but.She can't see him yet.

  At least.

  Let her hair grow a little longer so she can meet him.

  Because she pretended to be her daughter, the other party didn't know.


  Qinglong is on the phone with Yangnai.

  "I am innocent."

  Judging from his actions, Qinglong really knew that Yukishoshita Yang in the company was his wife in disguise.

  Because it's impossible to tell the difference.

  Or why does the wife think he can't tell the difference?


  The wife is very young.

  It is very similar to Yang Nao's appearance.

  However, there are still subtle differences.

  For example.

  Yang had his ears pierced, but his wife did not.

  However, if the other party wants to dress up, Qinglong will not dismantle it.

  "First of all, although she played you."

  Qinglong said. "But that's an assessment. As an excellent person, of course, I accept the assessment, and then I pretend that I didn't find out that she is you, so I treat her like you."

  "Of course the company thinks we are a couple."

  "..." Yang Nai.

  "I always think you're lying." Yang Nai snorted softly.

  Because she knew she was wrong.

  That was the case at the time, she was grounded and then her mother faked her to test Kiyotaka.


  She thought that her mother would definitely break up, but in the end she actually agreed, which is surprising.

  "Speaking of which, nothing really happened, right?"

  "But it shouldn't be possible."

  "My mother's personality is very stubborn. I can't imagine that she will fall in love, and you are still a year younger." Yang Nai said easily.

  Is it?

  Qinglong felt that his wife's character was easy to grasp.And in some ways, you're even cuter than Yang Nai.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Still he nodded. "Don't worry, she and I are absolutely innocent."

  "So when are you coming back?"

  Yang Nai asked again.

  "No, don't date." Qinglong immediately refused.

  "...Who wants to date you!" Miss Yang Nai immediately complained. "It's because you don't come to the company, there are too many jobs."

0 ......

  "By the way, do you have to deal with so many things?"

  "I tried to deal with your work today, and I was exhausted." Yang Nai complained, "How come there are so many big and small things!"

  "So Yang Nai, you have to continue to study hard." Qinglong said. "Get over it now. When Mrs. Yukinoshita officially sees me, it's time for your liberation."

  "Speaking of which, why did you specifically propose a formal meeting?" Yang Nai was a little puzzled. "Mother has recognized you."

  "No, she won't see me." Qinglong said, "Because she pretended to be you before, she definitely doesn't want to expose this. So she will definitely grow her hair."


  Yang Nai held the pink mobile phone and nodded lightly.

  Mother's recent state is a bit strange.Four.

Chapter 577

  My mother has been in a strange state recently.

  For example, a person is always in a daze.

  As if thinking about something.

  Then he sighed alone.

  But the most concerning thing is that her diet has changed.

  All ingredients used to increase hair, now it seems, just to keep long hair back to the original.

  I always felt that the sacrifice of my mother was too great.

  In order to evaluate this guy, Bikigu, she even cut her long and beautiful hair to look like her.

  She thinks that short-haired mothers are also very good, but there is a feeling of looking in the mirror, so it is a little subtle.

  So if my mother goes back to her long hair, she will get used to it.


  Her mother just told her that Hikigu-kun had been recognized and could be cultivated as the heir to the Yukishita family.

  But he didn't say when he would formally meet her.

  Although I'm a little sorry for Koyuki, but there are too many things for Yukinoshita's family, and Koyuki definitely can't do it.

  Although she really wanted to pamper her sister, in terms of pampering her sister and watching her work until she vomited, she still chose to decide to let Xiaoxue Nao give up her wish to inherit the family business.

  She knew this stupid little sister very well.

  Although have talent.

  It's easy to get upset.

  However, it must be the kind of hard-working type who works hard and doesn't cry.

  But she has no physical strength, so she must have fallen ill easily.


  "That's right." Yang Nai added. "Forgot to tell you."

  "A relative is getting married next week. The invitation has already been sent to me."

  "Although my mother didn't see you, she also asked me to take you to see other relatives. So, you go with me when the time comes."

  "Some people in the family will go, so take this opportunity to introduce you."


  "Understood. Remind me again then." Qinglong nodded and agreed.

  "So that's it... I've been busy all day, I'm going to take a bath for half an hour." Yang Nai seemed to be about to end the call.

  "No, wait." Qinglong reminded her immediately. "I can't go to your place at home, so I took a picture. I'll be busy for a while.

  So I went to the company around 8-9 o'clock in the evening to deal with the day's affairs. "

  "..." Yang Nai. "You are really busy."

  and also.

  Photos or something, how could she possibly take them...  

  She is not Futaba Riyo.


  Then after a while, Qinglong received a photo.

  The photo is of a bathhouse.

  Only a pair of white feet were photographed.

  Yang Nai should have patted her feet.

  The toes are crystal clear, like a ceramic carving.

  crystal crystal.

  very beautiful.It makes people want to hold it and play with it.


  What kind of shitty picture is this!

  At least you have to pull up, the camera pulls up!


  While looking at Yang Nao's feet, Kiyotaka noticed the background behind him.This is the bathhouse.

  The Yukishita family's main house was an old-fashioned house.

  Like this kind of stone-piled bath, it makes people like it a bit.

  He likes to take a bath when his strength is supreme.

  So I kind of want to go to Yukinoshita's bathhouse.

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