Yang Nai shut up.

  She has also been in contact with creatures like programmers, but no one can do it as fast as classmate Qigu.

  So, after seeing that Qinglong had already called up the information, she couldn't help but complain,

  "By the way, Bikigu-kun, don't you have extraordinary skills? Then why did you tell me before that you want me to support you for a lifetime."

  "Don't you think it's too much?"

  Saying so, she also made a wronged expression.

  In fact, I feel very bad inside.

  Because she was almost cheated into marriage by Qinglong, it can be said that he is now registered in the district office as a naturalization to her home. Although he can divorce by suing, she really needs to pay him a lot of money.

  If he inherited the Yukishita family, he might have to split part of the family property, which can be said to be an extreme failure.

  In the end, there is an ending that may be deprived of the heir of Yukinoshita's home.

  At that time, wasn't it just forcing my sister to play?

  So Qinglong said so early here that Xiaoxuenai wants to be the heir, so maybe it can be cultivated. If it really has such a bad ending, it is better to cultivate a sister now than if the divorce involves her sister in the future.

  as a sister-in-law.Yang Nai can only consider Xuenuo.

  Of course, there is also the option of not getting a divorce.

  No divorce, no divorce.

  But, doesn't this mean that she will spend the rest of her life with this man?

  Her mood is complicated.

  Especially now that I found out that this man has such a strange specialty.

  Being too good will make her feel that the final choice will only go in the second direction.

  But this man likes other people's wives, scumbag.

  Yang Nai's mood is complicated.

  And it's really hard to ask her with a cute aggrieved expression in such a complicated world.

  "It's not too much." Qinglong said, "Who said that those who are able have to work harder? For lazy people, being supported is the ultimate life."

  "...It's just that you still like Miss Yubihama?" Yang Nai couldn't help but complain.

  "Yes." Qinglong nodded.

  "But let's not say that I'm ignoring your cheating - cheating, not cheating, but it will cost money to interact with people." Yang Nai felt that he could put pressure on him appropriately.

  "I know." Qinglong nodded, "But you will give it to me..."


  It is to ask her to support him, and then he to support other women.

  What kind of world class scumbag is this?

  Yang Nai now really wants to choose the first path.

  Hurry up and raise her sister, and then let her be the heir, and then she will cut off relations with the Yukinoshita family, and then divorce Qinglong.

  "Ah, I got the number and found her way."

  Qinglong waved at Yang Nai, and Yang Nai sat obediently beside him.

  Qinglong raised his left hand again and put it on her shoulder.

  Yang Nai glanced at his hand.

  But Qinglong lowered his hand, followed the lines of Yang Nai's shirt, and landed on her waist.


  Although Yang Nai is very good at interpersonal communication, she is not the kind of casually letting herself be touched by others, and her mentality is mature. Many people of the opposite sex will casually approach you with a cute expression, and the other party will be full of goodwill towards you.

  But it's very different from Qinglong sitting with him now, with his hands on his shoulders.

  She could feel his hand.

  I can also feel the boy's palm.Is it so hot?

  finally. .

Chapter 484

  In her nervous mood, Qinglong just slipped his hand on her waist.

  This is acceptable.

  If it had just been put on her hook, she might have rejected it.

  Then he cast his eyes on the screen of the phone.

  The route table signed by Yukino Yukino has been called out.

  But this is a survey record.

  1. Q: Do you have any jobs you would like to work for in the future?Or ideal or something.

  Yukino: I want to inherit my sister's job.

  2. So what efforts have been made to achieve this ideal?

  Yukino: Learn to read people's hearts like my sister.

  3. Teacher.

  The teacher seems to have been unable to ask questions. "But you never did it!"

 26 The questionnaire was brief.

  But here it ends.

  It means that Xiaoxueno's life in foreign junior high school is also very bad, but she should be more arrogant than elementary school.

  Therefore, in the current high school, she will become a flower of high mountains, a girl with high coldness.

  "Well... it seems that she really is like this..."

  Looking at this document, Yang Nai's navy blue eyes moved. "However, is she only accepting my job here, does she want to be someone like me, or does she want to take over Yukinoshita's family entirely? I can't confirm that."

  "Instead of guessing here, you might as well ask her directly."

  Qinglong raised his phone and checked the time.

  "It's 6:20, stop by her for a meal. Also, I'll give you your phone back, and I'll kill the poison for you. The pink app that Mr. Hiratsuka sent to you is poisonous."

  "..." Yang Nai.

  Yang was speechless.She quickly took her phone back.


  "Moses Moses... Don't think about hanging up, it's me, sister... It's not your mother looking for you, it's me. Hey, Xuenuo, don't hang up, it's a very important thing."

  "You're in the apartment right now, what's for dinner? Spaghetti? Well, then let's make three, I have something very important to find you... Hey, don't hang up... Really not here harass you.

  OK OK.I'll go to you right now, and those who don't work don't eat, so I'll help too.

  Um.I'll bring... um... bring..."

  Yang Nai was on the phone and looking at Qinglong. She was now struggling with how to introduce Qinglong.

  It can be said that the two have been registered with the district office, so she is obliged to introduce her husband, but this is a deceived marriage.

  It turned out that Qinglong was typing on his mobile phone, and then showed her.

  oh oh oh.

  It was found that Qinglong wrote the words of a friend.

  She nodded knowingly, "Bring a friend over there."

  "So remember not to dress too revealing... ah, the phone was hung up."

  "I think my sister hates me."

  Yang Nai complained.

  "It's not that you harassed her. By the way, is she really wearing revealing clothes at home?" Qinglong was very curious about this.

  "I won't tell you." Yang Nai deliberately blinked her eyes with a cute expression.

  "Really." Qinglong said, "I thought you were thinking again that your sister actually wants to be a person like you, or to take the job instead of you, but it's just that my sister is young and ignorant. She thinks that you are very happy and perfect here. In fact, you just like that she can do nothing. And she doesn't have to do anything, but it makes her feel pain.

  So both of you think the fruit in the other's hand is sweet, but both of you have sour. "


  "You don't need to know so much." Yang Nai complained, "You will feel sick."

  "Then do something normal."

  Qinglong said, suddenly holding Yang Nai's left hand and pressing her against the wall of the small private room of the izakaya. .

Chapter 485

  Yang Nai was suddenly pressed against the wall of the izakaya by Qinglong.


  There was a slight fluctuation in her eyes.

  Because it's not a move that jokes can avoid.

  If it's a drunk, then just throw it out.

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