
  Mrs. Yukinoshita said calmly.

  Although his face is beautiful, his eyes are cold.

  Because she has already retrieved the information.

  Yang Nai's stupid daughter is really married.

  The wife is a person who is far better than her daughter. When Yang Nai just made this statement, she felt that something stupid might have happened.

  The result is true.

  Yang Nao, this idiot, has already registered his marriage with the man at the Ward Office.

  What the hell is this idiot thinking?

  Mrs. Yukinoshita instantly felt a headache.

  This is an old problem. It hurts for a few days every month, but today it is especially painful.

  "¨ˇThen transfer me the information of Kiyotaka Yukinoshita... um, formerly known as Kiyotaka Hikigu." The wife said with a headache.


  This state of Yang Nai is very dangerous.

  If he encounters a bad person, then Yukinoshita's family may be divided, and Yang Nao himself will be hurt.

  It's even worse if you have kids.

  Like her, why is she always single?

  It was to understand that many people didn't just look at her, but they were also interested in Yukinoshita's family.

  annexation is very dangerous. .

Chapter 516

  The next morning.

  "Oni-chan, I'm going out."

  "Well...I'm ready too."

  It's not good for Qinglong to continue to ask for leave, and I'm going to report to the company today.

  According to Yang Nai, the company has successfully acquired and sold, and it will be announced today.

  So I still have to show my face.

  My parents' company is a little further away, but than Qigu's father has a car, so it's no problem.

  But there is not enough time to pick up Qinglong.

  And Qinglong didn't like to chew on old people, so he went out by himself.

  I'm going to pick up Mrs. Yuhihama directly to the company.

  However, I have to consider buying a car for Mrs. Yubihama. Kiyotaka doesn't want to let a beautiful woman like her ride the train alone.

  Although there are carriages for women, it still needs to be protected.

  "Then I'm going out too."

  Qinglong said to his parents and walked out of the house.


  He was surprised.

  Because a black car was found facing away from him.

  And that car Qinglong had an impression.

  It was Yang Nai's car, or the car that hit him before entering school.

  In other words, it was Yukinoshita's car.

  And Yang Nai will (cgae) go to the company today.

  But she just finished the exam yesterday, and she didn't contact him after the evening.

  And now her car is here.

  Qinglong bet fifty cents, but Yang Nai failed.

  Should have failed.

  She should have said that she was going to find a chance to talk to her mother about their affairs.

  and so.

  The person in the car now is Mrs. Yukinoshita.

  In this case.

  Qinglong walked forward, looking like Zuo Fa was limping.

  "Ah... this child is—"

  In the car, the driver Duzhu suddenly froze for a moment.

  "What's wrong?" Mrs. Yukinoshita asked.

  "That...is the child I hit before." The driver said apologetically. "I bumped into a child when I sent the second young lady to school."


  The wife knew about this matter, but because it was the driver's own judgment and the result, she finally let Yang Nai deal with it. I didn't expect that now I have met this righteous master.

  So, is Kiyotaka Hikigu the same guy who was knocked down before?

  Then let Yang Nai deal with it, so there is contact, so it will eventually become the ending of marriage?

  The wife's mood suddenly became complicated.


  This is really unacceptable.

  Time goes back to 3 hours ago.

  She couldn't sleep well all night when she came back from the district office last night.

  So, at five o'clock, Yang Nao was pulled up from the bed.

  "Ah, what happened?"

  "Mother mother..."

  Yang Nai was still a little confused.

  Sure enough, it seemed to her that nothing had happened.

  And still sleep deprivation.

  Originally, I was going to the company yesterday to announce that I belonged to the Yukishita family, but I had to take an exam, so I postponed it for a day.

  And today, she has a lot of things to do.

  "Yang Nai."

  The wife said in a very calm manner, "From now on, you stay at home for 10 days and do not communicate with the outside world for 10 days."


  Yang is puzzled.

  "Do you still want to hide it?" The wife looked over with a stern attitude. "The district office five days ago..."

  "I can't believe it."

  "My own daughter is such a reckless person.".

Chapter 517


  Yang Nai suddenly understood.

  It was revealed that he and Qinglong got married.In fact, it is said that she is half-assisted, but most of them are deceived into marriage.

  And now, Qinglong wants to top the cylinder.

  She doesn't want to get divorced either.

  I originally wanted to relax and find a chance to convince my mother, but now I look at my mother's attitude as if it's going to get cold.


  "Don't think about devious tactics." Mother looked over with a sigh. "Now, let me ask you, do you really want to inherit the Yukishita family?"

  "..." Yang Nai pursed her lips. "I have no idea."


  I don't know, it means that there is an idea of ​​not wanting to inherit.

  "You have to know that you are the eldest daughter. You can't be willful."

  "You have to know," said Mrs. Yukinoshita, "when I was your age."

  "There is no choice at all!"


  In this way, after arguing with her daughter, the wife deprived Yang Nai of her communication equipment and confined her to her home.

  But it's not a complete break.

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