"For clothes, use a cgae machine to dry them a little." Qinglong said.

  "You're not too wet here, but you have mid-term exams the day after tomorrow, right?"

  "It's a big loss if you catch a cold. You don't want to fail the exam when you come to the cram school."


  "Ah. Master, stop reading—"

  Isoshi hugged his head.

  "I'll deal with it first."

  "But what if I take off my shirt?"

  "Wait, did the seniors bring me home because they wanted me to take off my clothes and have this idea in mind?"

  "Although it's scary to think about it now, I'm sorry, I'm studying now, can I delay the adult affairs a little bit until I'm an adult?"

  Ichiro Yu said nervously, and took a half step back.

  It's like being awake suddenly, and then discovering that you've sunk deep into the mud.

  "You think too much." Qinglong said. "It's raining and cold today, and I don't want to do anything."


  Is that the case?

  But Isshiki also hates rainy days.


  They went to the room together before waiting for the clothes to dry.

  And Isshiki stood at the door but didn't go in.

  "Senior, you really won't take the opportunity to do something to me?"

  "Suddenly I came to a house where no one was at home."

  "I'm a girl, so I'll be scared." Isshiki stopped and said with his arms crossed.

  "No." Qinglong said. "Nothing will be done to you."

  "I'll find some review materials for you here."

  "Before I was admitted to the general martial arts high school, there are some key materials and so on, you can take a look."


  That's it.

  Then it was a help to her.

  Moreover, it is very expensive to buy new materials, and it is best to go along.Moreover, there are also the notes of the seniors who have been admitted to the General Wu Gao, so when reviewing, it will make people feel more fun.

  Think so.

  Isshiki looked at Qinglong's room.

  But a little disappointed.

  Very common.

  It just looks clean.

  Qinglong took the materials on the shelf and gave them to her.

  "Senior, your words are really ugly." Isshiki said.


  "The answer seems to be no."

  She was looking at the exercises.

  The exercises were left blank, but the answers behind them were all torn up.


  Qinglong looked at it.

  "Then wait a moment," he said.

  "Huh?" Ishiki blinked. .

Chapter 611

  A color feather blinked lightly.

  She saw Qinglong take the textbook.

  Then also took a pen.

  "Could it be that he wanted to write down the answer on the spot," Isshiki said. "But this is a book. If the seniors can finish all of them, at least the time will pass..."

  Isshiki's voice stopped for a moment.

  Then she found that Qinglong had started writing on the material.

  And, what's very strange is that he writes very quickly, or he doesn't think at all.

  Brush brush.

  Brush brush.

  Brush brush.

  Looking a little dumbfounded.

  Isshiki wanted to apply for the general martial arts high school, plus he came here for tutoring, of course his academic ability would not be too low.

  In particular, the teaching materials here are also related to the content on her, so when Qinglong was writing quickly, she also began to do the questions quickly.


  She is still thinking deeply on the first page, and the senior has already reached the 11th page.

  When she finally solved a problem, the other party had already written 20 pages.

  "Please wait!"

  She quickly stopped him.

  "I'm going to check," she said.

  "..." Qinglong had no objection, so he handed her the book.

  "Yeah." Ishiki nodded lightly.Then I didn't consider the question I just calculated, but directly took out my mobile phone, clicked on the search bar, and started to write a question to search for the answer.

  The answer is 24.

  She responded to Qinglong's answer.



  Search for a few more topics.

  The answer is option B.

  Ah, he is C here... No, it's just that the order of the options has been reversed, but the content is the same.

  So he did nothing wrong.

  In other words.


  "..." Nima.

  Is it really not thinking to write down the answer directly, and then it is completely right.

  Did you rip the answer out and stuff it in your head?



  Isshiki returned the material to Qinglong.

  And Qinglong is helping her make up.


  Feeling heavy.

  "Isshiki, I can't continue like this." Qinglong said.

  Because Yi Caiyu was lying directly on top of him, and he was stroking his head with both hands.

  "What do you know?" Ichika Yu said. "I turned out to be wrong."

  "Senior's academic ability is obviously so high."

  "So let me touch it," she said. "I also want to grow my academic ability."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "This is called touching the god of learning."

  Do you study God?

  After all, it is the high-quality learning ability produced by the system, and Isshiki is right to describe it like this.

  But I'm sorry Oh Isshiki.It's no use touching him.

  "I also want to write the answer for you. It's too heavy for you to do this, and I can't write it." Qinglong said.

  "Eh? How can you say that girls are heavy?"

  "Senior, you won't have a girlfriend like this." Isshiki said.

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