
  Mr. Hayama seemed to be shocked in an instant.

  As a smart person, he seems to have reacted.

  "Ah... Yes, Yang Nai, I haven't seen you for a while, and I've become pretty."

  Mr. Hayama immediately touched his head and said.

  "Ha ha……"

  Yang Nai grabbed Qinglong's arm and walked forward.But this time nothing was introduced.

  Because she felt bad.

  Qinglong took the initiative to propose to go eat some fruit.

  The wife did not object.

  Qinglong then really began to eat fruit, but soon an unexpected guest came.

  "I just thought I was wrong." Hayato Hayama said.He showed a hearty smile. "It's better than Qigu-kun."

  "It's already possible to go to this kind of gathering." Ye Shan said with admiration.


  "Did Sister Yang Nai bring it here?"

  He was a little envious and a little worried.

  The envy is that Yang Nai pays attention to Qinglong, and the worry is that Yang Nai is a very excessive person who sometimes plays tricks on others, so I don't want Qinglong to be deceived.

  And Qinglong pointed in one direction.

  "I was brought here by her."

  "Miss Yang Nai became the general manager of my company, and now I work under her."


  That's it.If Sister Yang Nai becomes the general manager, it is normal to bring a subordinate, etc.


  Ye Shan suddenly held Qinglong's arm tremblingly, "You mean that is Sister Yang Nai?"

  "Yeah." Qinglong pretended to be surprised. "What's wrong?"


  Hayato Hayama's eyes almost went straight.

  "What happened to Hayato?"

  And [Sister Yang Nai] has already seen it...  

  "No, nothing. I just think Sister Yang Nai is very beautiful today."

  Hayato Hayama showed a strange expression and quickly walked along the path to the crowd.

  Like a frightened little reindeer.


  The wife is not stupid.

  This is the meaning of being recognized by Hayato.

  There are almost all acquaintances here, and they are all human, so there must be someone who can recognize her.

  And it is obviously not feasible for her to pretend to be Yang Nai like this.



  "Junior Biqigu." The wife hesitated for a while, and finally said. "I have a document to deal with, which is very important, so can you help me go back and deal with it?"

  "it is good."

  Qinglong nodded.

  Then turn around and leave.

  And the wife looked at his back and sighed in her heart, because she knew that it was cold.

  Probably everyone in the hall would recognize her.

  And if Qinglong found out that he pretended to be Yang Nai, the consequences would be too bad to tell anyone.

  So I had to choose this path.

  Let Qinglong leave first.

  She will deal with it. .

Chapter 549

  It's 20 o'clock in the evening.

  "Welcome next time."

  Mrs. Yukinoshita, the organizer, sent off the guests.

  After taking Qinglong away, the wife sternly went to change the purple kimono she was used to wearing.

  As soon as this aura opened, it returned to Mrs. Yukinoshita's appearance.

  Then calmly go to greet the usual acquaintances.

  But he was the only one who avoided Mr. Hayama.

  It made the Hayama father and son feel terrified.

  Because they felt that they had done something wrong, in the end, neither of them dared to say anything.

  "Then boss, where do you plan to go next?"

  As the lobby manager of the hotel, he came over and asked.

  When she inspected the guest's car, she found that Yukinoshita's special car didn't come, so she immediately took the initiative to flatter.

  Because 26 is.

  It is impossible for the wife to take a taxi by herself.

  "Go to Rice Flower Street... oh no,... just go back to the house." Madam said.

  "Okay." The lobby manager nodded, ready to make arrangements immediately.

  And the wife has now stepped out of the hotel's long red carpet.Ready to go home.

  Because it was almost going to be a showdown with Yang Nai, let Yang Nai bring Qinglong by himself.

  She allowed their affairs.

  It was originally like this.


  She wanted to move but suddenly stopped.

  Because the figure of a young man was found, the other party was sitting on the side of the hotel entrance.

  Because of being with each other for several days in a row, the wife recognized it at once.

  That's not some strange person, but Qinglong.

  Probably found his wife's eyes stagnant, the manager said.

  "That little brother has been there for a long time."

  "Ask him if he attended the reception, and if so, go up, but he didn't say anything, but said something strange."

  "Strange thing?"

  "Well, if you go up, it will cause trouble to someone or something."

  "It was busy at the time, so I didn't hear it clearly."



  "Return the car you ordered," she said.

  ? ?

  Then, with the incomprehensible expression of the manager, he walked out the door.


  Qinglong sat aside.

  Holding a mobile phone in his hand, and the screen of the mobile phone has a faint light, you can see in the light that he is reading books related to management.

  Search for books.

  Very serious look.

  When I felt my eyes swell, my ears moved, and I could hear very slight footsteps.

  But more intuitive than this is the kind of fragrance that belongs to beauty.


  In fact, if his wife doesn't come out, he will not be able to act.



  "Why are you staying here..."

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