Kiyotaka noticed that someone was looking at her at first, so that person might not be Miura, but Dango.

  In other words.

  Dango may have misunderstood his confession to Sagami's love letter.


  This guy wants to learn from others to peek, so he has to see the tail anyway.

  Isn't this a direct misunderstanding that he likes Sagami Minami?

  It's poisonous.

  The dumpling was in a bad mood, so he went straight to the second floor when he got home, and put his phone on the coffee table.

  When Qinglong came to his wife's house, he happened to see the distress message from Miura on her mobile phone.

  So that's why he's here.

  He wants to ask Miura Yumiko to explain the situation to Yui.


  That is, to clear up the misunderstanding.

  Therefore, it is very necessary to come to Yumiko.


  Miura stayed at home alone, and her request to Yui was also Spartan.

  She failed to cook.

  Almost got the kitchen on fire.

  And now the head has been beaten.

  After cleaning up a little, Qinglong began to cook for her.

  And then doing worse than hers.

  Miura was running two stoves at the same time, but when he tried to turn around, he tripped over his foot and overturned something.

  And Qinglong gave her something black.

  "I go……"

  Yumiko looked at the equally bad cooking. "Is this your meal?"

  "I didn't say I can cook." Qinglong said.

  In the supremacy of strength, Horikita-san was in charge of cooking, so all he had to do was open his mouth and he was done.

  So I ended up ordering takeout.

  "Do you want to eat together?"

  Yumiko ordered pizza.

  "No. I'm here to ask for your help." Qinglong shook his head.


  "Yuyi seems to have misunderstood that I like Sagami, so I'm in a bad mood right now." Kiyotaka said. "But this is a false accusation, and I want you to tell her the truth."


  Yumi was stunned for a moment.

  So Yui at that time saw

  No wonder he ran away when he came back from outside.

  "I see."

  Yumi nodded. "I'll tell her."

  "Okay, then I'll go back." Qinglong stood up, "Besides, I bought you 50 packs of instant noodles, so you can be self-sufficient at home."


  50 packs of instant noodles?

  "You guys are too simple!"

  "The devil."

  Umiko immediately complained.

  But instant noodles are the most convenient. .

Chapter 574

  [Tick!Congratulations to the host for helping Yumiko Miura. ]

  [Get a time unit of 2 years. ]

  On the way home from Yumiko, Kiyotaka immediately received feedback from the system.

  So, how can it be really helpful.


  "I'm back~ Unnie-chan~"

  After receiving Miura's promise, Kiyotaka went home without any stops.

  The door to the house was open, and the younger sister sat directly at the entrance.

  "Is Komachi very good today?" Sister-chan praised herself unceremoniously.

  Qinglong knew that she didn't like the smell of wormwood.

  Recently, my parents will order wormwood to relieve fatigue when they come home.

  "Oh, super nice!" Qinglong said. "So I decided to give you a reward."


  Komachi sat obediently and blinked.

  Then I heard my brother's voice.

  "Remember Yui-san who tutors twice a week?"

  "Her study is not very good, but I want her to be close to you, so I asked her to be your tutor."

  "And you can't leave learning behind."

  "So, I signed you up for a cram school." Qinglong said.

  I heard this from Miura. She had a tutor before, but the quality of the teachers was not good, so she wanted to go to a cram school.


  Yui was in a low mood after being laughed at for her poor cooking, so if Komachi didn't improve her grades, it might even hurt her.

  So on the way back from Miura's house, Kiyotaka wondered if there was a way to reassure Yui and the result would not be too bad?

  Then thought of this.

  Let sister-chan become stronger.

  "I've already paid the fee."


  While announcing, Qinglong is also ready to make compromises when his sister gets angry. "Of course, I'll take you there too."


  "...Oni-chan, are you poisonous!" Komachi said immediately. "If you are going to tutor, isn't Komachi's weekend gone?"

  "It's not just weekends, there are people who choose to leave school in the afternoon from Monday to Friday."

  "But Yubihama gives you make-up lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

  "So think about it, and choose to go on Monday and Friday night." Qinglong said thoughtfully. "Give you a day off."

  "As long as Komachi becomes stronger obediently, then it is just around the corner to be admitted to the Souwu Gao."


  But my sister's expression changed completely.

  "Ah, I don't want it!"

  "Komachi isn't bad when it comes to studying."

  The sister-chan, who said so, ran directly to her parents who were soaking their feet with wormwood. "Dad, Mama..."

  "Come and judge."

  "Oni-chan is too much!"


  As a father, he really has no say.

  The mother took the call. "Qinglong, you must know that you are now married to the eldest lady of Yukishita's family."

  "That is to say, the son-in-law of a wealthy family."

  "So it's not good to care too much about other girls now."

  "On the other hand, I can be more diligent in learning."


  Against the opposition of the whole family, but also to save money.


  It became Qinglong and had to go to class.

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