This is a pretty cute girl with short black hair.

  It is Hikiya Komachi.

  Qinglong brought her to see her before.

  "Komachi-chan, long time no see~ Is your brother at home?"


  Yang Nai felt that her plan to come here today was accomplished. .

Chapter 615

  "I am back."

  Because he found his sister's shoes in the entrance, Kiyotaka first spoke to his sister in the kitchen when he sent Isshiki home.

  "There's my takeaway porridge on the table. You can drink it when you're hungry."

  Having said that, Qinglong stepped on his slippers and walked up the stairs to go back to his room.

  "Ah... Unnie-chan-"

  Komachi seemed to want to stop Kiyotaka to say something.

  However, Qinglong's current mind is obviously not on her.

  Although the sister is very cute, but this is just a sister.

  For him, today is a string that has been broken.

  In the original real world, he was not a good guy.And now, it has become this kind of relationship with Isshiki at will.


  He is that kind of person.

  Visitors are not rejected.

  Somewhat lost, Qinglong once again realized what kind of guy he was.



  Qinglong went directly to his room.

  After Ishiki went downstairs, he cleaned up and ventilated.

  After all, this is not to be too rampant at home, because this kind of thing is used to do in the past, so it is familiar.

  When I went back to the room now, I couldn't find what happened.

  In the case of quilts, he used air fresheners.

  This is to prevent Komachi from constantly running into his room.

  Sometimes he will still rely on his quilt not to go.


  Because a little water was splashed on the way to send Isshiki home.

  Qinglong took a towel and went to the bathroom here.

  "Ah, Komachi, why are you a little weird?"

  The bathroom is on the first floor, so you will pass by the kitchen.

  Kiyotaka found that Komachi seemed to be hesitating.

  "Uh... brother, didn't you find anything wrong?"

  Komachi said while holding the spoon.

  "Is there something wrong?" Qinglong didn't know why.

  "Um... no, nothing," Komachi said hesitantly.

  "..." Qinglong. "Komachi!"

  Qinglong immediately looked at his sister, "Have you been bullied at school?"

  "Huh?" Komachi blinked.

  It doesn't look like she's being bullied and trying to hide it.

  In other words, there is no problem with Komachi.

  Then don't worry about it.

  It's normal for teenage girls to be a little weirder.

  Thinking so, Qinglong went upstairs again.

  However, he felt a little down about the fact that his sister (cgae) was going to grow up.

  "By the way, I have already eaten the porridge for dinner, so you don't have to cook my portion."

  Just as he was about to go up the stairs, Kiyotaka lowered his head and looked at Komachi again.

  The porridge he gave Isshiki had left over, enough for Komachi for dinner.

  But Komachi was obviously not interested, so he went to take charge of it himself.

  But Qinglong couldn't eat it, so he reminded his sister that he didn't need to prepare his portion.


  My sister's response was a little long.

  It certainly looked different than usual.

  Could it be that...what's weird about this?

  Qinglong has returned to his room again.

  His eyes began to quickly land on all corners of the room.

  So what happened?

  looks like him

  A little unusual is that the quilt bulged a little.

  But it must be Komachi who shoved her bear pillow over.

  This was a birthday present that her parents bought her when she was in elementary school. She was very happy at first, but soon she grew up and felt that the doll was too much in the way and took up the bed.

  So he often put dolls in here.

  And now.

  Recalling Komachi's strange behavior, and then the way the quilt was bulging.

  Could there be someone in the quilt?

  Qinglong suddenly opened the quilt in an instant.

  Then he saw a cute girl winking at him.



  He knew it. .

Chapter 616

  Your quilt has something.

  If you wake up in the middle of the night, it must be a ghost pressing the bed. If you are a little more aggressive, you can turn your nightmare into a lip dream.

  However, now in his quilt is a rather delicate girl.

  This can only be the latter.

  Kiyotaka also instantly understood Komachi's strange expression.

  At first, he just came home to remind him that his sister Yang Nai is here.

  Then the second time he went downstairs, he was surprised that he didn't find Sister Yang Nai-sister?

  It seemed that his sister was still on his side.

  Really nice sister.

  Next time she will stuff the pillow named Xiong Ji, so let her accept it.

  Qinglong thought so.

  But his face didn't show at all.


  Under his quilt was Yono Yukinoshita.

  Yang Nai was wearing a purple-blue dress, and the angle changed because she was lying down, so that people could see her white and greasy neck, and you could also see a little bit of color down.

  "I always feel a little bit colored." Qinglong said.

  And when Yang Nai was about to run out, he was held down.

  "Since I ran over while I was not at home, and then ran into my quilt."

  "That's why you just want to come and give me a hug."

  "I will fulfill you."

  Qinglong pretended to lift the quilt, and then he wanted to go in.

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