"..." Caizi.

  Hey, hey, you are so weird.

  Caizi was already scared to go back to her own seat.

  But she still had something she wanted to know.

  "By the way, your business level is very high, and you are very good at computer manipulation, so why do you want me to guide you?"

  "¨ˇ Do you think I'm easy to bully, so you bully me on purpose?"

  Senior Caizi is aggressive.

  In fact, she was probably very dissatisfied.

  Qinglong thought for a while, indeed, ordinary people would not be able to understand this matter.

  He said frankly, "I'm a little good at computers, but I found that Senior Caizi seems to like teaching people."

  "And when I teach, I'm serious and cute. I like girls who are serious, so I can't help but hope you come to teach."


  Cai (Nuo Nuo's) son-in-law directly made a big mess.

  Hey hey hey.

  She really thinks this young boy is very attractive.

  Not only is she good-looking, humble and reliable, but she also cares about you very much, which is poison for ordinary women.

  Yui, sorry, Mama has worked hard, but he is too cute.

  Thinking so.


  "Want to go to dinner together?"

  Senior Caizi hesitated for 10 seconds, then immediately invited. .

Chapter 456

  Qinglong went to work the next day, but because the person who came out of Yucheng High School was also a person with the ability of a future prime minister, for him, it was not too easy for him to see the work that Alexander was going to vomit.

  In other words, these jobs are too simple compared to what the Prime Minister or Prime Minister needs to do.

  Qinglong quickly finished the day's work.

  He found that Miss Caizi seemed to be still busy.A lot of documents are stacked on the table.

  "Need help?"

  "Ah, thanks."

  Miss Caizi seems a little embarrassed.

  "Then please."


  This cheerful attitude made Qinglong hesitate for a moment.

  According to his understanding, this Miss Caiko is relatively mature, and she is also a bit hesitant like Yui Hama Yui.

  and so.

  If it was according to her character, she should have refused.

  It's just that now he has taken over the job, and she didn't reject it, and then accepted it.

  This is... what happened?

  Or, what does she want to do?



  General Wu Gao.

  Lunch break.

  Yui and Yumiko have lunch together as usual.

  The location they chose was the classroom, where two desks were put together.

  Because her mother is at work, her lunch is basically bread.

  Although Yumiko said that this is not nutritious, but there is no way.

  "Speaking of which, where do you think it is better to travel during the summer vacation?"

  Yumiko said while drinking the orange drink she bought.


  "How is it in the mountains?" Tobu in the circle immediately suggested, "It seems like it would be nice to go camping~"


  Yumiko immediately refused, "There are too many mosquitoes on the mountain."

  "Speaking of which, I want to go to Hawaii, to an island..."

  "The blue sea, the cool water, and the sun working hard, it's a great feeling~"

  Ah, such a topic of local tyrants is impossible for Yui of a single parent and an ordinary family.

  Arguably so.

  But she is no longer short of money.

  Have a little confidence.

  Because of taking the job of Hikigaya's sister's sister, she can get hundreds of thousands of yen a month, and she already has enough travel expenses.

 (cgad) But since it's a trip, it's fun to go with Yumiko.

  But she still wanted to have money to play with her mother first.

  So Yui just smiled.

  Be a foil.

  "Then, Yui, where do you think it's better to go to play?"

  "Ah... this topic... By the way, Yumiko, didn't you hire a new tutor?"

  "Why did Yui suddenly bring up this topic?"

  Yumiko gently curled her beautiful long hair with her fingers, "That tutor was fired by Dad."

  "Because that's a second-rate university student, pretending to be a famous university, it sucks."

  Oh.oh oh oh.

  Yui nodded.

  At the same time feel a lot of pressure.

  The students of second-class universities are actually very good, and she is so weak, can she really be a tutor for Hikigu's sister?

  "So, I'm thinking about whether I want to be tutored or not."

  "It's better to go to the cram school."

  "Ah...the cram school, I know." The Ministry continued to add to the topic, "The tuition center over the station is very good. I got the flyer when I passed by last time."

  "Flyer? Show it to me."

  "Sorry, I just lost it at that time."


  Yui listened to her companion's voice and kept smiling.

  In fact, I am a little envious of Yumeizi. Yumeizi's family is very good. Her father is an executive of the company, and her mother is a lawyer, so she is basically not troubled by money.

  She also has a private tutor, it's not like she is going to be a tutor.

  Of course, it's not jealousy.

  She simply felt that Yumiko was very lucky, and she also liked her mother very much, and she was very happy that her mother gave her life and her current environment.

  "Speaking of..."

  Yui then took the initiative to raise a topic, "Jundu Yeshan's mood has been relatively low these two days."

  Their group is the current group in the class.

  Headed by Hayama and Miura.

  In addition to the three friends of Hayama, they gathered together with the two friends of Miura.

  It's just that the protagonist, Hayama, hasn't spoken to them for two days.

  He was sitting alone in his seat, as if in a daze.

  "Oh, that's what Hayato is."

  All the classmates in the Hayama Miura group knew, "It must be because of that student Bigugu who dropped out of school."

  "Falcon is too kind, I can't see students dropping out of school."

  "I speculate that Hayato must be trying to do something."

  "By the way, why don't we go to Bigugu's house together after school."

  "Let Hayato go see each other again. If you can persuade him to come back to study, Hayato will not be like this."

  Tobe Sho suggested that he was quite interested.

  "This, this is not good. Maybe it will disturb the other party."

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