"Well, that... how did you prepare?"

  "Or rather, it's been a long and hard preparation," said Mrs.

  Because now on her desk is the list of all the members of the Xueguang Toy Club.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  But it is not as simple as a list, but like a personal resume, and this resume is not simply personal beautification touted information, but something that is observed and summarized by a third party.

  There are detailed and ordinary.

  Ordinary such as Fujii Toya.

  Graduates of Yahashi University, work diligently, come to the company at 6:30 every day, and will be sanitized.

  This is normal.

  There are departments you belong to, and there are some advantages, and this kind of advantage can be praised directly when you see the other party next time, and then the other party will remember you.

0 .... 0

  And detailed.

  For example.

  Jade Minister.There are photos on it.Talking is very long-winded, and it takes 2 hours for him to open the basic meeting, so the best solution is to ask him to shut up when asking questions.

  But there is no problem with character.Like smoking Septwolves cigarettes.I like tobacco and alcohol.There is a lot to do, so I have a little complaint about the salary.


  If she has this information, she can take the initiative in the next meeting.

  and so.

  How long did it take to prepare?

  The wife looked over in surprise.

  But Qinglong was embarrassed.

  Because there is not much time.

  No, to be precise, while chatting with your daughter, while playing and preparing.Four.

Chapter 535

  Third meeting.

  "As for the future direction of development, I think it can be..."

  "Minister Yuki, I understand your opinion, but I think it's okay to let young people show it. Also, although it's a lot of work for those who are capable, I've always watched your performance."

  End of the meeting.

  Lasted 1 hour and 12 minutes.

  General Manager's Office.

  Mrs. Yukinoshita put her hands on the table.

  Her fingers are quite nice, slender and slender.

  Kiyotaka speculates that she must also play the piano.

  "Always felt……"

  The wife seems to have some doubts about life. "It seems that things have gotten a lot easier."

  Because it was a mess yesterday, but today seems to be completely sorted out.

  Obviously only one day has passed.

  As a result, it was as if it had been snapped back directly.

  And these are not her credit, she completed it according to the information Qinglong gave her.

  and so.

  Could it be.

  Is Bikigu-kun actually a super good person?

  "According to the plan, I will go to see Chairman Ono of the Asama Chamber of Commerce before 3 o'clock."

  "Oh oh...'~..."

  The wife got up quickly. "Then wait a minute, I'll touch up my makeup."

  "No." Qinglong said. "You're beautiful without makeup now."

  "Yes, yes. Thank you."

  My wife is a little embarrassed to be praised like this.

  As the general manager, there are commuter drivers in the company.

  "There is a traffic jam..."

  Qinglong said again, "I suggest that you change to another mode of transportation now, such as taking the tram."

  "Or that's what people at a lot of companies are doing now."



  The wife has no opinion.And she herself is a very disciplined person, so she also likes to arrive on time.

  Although President Ono who is going to meet this time is a subordinate who also belongs to the Yukishita Group, there is no need for such a hurry in this relationship.

  "Anyway, since it's decided, let's take action!"

  Qinglong said.

  "Ah good."

  The wife followed immediately.

  But she moves very slowly.Or not to run at all.

  "You..." Qinglong turned around.The reason was found immediately. "Since you decide to go out, you should change your high heels."

  "Just wearing high-heeled shoes...would it make you look a little more temperamental?"

  "That's right." Qinglong didn't deny it.

  Because of the high heel design, the beautiful jade feet of women are revealed.

  very attractive.

  "But it's time to hurry."

  "So high heels don't make any sense other than twist your feet."

  "Wouldn't it be weird to wear flat shoes when I went to see a client?" the wife said again.


  "Aren't you going to be equipped with a pair of flat shoes? Let the secretary pick up the high-heeled shoes. When you reach the destination, you will change the shoes." Qinglong spit out,

  "¨ˇ And the secretary does this kind of chores!"

  "Oh." His wife heard it for the first time. "So Bikigu-kun specially carried shoes for me?"


  If you are Yang Nai, he will not hit you.

  The two then went to the mall.

  Qinglong let her sit down and chose shoes for her.

  "It's a bit too simple." The wife said after watching.

  "But people look good and look good in everything." Qinglong was expressionless.


  This compliment Mrs. is temporarily accepted. (is it?)

  And she doesn't like things that are too bright and conspicuous, and she just thought that she was posing as her daughter, so she was extreme.

  It just feels very suitable after wearing it.

  Wait for the towel.

  The wife suddenly thought of a terrible thing.

  That is, Yang Nai's foot is 37, and hers is 35. And now Hikigu-kun gave her 35 shoes... Could it be that...

  ps: The new book will be on the shelves at 0:[-] tonight, please support it.

  [Comprehensive: Signing in at the beginning of five equal points]

  The author's name is Qingsi Bupi.

Chapter 536

  The wife became nervous.

  Because Hikigu-kun actually brought her shoes that fit her feet.

  35 feet are relatively small, so it is rare!

  So, has it been revealed that he is pretending to be Yang Nai?

  "Then try this shoe, this shoe, this shoe, and this shoe..."

  When his wife was tangled, Qinglong came over with several pairs of shoes.

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