
  Danzi watched his back, and then came to the shoe cabinet.


  name on the shoe cabinet.


  Ah this.

  Hikigu-kun, is this... three love letters to Sagami-san in a row? ?


  Kiyotaka sent a total of 10 love letters to Sagami Minami.

  of course.

  Inside, there are messages of a little sickly courtship written in delicate fonts.

  [I love you for a long time]

  [Please contact me]

  [I am waiting for you under the winter cherry tree after school today. ]

  [I'll be waiting for you]

  [If you don't come, I have to wait all the time]

  This mood and atmosphere is really sick.

  will be disturbing.

  But it also depends on the object.

  If it was an ordinary girl, she would definitely be afraid.

  But Sagami Minami has a more vain character.

  And without hesitation, he wants to bully others to elevate his status.

  So when this kind of person sees such enthusiastic pursuit, the first reaction will definitely come.

  But she would bring her friends and reject the boy.


  Qinglong was waiting under the cherry tree.

  Really didn't wait too long.

  half an hour.

  Sagami Minami came with her two friends.


  Qinglong left his name at the bottom of the love letter.

  So Sagami wasn't too surprised when he saw him.

  And Sagami folded her arms.

  The two friends stepped back a little.


  "Student Hikigu Kiyotaka..."

  "You..." Sagami was about to speak when Kiyotaka interrupted immediately.

  "I love you for a long time."

  "The reason why I went back to school this time is because I found myself in love with you."

  "Sagami-san, please spend the school life with me."

  "Did you think I would say that?"

  However, Kiyotaka suddenly grabbed Sagami's arm and pressed her against the trunk of the cherry tree.


  "what are you doing!"

  The two friends who made a little room for Sagami and Kiyotaka to confess their words hurriedly called out.

  "Come here too!"

  Qinglong glared at them and said. "It's you three."

  "It's really a waste of my afternoon to tune you out individually."


  "What, what do you mean!"

  The three girls looked at each other, but they were confused again.


  "It's very simple, you three guys, hurt my Yui."

  "So, I'm here to find justice for her now!".

Chapter 564


  Sagami and the two girls were stunned.

  "So, Hikigu, do you like Yuihama Yui?"

  "Isn't it possible?"

  "Of course……"

  "Her cooking is super bad-"

  "Die laughing, why do you add such strange things when cooking... like cooking fish with curry or something, her taste is really problematic."


  Sure enough, I was ridiculed by these people during the home economics class.

  So Xiao Yuyi will be down.

  "So are you studying well?"

  Qinglong said.


  Sagami froze for a moment. "Why do you say this?"

  "My studies are good." Qinglong said. "Mr. Hiratsuka gave me a test. I passed the test with absolute grades, so she put me out of school."

  "Oh no, who knows about such a thing?" Sagami suddenly felt that something was wrong.

  "So." But Qinglong said. "Sagami, your grades are also terrible."

  "It's rotten to the core!"

  "Why can it be so bad!"

  "I will return all these words to you."

  "Everyone has what they're good at and what they're not good at."

  "But you laugh at others. This behavior is simply rotten to the extreme."


  "Why, why do you say that about me—"

  In front of the two friends, Sagami felt very ashamed.

  "They are the same." Qinglong criticized her two companions mercilessly.

  "You're all the same, very immature."

  "That's why I want to bully others, want to make fun of others, and then bully the soft and fear the hard, so I have the ability to bully Yuiko Miura!"

  "..." Miura.

  Not too far away.

  Yumiko Miura looked at this with a speechless expression.

  She originally showed Yui the way, but Yui came back a little disappointed.

  When she felt confused, she just walked out and found Qinglong alone under the cherry tree.

  After a while, Sagami and the others followed.

  Feeling a little curious, so she also followed.


  Just heard these words.

  She had no idea that in the last home economics class, Yui was assigned to Sagami's group and then laughed at by them.

  Although she also felt that Yui's cooking skills were so bad that it exploded.

  It is simply impossible to marry.

  But she didn't laugh at her.

  should say.

  Everyone has something they are good at and something they are not good at.

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