In the real teaching world, no one uses bicycles on campus, so for him, it is a very special experience to let his sister... well, let's say it's a girl, sitting behind the seat.

  I could feel my sister-chan sitting behind the seat, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  The girl's hand is very comfortable, very soft and soft.

  Maybe it would be better if you could put your face on it too.

  "Ah... Unnie-chan, here we are, the tram stop you're going to has arrived!"

  While Qinglong was still thinking, his sister's voice suddenly came from behind.

  And ahead is a thousand 26 feet station.

  That is to say, the tram stops in this area, basically all take the tram from here.



  This distance is a little too short.

  Qinglong got off the bicycle and returned the bicycle to his sister.

  Then I watched my sister casually say "see you at night" and then quickly ride away without any reluctance.

  Just as he was about to complain in his heart, Qinglong suddenly took it back.


  Kiyotaka found someone who could grab his attention.

  That's a pretty good looking professional woman.

  Wearing a small gray suit uniform, perhaps a little longer, she rolled up her sleeves to reveal her white lotus arms.

  The hair is orange.

  tied into a single ponytail.

  The eyes are very aura, and it looks like a very beautiful woman.

  She seems to be trying her best not to talk to others, but there are still people who want to talk to her while waiting for the tram.

  It was none other than Yui Hama's mother, Mrs. Yuhihama, whom Kiyotaka had paid attention to.

  When I was taking her home the day before yesterday, she got off at the previous stop.

  Now that I think about it, it's really fake.

  Her home is indeed near here, so he is actually on the same tram.


  Mrs. Yuhihama felt a little unlucky.

  She was already familiar with it because she was good-looking, and then was approached by someone while waiting for the car.

  It's just that the people I chat with today are a little different.

  Is the director of a company that pursued her last year.

  The other party has a car and hopes to pick her up.

  In other words, the other party has not given up and is still pursuing her.

  And a little noisy.

  "Caizi, you can ride in my car."

  "Not only is it faster, but it's also less crowded."

  "Why, why can't you give me a chance?"

  Mrs. Yubihama is not easy to talk to, she can talk a lot every time she talks to the other party, she can't stand it.

  Suddenly, a voice intervened.

  "What's wrong with taking the tram?"

  "Or do you think there's something wrong with all of us on the tram here?"

  Qinglong's voice made everyone around look over.

  The people here are basically social animals in suits and leather shoes.

  Live a very monotonous but hard life.

  And now they have to be looked down upon by strangers, who can accept it.


  "I, I know."

  The vice president instantly felt the pressure.And he just wanted to stare at Qinglong, but found Qinglong walking over.

  "and also--"

  Qinglong suddenly landed on the other person's shoulder and lowered his voice so that he could only hear his voice, "You can't catch a woman you've been chasing for a long time."

  "You don't even think about whether it's your own problem?".

Chapter 450

  "Good morning, Hikigu-kun."

  "Miss Caizi, good morning."


  "..." Caizi.

  Ayako felt Alexander.

  If the previous vice president made her feel annoyed, then she is troubled when she meets Qinglong now.

  When Qinglong sent her back the day before yesterday, she deliberately got off the bus at the previous stop in order to avoid Qinglong.

  But now meet him at this station.

  In other words, she may not be able to get off at this stop in the future.

  Otherwise, it will be deceived before it is exposed.

  Not only that.

  The vice president was annoying her just now, but now it's Qinglong.

  However, she was also a little curious.

  Because the figure of the vice president had disappeared, after Hikigu-kun said a few words to him, the other party left.

  Just want to ask but can't ask.

  And just like what she told her daughter last night, she was going to reject this young boy.

  So it's better to reduce contact.

  In this way, after the simple call, she stopped talking.

  It just made her feel a little strange that Qinglong didn't speak.

  Both of them stood on the other side of the platform and didn't speak, which made her feel very bad and embarrassed.

  "DiDi—' 々—"

  The train just came.

  Mrs. Yuhihama kept her composure and got into the car.

  And after she found a position by the window and stood still, she found that Qinglong was at the back of the crowd, but suddenly walked forward.

  And it came in her direction.


  Her direction is already crowded.


  She suddenly remembered that the wolf of the tram is very easy to appear in the tram.

  Could it be that……

  The other side is

  He is obviously still a teenager, how can he do this...

  Just thinking about it, Caizi found that Qinglong had come to her.

  Then he reached out to her.


  Caizi was thinking about whether to call out, and then found that he directly grabbed the hand of a man near her position.

  The man's hand was placed below, and he was holding a mobile phone, and the page that was taken was opened.

  This man's behavior is disgusting, he just took a candid photo of a woman's skirt.

  And Caizi is a suit and trousers, which is very safe.

  But she found that Qinglong had already fought with that man.There is even a color on the forehead.

  "what happened?"

  The staff of the tram finally found out that there was a dispute here and came here.

  The final verification confirmed that the man caught by Qinglong was a candid cameraman.

  "Sorry for affecting you."

  "We're going to take this guy to the police station."

  The staff will no longer delay. After all, the people here are social animals and need to clock in to work. Time is very important.

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