At 22:34 in the evening, Qinglong sent Miss Caizi home.He only left after seeing her and Yui meeting from a distance.

  Qinglong returned home.

  But when I was in the yard at home, I heard the conversation inside.


  "Oni-chan really hasn't come back yet."

  This is Komachi's voice.

  "You little boy, go to bed."

  "Your Oni-chan has become an adult today..."

  "I do not want……"

  "When Uni-chan becomes an adult, she won't only care about Komachi."

  "I didn't expect you to be so clear. Since you are so clear, you have to learn to leave your brother's arms and live alone." The mother said.

  "No, no. Komachi don't leave Ernie-chan."



  Well done to be the Prime Minister.

  Because Komachi is so cute.There must be legislation, legislation.

  My sister can't get married or something.Or the sister is not married and is not allowed to gossip, but it is recognized by law and the like. .

Chapter 500

  "Good morning, Ernie-chan-"

  The next day, early in the morning, when Qinglong woke up, he found his sister-chan cutely standing at the door of his room and greeting him.

  "What happened to Komachi?" Kiyotaka yawned.

  After all, it was hard work yesterday.

  "Hee hee... nothing."

  Komachi just smirked.

  "Hey, Komachi needs to wear slippers at home..."


  Komachi ran downstairs directly.

  Qinglong stared at the figure of this younger sister and smiled.

  Komachi has been in this state since he came back last night.

  It seems to feel a lot more at ease.

  Komachi is still not mature enough.

  Mother said that Qinglong would become an adult if he spends the night outside, such as having a woman or something.

  There will be a family in the future.

  But he came back last night.

  Do you think you have to spend the night outside?

  It can be over in half an hour and an hour.


  Qinglong looked over to the kitchen, where his mother made red bean rice in the morning.

  Generally speaking, this kind of meal is only made when there is a happy event.

  So obviously, the parents understood.

  With this in mind, Kiyotaka left his parents behind after Komachi went to school.

  "Actually, I married Ms. Yono Yukinoshita from the same company the day before yesterday."

  Qinglong said frankly.

  "Under the that the one under the snow?"

  As a social animal who has worked for ten or twenty years, Dad suddenly thought of a name.

  "Hmm~." Qinglong nodded. "is that one."

  "Then, this is the marriage." Qinglong said.

  Then I found that my parents were silent.



  Qinglong said it easily, but his father held his hand all of a sudden, "Have you fulfilled your wish?"

  "Huh?" Qinglong was puzzled.

  "Didn't you always say that you want to be fostered? Do you want to be fostered by the eldest lady?"

  "So you have fulfilled your wish!"


  So his parents thought he was such a person.

  Is he acting so obvious?

  "I'm not the kind of person who wants to get something for nothing." Qinglong said, "But the other party is rich, beautiful, and willing to take care of me. If they don't let me work, I can accept it."

  "..." X2

  So doesn't it mean the same thing?


  The two parents covered their faces and sighed, how could they have given birth to such a son.

  It's going to cause trouble for the woman.

  "Today we take a day off." Father said suddenly.

  "Accompany you to buy a ring." The mother added.


  "You don't need to be so troublesome." Qinglong waved his hand, "Now I want a ring or something..."

  "You are married to someone else! The district office is registered!" The mother frantically complained, "Don't you even have a ring?"


  This is true.

  But it is true.

  He did things like they've done it before and haven't dated yet, but it was the first time they met each other without a ring.


  On the other side, on the street.


  Miura-san, who came out to play on Saturday morning, burst out laughing.

  "Yumiko, what's wrong?"

  Yui asked curiously.

  She came out with Yumiko today, as well as Ebina Hime.

  Eina-san suddenly squeezed into Yumiko's circle, causing Yui to feel the pressure.

  "It was Mama who sent a photo."

  "I met a nouveau riche and bought a ring."

  "A ring, isn't this very romantic?" Yui was a little longing.

  She is still young, and she is still very interested in marriage and romance.

  If a boy gave her a ring...

  "It's expensive."

  Yumiko said, "¨ˇBecause it's a famous brand A product, the photo sent by Mama is [-] yen."

  "The commission can get more than 30."

  "This is really amazing——" Yui was a little envious.

  Miura's father is a senior executive of the company, and his mother is a manager in a jewelry store.

  So no shortage of money.

  But it is really enviable that the money is so simple.

  "I really don't know where the big money came from to increase their livelihood." Yui speculated.


  However, Yumiko suddenly cursed with a dirty word.


  This time, not only Yui but also Enamel looked over.

  "This customer is insane..."

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