, students of different grades will not easily go to other grades.

  For example, Kiyotaka and Horikita went to the senior year because of Kiyotaka's interest.


  "Suzune Horikita!"

  "Who is Suzune Horikita?"

  However, Izumi Bird did not ignore him, and shouted directly.

  This time, the eyes of all the students in the class fell on Suzune, who was looking at the textbook with no expression.

  It was only at this time that Suzune looked at Baoquan Hechen.

  Then she looked at Qinglong with doubtful eyes, meaning she didn't know him.

  Qinglong nodded to her.

  Then he got up and walked out the door.

  At this time, he noticed that Baoquan and Nanase's eyes changed.

  Baoquan seemed to be smiling.

  It turned out to be the case.

  Banliu sent him a message, and she talked to the students.

  Then, using the student union plus money, some students blew themselves up, and some of them were bought by Yuecheng.

  And these two, Xian (who promised money) were of course the [bought] ones.

  That's why it's called Horikita.

  While Suzine is harmless to humans and animals, she is always by his side.

  So they looked like they were looking for Ringtone, but they were actually looking for him.

  From the performance point of view, it is remarkable.

  First graders aren't too bad either.


  However, at this moment, there was a commotion at the door.

  "Baoquan? Isn't that just a rubbish name?"

  Long Yuanxiang appeared in the corridor. .

Chapter 441

  Long Yuanxiang appeared in the corridor.

  Now everyone is a second-year student, and almost all the students in Class C have been in contact with Ryuuen, such as the Sudou fight, the sports festival, and so on.

  All have bad senses about Dragon Garden.

  Bad student.


  Don't want to mess with.


  Almost all negative emotions.


  After seeing Longyuan, Chi, who was still dissatisfied, immediately shut up.

  In the past, Sudou had suffered from Ryuuen's losses, and he had also seen the scene of Ryuuen bullying Sudou, so he didn't want to participate in such terrifying people's affairs.

  If he could, he wanted to run away right now.

  It's just that Baoquan is in front and Longyuan in the back, and he is under a lot of pressure.

  "Get away from me!"

  Baoquan violently pushed the pool away.

  Look directly at Longyuan.


  Qinglong was going to go out, but suddenly stopped.


  But Horikita's keen discovery was mainly due to the appearance of Ryuuen.

  And Longyuan will talk to Baoquan.Most likely because Qinglong was just about to come out.

  Longyuan has completely become Qinglong's dog.

  And this, she couldn't do anything.

  Not to mention Horikita sighing alone here.

  Of course, as someone who is withdrawn and has no ideas at all, Suzune doesn't care why Baoquan is looking for her.

  Because she doesn't know her.

  She just knew that and that was enough.


  Baoquan and Chen have the image of a bastard.

  And Longyuan stopped him directly.Ryuuen brought Albert, Ishizaki and Ibuki.

  When Ibuki saw him, he looked away for a moment.


  Qinglong had lied to her many times, but she was still so pure.

  The appearance of Longyuan has a feeling of being out of the way.

  If he pulls someone hard, he can also gather a sister paper on his side.

  Then go out together.


  Qinglong did not like this image.

  He prefers to control in the dark.

  And you see.

  Ryuuen, who now looks like a tyrant, is his dog.


  After discovering that the person Baoquan and Nanase were looking for was himself, Qinglong immediately sent a (cgad) message to Longyuan.

  Then downstairs, Ryuen Garden and Ibuki Ibuki came up immediately.

  That's why Dragon Garden is here.


  However, there is a little surprise that Longyuan seems to know Baoquan.

  "Baoquan, isn't that just a rubbish name..."

  Longyuan pretended to be proud and said,

  This directly caused Baoquan's dissatisfaction.

  "I thought who it was, it turned out to be Longyuan."

  "I thought you were so arrogant before, but that's it..."

  "The legendary Longyuan actually has such a poor and weak body, hehe... the head of the local ruffian..."

  "Really... let me down!"

  Baoquan's tone was full of sarcasm, "But since you've come here, why don't you let this uncle greet you well."

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